(That's a cat not a camera reading a book)
Meow meow m- oh yeah right the author page.
Greetings flesh person!
For those who don't know me, I'm Praetor3005. I've been a fan of fictional worlds for years, and it was only natural that I was drawn into the dizzying world of the Backrooms. I'm currently an author, greenlighter and admin for TS, but also an author and translator for the French Branch. It's with great pleasure that I force invite you to discover the articles I've produced, as well as the translations I've made.1.
Have a nice trip =)
1: Phenomenon 9 — "Blue Consumption" (30 (+34, -4))
My first page on TS, published for the Phenomenon Contest. I went for my classic love for lore relevancy here, adding on the one of The Blue Channel, which is a crucial part of the overall universe that really deserves more love and development in my opinion. I also decided to use the Remodeling Company as the "narrators" of this article, mostly because of their interesting link with the Backrooms, as its natural reconstructors, almost a force of nature by themselves, using other phenomena of this place for their work. Although I like to see the Remodeling Company more like this natural element of the Backrooms essential to its ecosystem, I still tried to keep a corporate aspect to them, mixed up with the comical nature of the group. Even if the article was far from winning, I had a lot of fun with the formatting and concept alike!
2: Unnumbered Level — "Oneiroscape" (24 (+24, -0))
If someone told me just six months ago that I would one day write for the Pantheon canon, I wouldn't have trusted them lmao. This canon always felt… out of place to me. Although I enjoy stuff like Greek mythology and collaborative writing, the overall vibe of the canon wasn't really for me. I disliked (and still do) the lack of overall Backrooms involvement in the story, as well as the gap between the overall vibe of the Backrooms and that of the Pantheon. However, as I got to discover the canon and its community, I'll have to admit I started to appreciate its lore. Oneiroscape represents the first iteration of my vision of a Backrooms god, being just this eldritch being dreaming of the universe, a style of character highly inspired by the Old Gods of WoW or the Eldrazi of MTG. I also liked the idea of an avatar wanting to give up his godhood, collaborating with the enemy to escape a place that, even with pure omnipotence towards it, doesn't feel right to him. It was also one of my first narrative writing for the Backrooms, which was an interesting exercise. The classic liminal, almost dream-like vibe of the level was also something I wanted to use in this canon, as a tentative to "reconcile" the Pantheon with the overall core canon of this universe. I got some help from awesome people for this page, and I look forward to continuing Morpheus's story!
3: Person of Interest — "Callum Andrews" (23 (+23, -0))
Oh well looks like I did a Pantheon thing again. This time, the page is heavily linked to The Iron Fist, a rather important group of the canon. In this universe, Backrooms Robotics actually is one of the team of the IF, Sol. It started as a community of craftsmen during the antiquity, but shifted to a technology-based company after some events in its history. The idea of Callum actually came first from Mctoran, with the base concept being a corporate leader inspired by the silicon valley CEOs of our world. I went with a biography article- quite litterally actually, as most of the page had been written as an article from a Backrooms journal. Like your usual success story, Callum managed to overcome the obstacles of life to get more and more power, starting as a simple B.N.T.G. collector, to become some years later the CEO of Backrooms Robotics. Since this page isn't as Pantheon-related as some other articles like Oneiroscape, I tried to use the core canon as much as possible, with some mentions of the Industrialization canon alongside it. It was also the perfect page to create a small timeline of events, which is something I like doing when writing about groups or individual characters, like with the Ariane Circle on the -FR branch.
5: Entity 19 — "The Disease" (40 (+45, -5))
Although this rewrite came in November, it actually started back in… probably April if I recall correctly. For context, out of all the early entities of this wiki, this one was probably the article I hated the most. Not only did it feature a fungi image for a virus (yes this is VERY RELEVANT in my opinion), but it also was terribly cliche in its gore aspect, while also having horrible inconsistencies in its own page. I thought this page could use some more scientific development, while also updating it with newer information from other pages. My plans were divided into two parts.
