The Eyes of Argos archives are CLASSIFIED.
Protector Kind and Arbiter Just,
Together slew the Wyrms of Rust.
The one to damn our souls doth live,
The other died, his life to give.
Individuals who attempt to access this information without the required permissions will pay the penalty that is due. We are watching.
Class Eleos
- Sanctified
- Remitted
- Discommended
The front face of the Sanctum Subterraneous (circa. 1931 A.D.).
The Sanctum Subterraneous is an ancient stronghold of the Eyes of Argos, fading and almost forgotten. Once harbour and home for scores of our legions, it hosts but a handful of inhabitants today. Nonetheless, the heritage borne by the Sanctum is priceless, as a Site Sanctified. At present, it clings to a twofold residual utility, as a haven for the pardoned in exile, and a worthy Trial of Fortitude.
Position and Function
Nestled deep within the oppressive, lightless tunnels of the 8th Ground, the Sanctum acts as a refuge within its caves. Watchers who arrive through the Gate on envoys, hunts, or journeys of any kind may seek lodging and refreshment within the compound, under the faithful care and service of the Patrol of the Sentinels.
Furthermore, the Sanctum is unique among the communes of our institution. Owing to the utmost peril posed by the caverns, it alone is open to all who seek entry, even to those outside of our Order1 — so long as guests express fundamental respect for our Code. Even so, visitors are few and far between, as the compound lies outside all known regions of stability of Ground 8. The path to its location is exceedingly perilous, and unfamiliar to the heathens.
Trial of Fortitude
For those among our number who seek the calling of Marshal, the Sanctum is also one of the three Sites Sanctified to which they may journey, to complete the last of their advancement rites — the Trial of Fortitude.
Of the Sites Sanctified, there are three:
- The Ruins of Avalore
- The Purgatorial Monastery
- The Sanctum Subterraneous
To earn the glory they desire, a watcher must prove their worth on the bloodied path of the Righteous One. Embarking from the Headquarters, they shall brave storm and peril, dust and sword, strife and sin. Without food or drink, shelter or rest, or a single mouthed or spoken word, they must depart and in three days arrive alone at the door of a Site Sanctified.
This is the Trial of Fortitude.
— Highmarshal Naruyama, Third Council of the Modern Enclave
Though it is the oldest Site, the Sanctum Subterraneous is in least demand for the Trial, owing to the exceeding peril and navigational difficulty of the 8th ground. Of all the Marshals commissioned each year, only a handful will challenge the gauntlet of the Sanctum. Of even those, less than a quarter survive the journey. Those who do, however, are rewarded — with reforged strength, and incalculable glory.
In addition to expected facilities for lodging, food, and other such necessities, the Sanctum contains seven additional unique demesnes within its grounds.
As with the other Sites Sanctified, those who emerge victorious through the trials of the caverns may claim for themselves a prize from one of these seven departments — one for each Patrol — as a reward for their ordinance to the rank of Marshal. Ordained Marshals are warned to handle their prize with care. To lose, destroy, or squander it, even inadvertently, is an act of desecration, for which they may be duly stripped of their title in shame.
Forge of the Dauntless Victor
The magma of the Forge is molten steel.
The Forge of the Dauntless Victor sits at the heart of the Sanctum, a furnace blazing with inextinguishable light. It is fuelled by a well of glowing, potent magma which, when cooled, turns not to rock but directly to steel — a well said to bubble up from an opening to Sheol itself which lies directly beneath. The smiths who labor upon the forge have perfected their metallurgic arts for generations, their craft engulfed and purified within its magnificent flame. Its fires burn hotter than the surface of stars, and it remains, to this day, the purest and finest forge of all the Labyrinth.
Those who prevail against the flames of Trial may claim a weapon or article of armor of choice from the Forge. If none suit the new Marshal, they may request that one be crafted to their liking. It is of no small significance that Brocadium the Bold's Greatsword was forged here, which slew ten thousand sinners in the fourth Nomadic siege.
Grounds of Obdurate Virtue
In the courtyard of the Sanctum, the Grounds of Obdurate Virtue are an ancient and sacred sparring ground for the most diligent of students, and most formidable of warriors. The smooth, flat, cold stone floor is uniformly bare and austere, training those upon it to focus unflinchingly upon their pursuit of precise and absolute perfection.
Furthermore, the Grounds are imbued with an astonishing magic: any wound inflicted by those within its sphere is instantly healed, even that which is fatal. Those who spar upon the Grounds will learn to hit and strike with deadly sincerity, without the fear of death to hold them back. Visiting Watchers may make free use of the Grounds for training. It is said that the automatons of the Grounds were a gift of the Macchina. Extolled for their skill and tutelage, their aid has helped many attain mastery in combat.
One whose virtue endures through Trial may request a leave of absence of up to a year from their Patrol, to train for a prolonged time in the Sacred Grounds. This is, in fact, a mandatory requirement for new Marshals of the Justice Seekers who have chosen the Sanctum for their Trial.
