Liminal Fandom Theme
rating: +36+x

Explore, discover, and document the dark, liminal reality known as the Backrooms, experiencing dread and isolation as you navigate it.

This theme was created by StretchsterzStretchsterz.
Remix of the "Liminal Theme" by stephlynchstephlynch and etoisleetoisle.
Based off of the Theme of The Backrooms Fandom Wiki.

To import this theme to your page, put the following text anywhere inside it:

[[include :backrooms-wiki:theme:liminal-fandom]]



We wish you luck in your travels.

A horizontal rule can be created with 5 hyphens "-----" and extends across the whole page if it's not placed inside anything (eg a blockquote). The lines separating sections of this document are horizontal rules.

Titles can be created by putting between one and six plus "+" at the start of the line

This is a tab view.

This is a blockquote, created by putting "> " at the start of each line.
More text

That's a horizontal rule

Nested blockquotes

This is a table
You should know how to make these

this text
is here
so you can
see how
everything looks
with different
including links that do not
And links that do exist!

Quotes and Blocks:


[[div class="block"]]


[[div class="lightblock"]]


[[div class="darkblock"]]


Quote Blocks:

[[div class="styled-quote"]]


[[div class="yellow-styled-quote"]]


Logo Blocks:

[[div class="logoblock"]]


[[div class="light-logoblock"]]


[[div class="border-logoblock"]]


[[div class="light-border-logoblock"]]


Border Blocks:

[[div class="borderblock"]]


[[div class="yellow-borderblock"]]


[[div class="light-borderblock"]]


Title Blocks:


[[div class="titleblock"]]
[[span class="titlebox"]]INSERT TEXT[[/span]]



[[div class="dark-titleblock"]]
[[span class="dark-titlebox"]]INSERT TEXT[[/span]]


Group Blocks:

[[div class="kauer-block"]]


[[div class="kauer-logoblock"]]


[[div class="meg-fandom-block"]]


[[div class="meg-fandom-logoblock"]]


[[div class="backrooms-pioneers-block"]]


[[div class="backrooms-pioneers-logoblock"]]


[[div class="commercium-block"]]


[[div class="commercium-logoblock"]]


[[div class="mountain-coalition-block"]]


[[div class="mountain-coalition-logoblock"]]


[[div class="k4-block"]]


[[div class="k4-logoblock"]]


[[div class="beo-block"]]


[[div class="beo-logoblock"]]


[[div class="aea-block"]]


[[div class="aea-logoblock"]]


[[div class="raven-shield-block"]]


[[div class="raven-shield-logoblock"]]


SD Classes:

Survival Difficulty: Class 0

[[include :backrooms-sandbox-2:component:fandom-sd

Survival Difficulty: Class 1

[[include :backrooms-sandbox-2:component:fandom-sd

Survival Difficulty: Class 2

[[include :backrooms-sandbox-2:component:fandom-sd

Survival Difficulty: Class 3

[[include :backrooms-sandbox-2:component:fandom-sd

Survival Difficulty: Class 4

[[include :backrooms-sandbox-2:component:fandom-sd

Survival Difficulty: Class 5

[[include :backrooms-sandbox-2:component:fandom-sd

Survival Difficulty: Class Ψ

[[include :backrooms-sandbox-2:component:fandom-sd

Survival Difficulty: Class Undetermined

[[include :backrooms-sandbox-2:component:fandom-sd

Survival Difficulty: Class Variable

[[include :backrooms-sandbox-2:component:fandom-sd

Survival Difficulty: Class Pending

[[include :backrooms-sandbox-2:component:fandom-sd

Other Blocks:

[[div class="featurebox"]]


[[div class="featureflavor"]]


[[div class="newsbox"]]


Special thanks to CutTheBirchCutTheBirch and zaskouzaskou for the help!
Special thanks to egglordegglord for a lot of the Fandom GoI Logos!

Unless otherwise stated, the content of this page is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 License