The Skyrooms
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Transgressive author, non-staff greenlighter, immature jokester. Relaxed but always grinding. Took up writing as a "Why not?" endeavor, but my passion lies in the field of technology.

Now, I'm going to assume you're here because you're curious to see my other works.

Here's a curated list.

Selected Works

The Hadal Zone | (+41) | 8 Comments

"There is no life at the bottom of the ocean."

I felt as though the deep sea horror of Level 7 wasn't prominent enough, so I expanded on it. Everyone thinks the abyss is the lowest level of the sea, but no — that distinction belongs to the hadal zone, which is mainly filled with V-shaped depressions and trenches. I seized the opportunity, of course.

AFTER HOURS | (+37) | 8 Comments

"The city is dead, and so are we."

This page came mostly out of a desire to see a different rendition of Level 11 — more specifically, one that felt more desolate and bleak. One of the heaviest inspirations was the tale The Sun Vanished, whose setting I used to guide my descriptions.

Ad Astra | (+64) | 11 Comments

"Researchers have come to a broad consensus concerning the result of a collision—destruction is imminent."

Ad Astra was a page I wrote directly as a sequel to entity-52 when that page was posted. I had a little epiphany, started writing, and expanded on the Level 78 lore people now know today. It's the second-ever page I posted to this site, so don't expect much.

Level 133 | (+55) | 7 Comments

"There is no light at the end of the tunnel—only darkness prevails."

One of the shortest pages I’ve written—this one sought to return to the old liminal feeling in an attempt to break the “curse” that these types of pages would be generic. It's only 5 paragraphs, but each one tries to evoke something.

Object 84 | (+30) | 4 Comments

"We bombard people with sensation. That substitutes for thinking."

Inspired by Ray Bradbury’s Fahrenheit 451, George Orwell’s 1984, Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World, and Anthony Doerr’s All the Light We Cannot See—Object 84 takes from the manipulation and theatrics of radio and television propaganda. A supplementary document was also added for people to put down their own commercials.

List of All Pages

12 Feb 2022 18:35 Ad Astra (+64) 12916 characters
10 Feb 2022 05:54 The Torment (+51) 9045 characters
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