Archive of Assidual Acuity
The Archive of Assidual Acuity sits in quiet, a floor to itself atop the living quarters of the Sanctum, as a treasure trove of ancient holy writ. The Archive contains the oldest and most complete record of our Order's glorious history. Lady Blanche was said to have sent delegates to the Sanctum some centuries ago, and traded texts from her prized collection for some of our own.
Watchers who, by sharp wit, have traversed their Trial may claim a text from the Archive, which may interest members of the Law Keepers. These include books of Sigil Magic — a powerful aid in battle for new Marshals thus inclined.
Pyre of Ardent Fury
Seated above the roof of the Forge, the Pyre of Ardent Fury burns with fervent zeal. Magma from the Forge below is funnelled up into its bronze altar, kindling a raging fire that has blazed unquenched for millennia. The flames are said to burst forth from Gehenna itself, seeking vengeance upon the unredeemed. In ages past, the worst of sinners were set alight, and immolated, screaming, upon the altar — though this practice has long since been abolished.
One whose passion has fuelled them through Trial may claim a coal from the Pyre, to be placed in a lantern. The flame will rage unyielding for decades, and does not extinguish in wind or water. This is a favoured choice for new Marshals of the Sin Hunters.
Pool of Penitent Solace
The Pool of Penitent Solace encircles the Sanctum. Unadulterated waters, untouched by man and creature alike, well up from secret springs free of the fouling almond scent. From a crevice on the Sanctum's southmost edge, they pour through into the pool, and stream out into the winding rivers of the caverns beyond. Its flow is tranquil, and its quiet, ebbing waves lap eternally onto the Sanctum's stony shores. Its tide is low — hardly reaching one's waist at its deepest point, and gently girding the ankles along its easterly shallows.
To bathe or drink in the Pool cleanses not only the flesh, but the spirit of infirmity. The coolness and clarity of the waters refresh both body and mind. It is said that these are the tears of the righteous dead, poured out ever in intercession for the iniquities of those redeemed.
Those who have made their penance through Trial may claim a vial of pristine water from the Pool. This has remained a particularly popular tradition among new Marshals of the Sons of Guilt.
The Monument (Pinelli, 1837 A.D.). Argos' eyes blaze bright in the gloom.
Monument of Resolute Reverence
Above the Sanctum, the Monument of Resolute Reverence rises, His head almost grazing the ceiling of the cavern. Hewn from stone into the likeness of our patron Himself, His Justice's eyes are lit from within by the very same fires that fuel the Forge and Pyre. Their beacons shine gloriously forth in the dark, and pierce our trembling, mortal hearts.
Those whose praise through Trial prove true may claim, from beneath the Monument, a tomb as their final resting place. This was the preference of the Knights of Argos, before their recent disgrace. Bodies of valiant Watchers found close to the entrance of the Sanctum are also buried here.
The Tower (Farregano, 1841 A.D.). Though his helm is hollow, the Compatriot's eyes are extinguished.
Tower of Ceaseless Vigil
His back against the Monument, the Tower of Ceaseless Vigil is carved in the armored form of the Compatriot, upright and undaunted. His hands rest firmly on his blade, which is driven driven deep into the ground. Unlike His Justice's Monument, the Compatriot's Tower is hollowed out from the inside, his body a shell housing the garrison of the Sentinels. Beneath his helmet lies a chamber, where a torchflame once gave light to his eyes in perpetuity. Today, they remain unkindled — waiting passively in the gloom.
New Marshals may engrave their name on the steps of the tower. Owing to their heritage within the Sanctum, nearly all Marshals of the Sentinels take their Trial in Ground 8, and claim this as their prize.
Hailing from the Antediluvian era, before our Order took its extant form, the Sanctum was once a favoured fortress of His Justice Argos, a bulwark of His scorching light into the foul, darkened caverns of the 8th Ground.
Stained glass window within the Sanctum (circa. 1130 A.D.). The Compatriot, clad in red, and Argos, clad in blue, stand side-by-side.
It is said that the Sanctum was founded in an ancient aeon past remembrance, built as a gesture of deep and profound friendship between Argos our Patron and an Equal of like stature. He is called by some "The Empyrean", "Grand Champion", "Kind Protector", "First of Knights" — and, by our scholars, "the Compatriot". In powerful camaraderie, the two hewed the Sanctum together from the boulders of the caverns, purifying it as a holy place from which they and others like them waged war on the darkness beyond.
Lamentably few texts survive to tell us of the Compatriot's nature. Within the fragments which remain, he is variously named Cletos, Klaus, or Claudius. In appearance, he is clad in knightly armor not dissimilar in appearance to the vestments of the Antediluvians, furnished with a distinctive cloak of crimson.
Protector Kind and Arbiter Just,
Together slew the Wyrms of Rust.
The one to damn our souls doth live,
The other died, his life to give.
Excerpt, Rime of the Deathless Hero.2
Some fragments suggest the Compatriot's role as a second Patron to the Antediluvian Order, though the veracity of this claim is vigorously disputed. Nevertheless, it is common consensus that the Compatriot did exist, and that his bond with Argos fractured over time. The writings state that their relations in due course developed into a rivalry, which was at times friendly, and at times ferocious. Little is written of the fate of the Compatriot, though mention of his name in the texts ceases by the end of the Great War. It is said that his spectre continues to haunt the Labyrinth today, appearing only to those in most dire need.
