rating: +18+x


On any page:
[[include :backrooms-wiki:theme:basalt]]

Mostly unedited from its original form on the SCP Wiki, this has been ported to the Backrooms Wiki for use in articles here and as a base for new themes that do not want to use Black Highlighter for their design. The logo image used is taken from the BASALT page on the Chinese Backrooms Wiki.


Basalt is an aesthetic theme for the SCP Wiki by LirynLiryn and Placeholder McDPlaceholder McD functioning as an extension of Bedrock, a base theme created specifically for this project. Visit Bedrock's wiki page or its home on GitHub for more info, including all of the CSS variables it offers.

Theme settings

Add theme settings to your [[include]] module to modify aspects of Basalt.

[[include :backrooms-wiki:theme:basalt themesetting]]

[[include :backrooms-wiki:theme:basalt themesetting|another-themesetting]]

All theme settings as of the current version:

  • darkmode=a Applies dark mode
  • wide=a Widens page
  • hidetitle=a Removes page title
  • centertitle=a Centers page title
  • acs-itemnum=a Restores ACS "ITEM#:" text
  • disable-acs-anim=a Disables ACS Animation component

Page elements

[[span class="st"]] [[span class="specialtext"]]

[[span class="bt"]] [[span class="bigtext"]]

[[div class="blockquote"]]

[[div class="notation"]]

[[div class="jotting"]]

[[div class="smallmodal"]]

[[div class="papernote"]]

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec pellentesque felis eu vulputate suscipit. Vestibulum dui elit, ornare eget eros ut, gravida finibus velit. Pellentesque et diam vel turpis semper ullamcorper. Integer scelerisque malesuada enim, a semper risus molestie eget. Fusce luctus ex in ante feugiat fermentum. In nec sodales nibh. Suspendisse potenti. Aenean in volutpat turpis, in dictum sapien. Quisque vehicula turpis nec ligula feugiat commodo. Maecenas ornare lorem vel commodo mattis. Sed egestas dignissim sapien nec pulvinar. In ligula ipsum, posuere sit amet turpis in, cursus euismod tellus.

[[div class="floatbox"]]

This is a floatbox. You can put all kinds of content inside them (except BetterFootnotes, for now). They'll float at one side of the page relative to what's around them.

Maecenas vestibulum nunc in euismod auctor. Donec ultrices tempor felis sit amet ornare. Nam nec lectus sit amet nisl bibendum condimentum. Morbi eu arcu quis mi pulvinar fringilla. Ut fringilla interdum urna, at porta sapien vulputate quis. Integer eu scelerisque urna. Morbi luctus, justo eget viverra feugiat, leo quam egestas velit, sit amet feugiat nisi nibh molestie metus. Phasellus ut blandit ex. Ut aliquam, nisl ut aliquam volutpat, sem lorem tempor mi, sit amet ultricies nunc ante eu libero. Aenean lacinia porta nisi, in finibus quam. Aliquam erat volutpat. Aliquam malesuada libero id dapibus efficitur. Cras bibendum, dolor sit amet sagittis scelerisque, lorem magna ornare purus, vel accumsan leo tortor sit amet dolor. Maecenas finibus ante eget purus ullamcorper, vel elementum purus auctor. Quisque sagittis, leo et pretium efficitur, orci nulla interdum enim, in dignissim enim quam in neque.

[[div class="floatbox right"]]

Curabitur sed dui nec libero fringilla placerat. Pellentesque imperdiet ac dolor et sagittis. Vestibulum rhoncus justo magna, vel ornare eros iaculis et. Praesent suscipit massa eu urna convallis molestie. Vestibulum molestie faucibus eleifend. Nullam ut felis ac sapien aliquet consequat a sit amet ipsum. Sed rutrum diam quis urna ullamcorper, sit amet tristique lacus faucibus. Cras facilisis consequat sem, et egestas elit blandit ut. Cras sagittis velit ut posuere semper. Vestibulum in ipsum orci.

[[div class="document"]]

[[div class="darkdocument"]]

[[div class="raisa_memo"]]


Image block.

A horizontal rule can be created with 6 hyphens "------"1 and extends across the whole page if it's not placed inside anything (eg a blockquote).

Titles can be created by putting between one and six pluses "+" at the start of a line.

First Title

Second Title

Third Title

Fourth Title

Fifth Title
Sixth Title

This is a tab view.

This is a table
You should know how to make these
But do you?


Some elements can be colored with tableX classes.
This system is designed to connect with the Anomaly Classification System; each color signifies a different security clearance level.

Text here
Text here
Text here


Text here
Text here
Text here


Text here
Text here
Text here


Text here
Text here
Text here


Text here
Text here
Text here


Text here
Text here
Text here


Header and UI font is Sofia Sans.
Body font is Inter.
Monospace font is JetBrains Mono.

Unless otherwise stated, the content of this page is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 License