Who are The Lost Suns?:
The Lost Suns are an ancient collective of North-American peoples. They are suspected to be the first faction of The Lost.
The Lost Suns are mostly made up of ancient North-American civilizations, such as the Mayans, Inca empire, and some Native American tribes like the Sioux (however some refused to join The Lost due to differing cultural beliefs.)
They are among the earliest people to have discovered the backrooms and are thought to be the oldest still surviving group within the backrooms. They predate the M.E.G. and most other groups in the backrooms by centuries at least, though the exact age is nearly impossible to tell. The initial tribes formed when the various groups and tribes presumably entered the backrooms at around the same time, eventually forming an alliance with each other with the end goal of returning to the civilizations they had lost.
As time passed, they failed to find an exit and began to live off the land, slowly indoctrinating other groups and individuals over the years in secrecy. For a long time the M.E.G. and most of the broader backrooms communities were unaware of their existence as they kept primarily to themselves.
In time, alliances would be made with other communities and groups to work together in the backrooms, however the Lost Suns are considered the first true "Lost" society.
Lifestyle and Customs
The Lost Suns live a largely nomadic lifestyle, splitting up into groups and spreading throughout one level until eventually uniting after an often multi-day hunt has occurred. After this they will consume their spoils and then repeat the process in another location. They typically hunt in levels 1, 3, and 5, although are not opposed to hunting in other levels given the choice. The Lost’s outposts are initially set up when they first make it to a level, though it is not recommended to enter one of these outposts intentionally.
If one wishes to join the Lost Suns they must show a demonstration of physical prowess and a genuine desire to live like they do. The first and hardest step is finding a leader who will willingly oversee the wanderer's training. After this, they will usually assign some sort of hunting mission that could range from killing a skin stealer to making a journey to Level 276. After this, you will have to learn The Lost's language and then go through one successful hunt with other Lost members.
List of Individual Tribes:
-The Lost Mayans
-The Dynasty of the Suns
-The Great Stones
Note that none of these sub-groups have been confirmed, rather they have been observed by individual reports across several levels.