Of the Sanctum's origin, we know nothing more. His Justice will not speak of it.
The Great War
The Sanctum is well-known as the site of the First Great Conquest against the Veiled. During the Great War, it was from this stronghold that His Justice made His campaign, and utterly vanquished Invictus the First and Terrible — cursed be his sinful name — and, wounded yet unyielding, struck down his spider-formed monstrosity, his most awful creation.
For reasons known only to Argos Himself, the fortress fell out of His favor toward the end of the Great War. In the Second Edict of Valence-Rhône, His Justice decreed:
The Sanctum of the Eighth Ground has become a weariness to Me, for the Name of Claudius has become a gall in my mouth. Henceforth, I shall bear its vexation no longer. The Sanctum Subterraneous shall be disinhabited, and our forces moved to the Eleventh Ground.
Nevertheless, it is written:
"That which is sanctified shall be holy forever."
Let but a dram of our hosts remain, to guard and keep it. Let also its Gate be left open, that it may stay a foothold within the caverns profane, and that the wayward and the stray may take refuge there. Whoever dare profane the holy ground of the Sanctum, let him yet be anathema.
Justice has spoken.
— Twenty-fifth Decree of HIS DIVINE JUSTICE, Second Edict of Valence-Rhône
In the thousands of years since the Second Edict, Argos has made no visitation to the Sanctum. Yet he opens its Gate periodically, sending watchers for envoys or hunts into Ground 8.
The Dissent
The fortress' heritage was further tarnished over four hundred years ago, when the Dissenter arose from the ranks of the Sentinels stationed within. Marcius Martyr and his forces overtook the Sanctum and lay siege to the Courtyard on High3, ushering in the War of the Dissent. He took with him the better part of the Sentinel forces, and watchers from other Patrols quickly deserted and joined them. In the ensuing slaughter, more than four thousand lives were taken before peace was restored.
As punishment for the bloodshed, His Justice banished to the Sanctum not only the Martyr's Dissidents, but also the Sentinels' full Patrol in their entirety. Only the highest of their ranks were permitted leave of the Eighth Ground, till the Enatiodh Heresy of the last century, when the loyalty of their Patrol was proven true.
To this day, a vestige of the Dissidents remain within the Sanctum, and are overseen by a detachment of Sentinels for its upkeep and defense. Should any of their number ever step beyond the bounds of the caverns, His Justice has decreed our full freedom to eliminate them without hesitation.
More detail may be sought of the accounts of such events — in particular, of the heresy of Marcius. Yet it is written:
Of the Martyr let us speak no further; lest the Dissidence rise again.
— Highmarshal Didocerus, Fourteenth Council of Emmunaleigh
Entrance and Egress
I. Blood Gate
Kept within the innermost central room of the Sanctum, the Gate of Blood is its chief point of entrance and egress. Alike to its counterparts at the Headquarters and the Platform4, the Gate is a marvel of ancient sigil engineering, possessing the immense power to generate a reliable opening to any Ground of one's choosing. Yet this comes at the cost of its fuel — sacrificial blood.
The Blood Gate (Arravaci, 1774 A.D.) as it appears while ignited.
To ignite such a Gate, blood must be poured out upon its altar, till the soul departs, and the offering's life essence is sufficiently infused in the flow. Not any blood will suffice, for the purity and quality of the sacrifice is tied to the reach of the Gate. For travel transcending to a different Ground, no less than human blood will suffice. Travel between two Gates (as from the Headquarters to the Sanctum, for instance) bears a cost yet higher, demanding blood of noble birth. The portal produced is, furthermore, entirely temporary, and will cease operation when the blood has run dry.
These offerings, appearing unfamiliar and barbaric to us today, are obsolete. At the end of the Great War, when the Sanctum was disinhabited, its altar was also removed, and its sacrifices ceased. It is therefore impossible now to open the Gate from within the Sanctum itself. Yet the Gate remains in use, for it is more than occasionally opened from the other side at the Headquarters, where His Justice resides, its twin remains. Today, the Sanctum's Gate is opened and closed by Argos' decree and under His command, and His alone. To ignite it, Argos draws His own blood — for He cannot die unless He so choose.

Sunlight streams into the crevice.
II. Ground 63
The 63rd Ground is, in addition, a much more conventional entranceway into the Sanctum. Located at the north end of the Sanctum's bounds, it is guarded with Sigil Magic, and only Sentinels who know its glyphs may freely pass or grant entry to and fro.
Inhabitants of the Sanctum make frequent brief excursions through — some even daily, for the refreshment of skylight and open air. Under Sentinel oversight, even Dissidents are allowed the blessing of such provisions.
III. Ground 8
Entrance to the Sanctum is evidently also possible by perilous direct navigation through the caverns of Ground 8 itself. The Sanctum's physical gate entrance, leading out to the 8th Ground, is located on its south side. Save for those embarking upon their Trial, this route is strongly discouraged.
The letters which follow have been archived here, but are left for the eyes of Marshals and above only. The eyes of the young and the weak are kept from it, lest they stumble and fall into Dissidence.