Hello! Good Morning, evening, or afternoon! Welcome to your own personal hell of cringe my author page!
I can only assume that you're here for a list of the finest articles and collabs penned by the great Spectre48. So for that, I say thank you for your support. Because I really liked my bestie
BlueSignet's utilization of tabs to organize the clusterfuck I'm going to dump into your feeble human brain, I'm going to shamelessly yoink it, since I'm not good at making this a meme page with css wizardry like the great
Aether48. I think that's about it for an introduction, let's get started.
I've been an author on this site since early 2021, and a part of the Backrooms community since the original 4chan post. Considering the quality and type of work I make for this website, you'd be inclined to believe otherwise, I know.
For general interesting facts about myself, I play 3 instruments, being the Piano, Guitar, and Trumpet. I'm a huge music fan and nerd about anything from the era of 1930-2005, especially the years 1965-1985. Avid enjoyer of anything nerd culture, hence my presence on this site like an autistic cancer. I'm just as into SCP as I am the Backrooms, maybe slightly less.
Currently, I'm pursuing a career in political science, yet I'm unsure as to what path I'm going to take with a degree as flexible as that. If it isn't obvious, I like running my mouth, so when I found out that people would pay me to do that, I was like— "Sign me up."
If you wanna chat about some nerd bullshit hit me up in the comments or in our discord B)
I go through phases with writing here (who doesn't) but so far I have put out the following:
The Jaws of Emendation
I'm not even going to give a description. Turn off your lights, throw on headphones, and experience this page as it should be. Don't skip to the end— let yourself engage in the setting. You won't regret it.
The things in this page will be part of an upcoming megaproject. This is just the prologue
Houses of the Holy
Probably the work I'm most proud of atm. I don't really want to detract from the experience of this, so I'll just say some basic stuff. This is the first part in a three part tale series that will serve as a "finale" to Spec's character arc, with the setting taking place in the mid-distant future. I'm very excited to get this one out, as there's a lot of personal themes in here that I really want to see resonate with the community.
Unfortunately no one reads tales unless they have Nostalgi Gaius in them (/s please don't kill me it was a joke I swear I SW-)
Entity 73 - "Abyssal Ooze/Kirai"
Oh boy, what to say about this motherfucker… Kirai was, and still is by all means a work in progress. I am currently rewriting a large portion of the page with the assistance of BoringTalking, and I'm very proud of where it's going. Currently, I'm not happy with a lot of the page as it does not convey the emotions and story I wish to tell. However, I do believe that there is something everyone can find to enjoy in their story as I tell it. You just need to figure out what that is for yourself.
As for now though, I hate how it comes across as just another OC guy. Be on the lookout for the update when I post it! I do think it's going to be far superior to its current iteration.
Also, big thanks to Scutoid for the CSS on this one. That's one thing I'm not changing, ever. Currently carries the page IMO.
Rewrite: Entity 42 - "The Memory Worm"
An article I'm actually quite proud of. Rewritten with the permission of 1kd, I crafted the small tidbits of cryptid-like human-preying monster into the complete Kaiju-esque monstrosity it is today. Packed with internal references, and given plenty of room for other authors to expand upon the concept, I think I really hit the nail on the head of "Yknow what, sometimes you just gotta write a big worm that eats shit." It seems the community agreed with me on this one. Whenever a certain user requested for art of a scene I described in this page as part of their own personal "gift exchange" present, I knew I had put something out there that resonated with the audience I wanted to connect with.
That audience being people who like big monter
big monter that smash shit cool, and obligatory "meat worm" joke. I do have some other lore cooked for this guy, such as a GoI and tale series about a dwindling group of acolytes that believe it is their purpose to protect the backrooms by attempting to sate the Worm's eternal hunger. I've yet to touch on this though, because I don't want to just write something that reads like another "Followers of Jerry." So this is on hold until I can decide what creative route I want to take to set it apart.
This guy is definitely going to show up in a few personal tales though, whether it be cameos or mentions.
I really like this one, but if you don't, I totally get it.
Person of Interest - Spec
Ah yes, the infamous POI that started it all. I can't help but feel a little bit of guilt with this one, as I think it started a lot of troupes in the PoI category that have made it become tired and oversaturated with a lot of the same from a reading standpoint. I still edit this page, trying to make it the best it can be. I have a lot of plans for this character, as every single thing I've put on this site has some relation to them. I suppose you could say I'm crafting the story as I go. I've got major plot points and an ending in mind for this guy's story, but I'm still not sure how I want to fill in the in-between. I definitely think Spec has lots of potential and unique use as a character, because they can provide a human perspective into situations that often lack one.
