Trailmix's Mix Of Chaos (With Chocolate!)
Well, hello there darling!
I'm Trailmix, but you may call me Evie. I'm 16 and I go by she/they. After finding the website around mid-December, I took a liking for the Backrooms but didn't officially join the wiki until late December of last year, 2020. I'm glad I did, and I'm happy to see it grow!
More stuff about me, I guess: I love art, particularly drawing and writing (who could've figured /j). I also really like to play video games, my favorites being Apex Legends, Undertale, Minecraft, and DDLC. My favorite shows/animes are Kakegurui, Legacies, Lucifer, and Assassination Classroom.
I don't have Discord, but if y'all ever need me, just pm me here!
Here's my Sandbox!
Hello, sweetlings!
I'm Trailmix, but if you'd like, you may call me Evie. I'm 17 and go by she/they. I was originally a lurker 2 years ago in December until in April of the following year, I was able to be an author. I've been writing for the wiki since then, created a canon, a server, and met loads of wonderful people! I'm proud of being part of the wiki's development and plan to stay for as long as fate allows me to.
I adore writing and drawing (who knew right), particularly that of fantasy (if you've seen my fanart of
SnomWriting's Blanche Von Haderach, you'll see what I mean!). I'm not too exposed to popular games, but I do have my favorites such as Undertale, Apex Legends, DDLC, and really anything from FNAF. Obviously, I've a soft spot for Liminal Spaces.
Stuff I Managed to Get Greenlit:
Level 67 - The Bakery of Desire ( +19 )
The concept of the Bakery of Desire was actually supposed to be the concept for A Taste of Home. However, because of the added Fun War lore for that level, I took it and placed it into another food related chain. Admittedly the concept is pretty complicated and I could have added more entities than just Facelings, but overall I'm pretty happy with it.
Level 89 - A Taste of Home ( +12 )
Has to be one of my favorite entries so far. The Fun War, Partygoers, and Partypoopers have always intrigued me, and I wanted to give a bit more depth to the Partypoopers lore. For my first Level entry, I thought I did pretty decent. I did wish I could have added a note, or a log that dedicated to the Partypoopers directly, but overall I'm pretty happy with it.
Level 153 - Brock's Book Shop ( +13 )
My longest article so far (not anymore!!!). I knew there were plenty of book-related levels, so I wanted the concept of this article to be as unique as it can be. So the best thing I could think of was to make the books themselves the main threat of the level! Overall I'm really happy with how it came out and I'm happy that Blanche and her creator liked it :3.
Level μ - Liminary Theatre (Enigmatic) ( +11 )
My new longest article thus far. Man, this took so much out of me. Had my ups and downs with this thing for a good 2-3 months, and I'm honestly glad i got to finish it before I burnt out completely. Proudest work yet, honestly. I'm happy.
Level 657 - On small island lives only one shopping cart ( +41 )
My entry for WhatIf Con 2022. It was a little song I wrote at like 3 am and I kept laughing at how ridiculous it was. From that, the What If premise came about, and then the realization of how similar this level felt to Level 756, which is pretty much why I said it was inspired by 756. I'm honestly happy with how it came about, and it gave me a great excuse to go and photoshop a lonely little pic!
It overall made 4th place, which I honestly can't complain about. The fact that it managed to get top 5 in the first place is incredible to me. Thank you guys for enjoying it!
Entity 173 - Evocationaries ( +9 )
Ah yes, my first article, Greenlit and critiqued by
CutTheBirch. One of my favorite things about the Backrooms is that much of it relies on human memory, nostalgia, etc. I wanted to create an entity that relied heavily on exactly that, so here they are! Originally, Evocationaries were meant to solely be categorized as Objects, but somehow things change and now they shriek and turn into acid when killed. There are definitely a few inconsistencies that I wish I noticed then, but as always, one can always improve, and I'm really proud of my first entry.
Entity 143 - Snatcher Weeds ( +12)
More lore for the Cultivator, Ethan Nelson! Not much to say about it except I had a lot of fun writing about a plant. Also- possible dipping into the Lost territory maybe? :3 We'll see.
Entity 5 - Clumps (Rewrite) ( +34)
Woo! Another rewrite! :D This was the originally going to be the only entity the Cultivator could control, til The First Flower came out and the snazzy little idea of Snatcher Weeds was first implemented. I'm pretty happy with how it is, considering it's my first format-screw, and I'm glad I was able to dive more into my new character, Protastheia!
Object 24 - Wall Masks (Rewrite) ( +30 )
My first rewrite! I always thought this object had so much potential and I'm proud to be the one who brought it out. Of course, I'm sure there's more I could have done with the object - but as of now? I'm pretty content with it. Much thanks to
Stretchsterz for the critique and greenlight.