First, the narration part. With this entity, I wanted to tell a story. A tale of an old group that saw the (somewhat) birth of this disease. This part shows how groups were before the rise of factions like the M.E.G, very scarce and with little communication. Yet some people tried to run institutions to help wanderers. Obviously, they weren't really good, which explains why the disease uprising was such a terrible event for them. Because they didn't know how to deal with it properly, they unfortunately spread it on other levels. For the format of this part, I decided to use several archive formats, like mails, journal notes… to vary the different tone and writing structures to make the narrative more evolved. I also used some purely narrative parts with the thoughts of a simple man who witnessed the events. And finally, I linked all of this to the M.E.G. (kind of, people from the FR branch may know Katya from another group), using the group showed on the Level 109 page as a lore element
Then we got the clinical M.E.G database part. I always wanted to try to create a Backrooms disease with scientific roots to make it more believable, while still keeping the original tone of the page. Needless to say, the latter didn't really work, as a lot of things changed for its behavior. Old symptoms didn't make any sense, and I therefore had to remove most of them, keeping the one that made sense with the mode of operation of the species. It even became a bacteria, as opposed to a virus. But as I wanted to make sure I made no contradiction to any other page, I checked every article mentioning this page in order to keep the elements it showcased, but also by mentioning the links of those pages in the rewrite. I'm proud to say that all pages that linked entity 19 when I made the draft are mentionned on the rewrite! It was quite interesting to see how people developped such a bland and boring entity in their own writings. I also tried my best to keep this page friendly for people who didn't care about scientific explanations, mainly by showcasing the effects separated from how the entity worked.
Overall, I'm quite happy with how it turned out. It may have taken almost six months and… a lot of people to crit it, but the final render was great! I really liked working on this rewrite, and I hope to do it again, as lore expansion is one of my favorite things to do on this wiki.
Also fun fact about this one I translated it in french at the same time I wrote it to "save some time" and actually had to apply the crits to both original and translation during those six months to keep both up to date and… yeah I'm not doing that again lmao.
6: Level 5.3 — "Promethei Bibliotheca" (25 (+29, -4))
One of the many pages I made whose idea started as a random thought while I was working on something else. The idea has always been a library with seemingly infinite knowledge, but who starts taking yours if you spend too much time there. With time however, the idea started to take form in both concept and format.
The sublevel was a perfect opportunity to expand on one of if not the least used group present in the Terror Hotel, the Lost Hall Society. I always loved to expand those small and seemingly unimportant groups with some bullet points on their parent page, as using their potential and linking it to other Backrooms elements has been a ton of fun every time I did it (Homely Hotel and Housekeeping mainly). Out of the four groups mentionned on the Level 5 page (Housekeeping, Homely Hotel, The Originals and the Lost Hall Society), this one is the only exctinct faction, long gone from ancient times (not as old as The Lost however). They spent their time in the past collecting information and tales in the Backrooms, using the properties of the library to their advantage. There was a place with a gimmick, and this gimmick had consequences for the wider universe. This library had implications.
This sublevel is also my first page on EN where I used both the Ariane Circle and my characters from the Hermes Saga. French readers of the FR wiki will be quite familiar with Anthony Kelvin, Katya Hall and Charlie Drake, as they have seen them evolve over the years as the Hermes Team and the broader Ariane Circle started to spiral down from the golden years of the group. However, I never really used them over there outside of slight mentions here and there, and a sublevel of an English page was a great way of finally doing so. The love of Anthony for history clashed with his extreme coward nature, but he managed to overcome it for the first time, which is the start of his character arc regarding bravery. After its discovery, it lead him to a regular use of the Library, for example in For Christmas or in [fr-backrooms-wiki.wikidot.com/the-archipelago The Archipelago] arc.
I also got to make some more links with existing Backrooms elements, for example the use of the Backdoors chatting application, or the mention of Anemophosis, my entry for the Tradicon2024 on the FR branch. Finally, the bit with the Gentleman of Level 5 was a way to make the stakes open-ended, but that hasn't been developped too much, outside of the fact the Beast met Anthony Kelvin later on, and seem to take a particular interest on the situation. Perhaps I'll develop this more in the future. Overall, while this isn’t a big page or a big project by any mean, it allowed me to set some worldbuilding elements for other projects, while still being able to set up a story developing my own series.
7: Tale — "Another Day At The Job" (20 (+22, -2))
Did I ever say I loved the Terror Hotel? Well, if I didn’t I think my writing makes it quite obvious. Level 5 has been my favorite level of the main 12 since basically forever. Everything from the aesthetics of the place to the groups present there was interesting to me and still is to this day. And this included the Terror Hotel staff. What an amazing canon this is! And you’re telling me my only contribution to it at the time, Level 5.3, was only loosely connected to it? Surely we can do better than this.
