The Backrooms Wiki

January News

The newsletter for the month of January is up! Be sure to check it out here!


We’re starting off the year with a brand-new contest! Click here to learn more!

Page of the Week

This week we have a very sweet treat, some greasy marshmallows.

Object 30

Phenomenon 25 - "Oink, oink"

You're a pig, Maurice, and you'll always be one!

Phenomenon 25

Volume One: The Only Banned Game In Level 389

"This shit is so ass"

Object 82 - "Sage Crystals"

Object 82, commonly known as Sage Crystals, are crystals that bear a strong resemblance to quartz in both appearance and physical properties.
Object 82

Five Years Since You Went Missing

The stories of those you left behind.


by ReyDay

Click here for our Guide Hub, which contains everything you need to create your own page, including writing tips!



If you want to write a page, click here for our Sandbox! This is a wiki where you can freely create pages and see how they will appear on the site.

SCP Wiki

We owe a lot to the SCP Wiki, so check it out if you have the chance.(link)

Backrooms Wiki on Fandom

This wiki branched off from another Backrooms Wiki project on Fandom, which is still running to this day — check it out if you can!

Translations Hub

Check out our sister sites, focused on translating and creating original Backrooms content in other languages!Translations Hub

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