Don't Bring Me Back. ( +9 )
My first tale and entry for the Minimalism Contest! I knew how Adeline McCaffery disappeared, but I couldn't figure out how exactly I'd put it into words. Lo and behold, the contest came up and I thought it was the perfect opportunity to do so! I'm not the best at being concise, so this mini tale was definitely a challenge. I did wish I could have been more hint-ish at how they came back from possible death, though I'm pretty proud of the subtle spacing that represented their comeback.
The Melody of Legacy ( +11 )
My second entry for Min Con! I actually had an older version of this poem and drawing way back in 2019 and I came across it one day looking at my sketchbooks. Still loving the old concept, I decided to redraw/rewrite it all to what it is now! I don't really have much to complain about besides the fact that I can't do side profiles haha. Otherwise, I'm happy for this to be the first time I showed my art on here!
The First Flower ( +12 )
Ethan Nelson's tale! For those who don't know, Ethan Nelson is the Oni Mask Sector Leader and, well, the Gardener. I had his character and the first draft written out ages ago but I just couldn't get it quite how I like it with the help of certain folks. Thanks to them, though, I got this tale fleshed out and in my favorite point of view! Can't say I have too many regrets here, I'm rather proud. :) Thanks to
SnomWriting for the crit and delicious greenlight.
Blanche's Berceuse ( +10 )
Honestly, I did not expect I'd get to 1) have more than 3 tales, 2) write something so quickly after an initial post, and 3) write something about/with Blanche. I adore her and she has to be one of my favorite entities of all time!! I was also happy to be able to throw in a teaser for an upcoming entity as well. :) If anything, I'm really happy about this tale. Again, much thanks to
SnomWriting for the (somehow) usual. Go give it an upvote, maybe?
Embers of Light ( +15 )
My first (of many) collab with
SnomWriting! Very proud of this one. Throwing in our references to our own friendship was probably the best part of writing this. Expect to see more of this bright duo, narrative or otherwise! Thanks to
Natedagreat563 for the greenlight.
Edit: A feature for the Nov 2021 feature cycle. I couldn't be happier :')
Until I Saw You, Part 1: A Pattern Broken ( +11 )
A funky little tale for the Exchange Gift Event for 2021! Well technically this wasn't posted like 2 months after, but hey, it's the thought that counts! …Right? Hehe.
This tale was a great excuse to get back into romance, which was something I had to hold back from in previous tales. It's an adorable read, and I hope you guys enjoy it!
Evangeline Holmes ( +20 )
Man, was this quite the thing to work on! Took about a month to get all of Evie's stuff together, I'm really proud of it. Just hoping most people will understand some of the references, hehe. :3 Much thanks to
CutTheBirch for their continuous help!!
Edit: HOLY SHIMT A FRONT-PAGE FEATURE FOR OCT. 2021?! Staff, y'all crazy. Thank you so much :'3
Masked Maidens Database ( +35 )
Probably took as much time as the theme. Once again, EVEN BIGGER THANKS to
CutTheBirch for code help. Seriously. Props to Birch. I don't know how I could've gotten the page how I envisioned it without them. Also much thanks to
SnomWriting for crit and the greenlight.
I really liked how it turned out, though. It really solidified the Maidens' place within the Backrooms for me and showed just how important they could be. Of course, that's how I hope other people would see them. :D
Edit: DAMN this at 18? That's so rad thank you ^w^
Edit: Holy shimt 25 y'all insane ily guys so much
Un!Masked Canon Hub ( +17 )
WOW. I've gone quite a long way. I've been dreaming of being able to create a canon, and now here it is! This absolutely couldn't have been done without the amazing contributions of the Un!Masked Team! Thank you so much, everyone!!
That being said, again, I'm really proud of getting this far. It feels as if they really do have a story in the Backrooms, and I'm so excited to continue writing for them.
Masked Maidens Theme ( +8 )
The one that took the most time on. MASSIVE thanks to
CutTheBirch for code help and the greenlight. Half of the entire theme page wouldn't have been made right without them, their response time and patience is honestly astronomical. That being said, it feels good having some pink here in the wiki, I don't know why, but it satisfies me.
Forevermore Theme ( +9 )
Anyone who says I love pink is a liar and must be sacrificed to the Amaranth goddess /j
Per usual, much thanks to
CutTheBirch for code help and the greenlight. Always consistent and always amazing!!
Upcoming Works:
Translated Works:
Favorite Authors:
Welp, that's it! Thanks for taking a look. Hope to work with you sometime!
What? You still wanted chocolate?
I don't have any. Go to Level 6.1 or something.
You're still here?
Fine, fine, here, take a Twin Finger. I don't know if it's Chlorine Gas flavor, I didn't look. Happy? Good. Buh-bye!
Huh…? The Twin Finger disappeared in your hand? Yikes. Uh… let me look….
There's something here, just give me a sec….
Huff… huff… here… uh… take this jar of those greasy marshmallow things...
What? Yes, yes they're melted. Where'd I get the jar? I dunno. Found it somewhere. Yes it's clean. Yes, nothing should happen. Sheesh. Now off you go.