Theme: 2024
rating: +32+x
rating: +32+x


in case you don't know how to use this:

[[include :backrooms-wiki:component:open]]
[[include :backrooms-wiki:component:close]]

This is a long paragragh to show you how long text looks like in infoblock. How do you like it?

The theme was created by AmbersightAmbersight.
Special thanks to cakelord114514cakelord114514 for helping!
And r a t i fr a t i f for techlight!

The 2024 Theme is an aesthetic theme created by AmbersightAmbersight. It's not tied to any canon, group or series so you can use it anywhere you like. To import this theme to your page, put the following text at the beginning of it:

[[include :backrooms-wiki:theme:2024]]

Theme settings

Add theme settings to your [[include]] module to modify the layout of the theme.

[[include :backrooms-wiki:theme:2024 themesetting]]

[[include :backrooms-wiki:theme:2024 themesetting|another-themesetting]]

Settings available:

  • width=a | Reset the page width (only works on PC).
  • title=a | Hide the page title.
  • header=a | Reset the header.
  • logo=a | Change the header logo to the classic one (logo.png).

Change :root variables with [[module CSS]] to modify the color of the theme.

[[module CSS]]
:root {
--2024_red: 212, 39, 39;
--2024_black: 39, 36, 36;
--2024_purple: 96, 39, 212;
--2024_gray: 255, 237, 221;
--2024_white: 255, 255, 238;



2024: A Backrooms Odyssey.

A horizontal rule can be created with 41 hyphens "----" and extends across the whole page if it's not placed inside anything (eg a blockquote). The lines separating sections of this document are horizontal rules.

Titles can be created by putting between one and six plus "+" at the start of the line.

Body Font
Bold Font
Mono Font
This is the link color.
This is the visited link color.
This is the deadlink color.

This is the link color.
This is the visited link color.
This is the deadlink color.

This is the link color.
This is the visited link color.
This is the deadlink color.

This is a blockquote, created by putting "> " at the start of each line.

More text.

That's a horizontal rule.

Nested blockquotes.

Light block

[[div class="lightblock"]]


Dark block

[[div class="darkblock"]]


Darker block

[[div class="darkerblock"]]


Styled quote

[[div class="styled-quote"]]


Dark styled quote

[[div class="dark-styled-quote"]]


Darker styled quote

[[div class="darker-styled-quote"]]


This is a paper block.
This style of div comes from the Highlighter Theme created by LiurdLiurd.

[[div class="paperblock"]]


A code block.
This is a table
You should know how to make these

The Backrooms 2024
Dragon Logo by Kcorena
Theme by Ambersight

[[iftags +component]]

This component is from the SCP Wiki, and was uploaded there by CityToastCityToast. It is licensed under CC-BY-SA 3.0. It has been modified for this wiki by scutoid studios.

The license box is an easy way for people to know how to credit you as well as an easy way to properly source images. License boxes are a requirement for all pages on the wiki.

Component Base:

[[include :backrooms-wiki:component:license-box]]
> **Name:**
> **Author:**
> **License:**
> **Source Link:**
> **Derivative of:** (If applicable)
> **Additional Notes:** (Optional)
[[include :backrooms-wiki:component:license-box-end]]

How to Use the License Box

Step 1:

At the bottom of the page, below the wikiwalk footer, put this piece of code:

[[include :backrooms-wiki:component:license-box]]
[[include :backrooms-wiki:component:license-box-end]]

If you have footnotes, add [[footnoteblock]] above the licensebox code like so:

[[include :backrooms-wiki:component:license-box]]
[[include :backrooms-wiki:component:license-box-end]]

Step 1.5 (optional):

If you have images or other forms of media, put this block of code between the equal signs:

> **Name:**
> **Author:**
> **License:**
> **Source Link:**
> **Derivative of:** (If applicable)
> **Additional Notes:** (Optional)

If you have more than one piece of media, you'll do this multiple times.

These are required in the license box.

  • "Name" is the title of the media.
  • "Author" is whoever created it. If you made it, put your wikidot username.
  • "License" is the license it's under. Put it exactly as it says. If it says CC BY SA 2.0, then put CC BY SA 2.0.
  • "Source Link" is where you found it. If you created it, put the URL of the page it's on.

These are optional in the license box.

  • "Derivative of" If you Photoshopped a variety of images to create a new image or did something similar, you would list them all here.
  • Additional Notes" If you cropped an image or edited it somehow, you would list those changes here.

You can also use this handy box-ify-er to make the process simpler:


  • Once put all together, it should look like the component base.
  • You cannot use some modules, including CSS, HTML, and listpages, inside the license section. You also cannot use collapsibles or tables.
  • If your footnotes are appearing after the license section, remember to add [[footnoteblock]] above the license template.
  • Do not copy or move the ===== elements. Only have one pair, and place that pair below and above the includes.

Step 2

Add the _licensebox tag to the page.

Step 3 (optional):

You can change various aspects of the default message of the component with a few parameters! These are the customizable features:

  • author= This allows you to change the name of the author that appears. This is great for co-written pages or translations. This defaults to the person who created the page.
  • license= This allows you to change the license of the page if need be. Note that this can only be changed to variants of the CC BY-SA License. This defaults to 3.0.
  • url= This allows you to change the url that appears in the message if this page is a derivative of another page. Once again, very useful for translations. This defaults to the page link.
  • origin= This is the first part of changing where the message says where the page originates. Again, useful for translations or derivatives of other works. This defaults to “Backrooms Wiki”.
  • origin-link= This is the second part of the where the message says where the page originates. This defaults to a link to our site’s homepage.

[[include :backrooms-wiki:component:license-box
|author=Text here
|license=Text here
|url=Text here
|origin=Text here
|origin-link=Text here

This is the actual component, ignore it:


Unless otherwise stated, the content of this page is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 License