Annual features
The conclusion of 2024 brings us a new set of annual features. 2024 was a strange year in that April seemed to completely and unexplainably dissapear, but hey, let's not linger on that. We have seen some absolutely incredible pages posted to the site in 2024 that have showcased a variety of genres, styles, and even formats. The features for this year were once again voted on by our community with a google doc and below are the chosen few. We are grateful to all of you who write for and read our site. We have a lot to look forward to in 2025, starting with our first con featuring POIs: characterizacon.
January 2024
Featured Article:
Featured author: Liurnia

It craves your interior components. The machine wants to chew through your emotions—fatty and crude. It wants to swallow them whole.
Image: RECORDING_01 of 1D4C5..1D505; currently taking place a moderate distance from the center of the locale.
February 2024
Featured Article:
Scene 01.2
Featured author: Univ - Wise Explorer
I think we've escaped. There's no way they can find us here.
March 2024
Featured Article:
Level 1.3
Featured author: DivineAtlas

I watched them teeter on the precipice of life and death; the void was beckoning them into its shivery embrace.
May 2024
Featured Article:
Object 100
Featured author: CutTheBirch

Daedos, known in some early scientific literature as "The Backrooms" for the name given to it by several semi-sapient parasitic cultures that reside in its Crust, is the single largest living organism in the known higher multiverse, though it is outclassed in size by several deceased organisms, such as The Great Ring, Antivoid, P, and GOD.
June 2024
Featured Article:
Level 742
Featured author: Anime_Roar

"Hope is the worst of all evils, for it prolongs the torment of man."
— Friedrich Nietzche
August 2024
Featured Article:
Level 669
Featured author: Greggita Mahayfaio
To ensure they were never lured into Level 669, documentation on it ceased after just a few more drafts. The M.E.G. conglomerated into the M.E.O.D. nine years after this page, which liquidated into hundreds of independent parties a hundred years after. As the Neo Dark Age followed after its collapse, this is the last known primary source about Level 669 until the 28th century.
2014 CE.
September 2024

Haven't you been here before?
October 2024
Featured Article:
Paradise 772
Featured author: Charles Delameuh

The end of the journey
November 2024
Featured Article:
Level 320
Featured author: Greggita Mahayfaio

If you want my honest opinion, though? I think the whole thing was dumb from the start. I get it, you were young, and Level 32 would stick out to a young kid, but it was a boring place, let's be honest. A small, rigged carnival level run by a con man. It sucks it died, but what good did bringing it back do?
December 2024
Featured Article:
Level 49
Featured author: exotichive