During Canonicon2024, my choice of canon was clear, but the theme wasn’t exactly. Our team went through some ideas for a series, but it is VivamusLudio who gave the idea we stuck to immediately. A murder mystery with the staff being the suspects. There was born the No Laughing Matter series. And boy, saying it was an incredibly fun experience is an understatement. I got to work with amazing people in a big collaborative series with new and old characters, using the preexisting lore to give the Terror Hotel canon a storyline like it never got before. Basically my dream of what the wiki can potentially create. Collaborative stories using preexisting foundations from other people, something the wiki is craving, seeing the goal of the broader Backrooms wiki project, yet doesn’t get a lot. While we got quite pressured by the time, which didn’t allow us to make the best out of each of our tales, I am nonetheless extremely proud of the story we made and the entities we created for the occasion.
In addition to all of this, this was the opportunity to use The Gentleman of Level 5, one of my favorite characters on the website, being the perfect “Gentleman who can kill you” trope I love so much in fiction. I’m happy I got to use him in the first part of the series. He truly is the best murderous squid in existence.
8: Room — "The Office Market" (22 (+23, -1))
Okay, this page is a special one. It was supposed to come out for the Return to Roots event (which is why it uses so many Hobbytown images), but due to IRL difficulties, coupled with difficulties in defining the format, I never managed to get the concept going let alone the page posted.
But here it is at last! For promptcon, the page uses the prompts "Peace", with secondary themes being centered around the prompts "Friend", "Family", "Travel", "Liminal", "Encounter" and "Safety".
The concept was to fill a gap within the universe. How could people get their hands on stuff from all over the Backrooms? How does the Backrooms monetary system work? What would a social place in the Backrooms look like? and most importantly, how did the MEG and the BNTG better their diplomatic relationship since they splintered?
The format was something I wanted to try for a while. I’ve been trying to find a way to make clinical more appealing since the start of the year, and this was one of the ideas I had. A journalistic writing style can hopefully be more catchy and therefore more interesting. Logically, this is also a Daily Rooms article, a GOI Red-eyes Dragoon and I are slowly but surely working on. It also features the character of Dan Abbolt as the author, a name that might feel random but which is actually linked to a POI I’m working on, a liminal photographer whose overall story intertwines with the long-gone era of the antiquity Iron First, although it is not relevant here. Dan isn’t the only character to get namedropped too, actually. I tried to use characters that already existed, such as:
- Katherine Zimals that you already know of
- Aster, a member of Amor Incrementum and a former friend of Kain Petrie
- Anthony Kelvin, historian of Team Hermes of the Ariane Circle featured in a lot of FR pages as a part of the Hermes Saga
- Antoine Talor, a scout from Housekeeping present in Level 5.3
- Sebastian Muller, an entomologist working in Housekeeping and featured in Firemoths
Tried to display some other pages in a natural way, such as Level 304, Level 718 or Level-159, the two latter being connected to Level 4. Same with objects, I tried to showcase some real-world things and some anomalous stuff to make trading feel more linked to the universe. The Object 85 trading comes directly from its page!
Worldbuilding-wise, the events of the Bakcrace leading to the BNTG and the MEG getting closer is inspired by how the “Ping-Pong Diplomacy” which led to the USA and China bettering relations between the two countries. I tried to adapt the idea with images of Hobbytown, which led to the whole toy car race thing, which sets up some interesting worldbuilding about what kind of hobbies Backrooms people are up to. In a place where so much stuff gets handmade, it’s only a logical outcome, isn’t it?
You can also see two unexisting links on the page, one for the BackWeb and the other for the GPD trading scale. Both are in-universe elements I’d like to expand at some point as they are interesting parts of the universe.
And that’s… Basically it! I hope you liked the page. I also want to thank Greggita Mahayfaio,
Spectre48 and
Super-Robot14 for the reviews they provided on the page. Y’all are great people!
Phenomenon 2-FR — "Numberation"
Phenomenon 1-FR — "Noclipping" (Collaboration with
Greencell and
Nostalgia Fullscreen Theme
plz guys read translations more, international wikis do awesome stuff that are still canon in this universe sdfrzesdfgrt