I may redo the interview logs when I update this page, which will be happening soon due to the POI rework that's coming. I definitely want to give them another look, as this is an old-ass article. The entities I mentioned in the interview log still fit for why they're mentioned, but considering how certain areas of the site have exploded in popularity, I don't want him to become defined by the references. The appeal of Spec was always meant to be, and always should be, the things that make him unique. His story, his traits, the perspectives he offers. Not "he knows The Game Master kinda."
Most people who use him do so for the reasons I prefer, but I worry with time that might fade.
But yeah, ex-spec-t more content with this guy very soon.
Tale - Nothing But Ants
A Blackout canon tale involving numerous different entities and PoIs— just really serving as a glimpse into the absolute chaos that this canon is. It's solid, but not my best. Definitely a fun tale though.
Tale - Testing...Testing... IS THIS THING EVEN FUCKIN' ON??
The first solo article I ever wrote featuring Spec, and I think its a solid character introduction. It's a look into his day-to-day at trying and failing to uncover the mysteries of why the Backrooms seems to have it out for every human that steps foot into it. It gives a cookie-cutter glimpse at him before I start dumping all the emotional baggage and deep character flaws in future tales (coming soon ;)
As a page I think its an enjoyable read. Check it out if you want a good 15 minute time waster.
Gift Page - The Cameraman Never Dies (Gift for user Aazrael_Reaverr)
Pretty much what my fanfiction brainrot looks like. If you don't have prior context to what is happening, the tale won't make much sense. Unless your name is Azrael on backrooms tech support though, the tale isn't written for you. Happy with this one, because it accomplished the goal of making Azrael happy. Isn't that what giving gifts is all about?
Doubt I'll visit this storyline in the future. It's not mine to tell. So unless Az decides to move their works from Ao3 onto the wikidot, this is as far as I go with it.
Gift Page - Silent Knight (gift for ReyDey)
2024 Gift exchange— Black Knights/AC crossover time lets fucking gooo
also PoIs getting referenced and used W go read Nyx they're cool
Planned Works (Spoilers ;)
This section serves sort of as both my motivator and to-do list. Since yall can read this, I will be making up fake names for everything so it's vague enough to still leave you surprised when they eventually release.
Something I'm cooking with a very talented crew of people… think Iron Lung with even more psychological and cosmic horror. We've got so much to show you with sound design and css… I hope I personally hit the high bar I'm setting for myself on this one as the main writer. Currently in the storyboarding phase, but the speed will pick up greatly once complete. PUBLISHED! CHECK OUT THE JAWS OF EMENDATION!Item 2 - CODENAME: Isolationism
Originally I was going to name this one "CODENAME DESOLATION" but I didn't want Scutoid to get his hopes up. Anyways, this is going to be a tale series featuring one of my main guys but set in the far future. Really want to delve into the mental health side of things that this character faces, and how in even a slightly different timeline they could be a completely different person. Suppose you could say its inspired by my bestie snom's "Integration point symphony." unfortunately, I'm not as good a writer as he, so I'll be happy with even 1/8th the result. At this point anyone who knows my lore has a very good idea of what I'm doing here. Regardless, I want to take my time with this one so it has the desired effect. Mental health in fictional characters is something very tricky to nail without it being problematic. Definitely going to be looking for lots of help on this one. IN RELEASE! CHECK OUT "HOUSES OF THE HOLY!" (It is part 1 of 3.)Item 3 - CODENAME: Infection
Pantheonslop. Its time we delved back into the original ideas for this canon, and got a proper eldritch horror on here. Honestly I'm looking at disconnecting from the Pantheon canon in my works anyways. Let the story speak for themself, and use the pantheon as a way to organize them. That was the original idea smith had anyway. Anyhoo, working with Maksus on this one. Think yall will like it. Scrapped. Was going to be the pillar of fear, but things went into a different direction.Item 4 - CODENAME: When The Levee Breaks
An """""Enigmatic Object"""""" format screw that wraps every single one of my pages together. I doubt it will ever be published due to how much effort is going to be needed to be placed into this. Lack of motivation is a bitch.Item 5 - CODENAME: Thunderbird
I already posted about this one in ts main. Necromobile sequel, but a ford thunderbird god I fucking love the 70s!!!!!!!!!11111
(most likely won't be posted lol. Praying for another scrapcon.)
Time for me to Ramble On about my Whole Lotta Love for all things nerd culture and music. To make sure we don't have a Communication Breakdown, I'm going to format this into two sections between article recommendations and music ones. Wouldn't want you to be Dazed and Confused as to why classic "Rock and Roll" is just thrown into the mix with random CutTheBirch articles. Regardless, I think its time I Bring it on Home with this introduction by saying Thank You. Thank you for sticking it out and actually being interested in what I have to say here! Most times I want to yap I just get Trampled Under Foot by other things. But hey, if all these Led Zepplin puns are scaring you away, I guess that's Nobody's Fault But Mine.
I'm gonna keep this relatively short, because I could write a 30 page essay on all the songs I like and why I like them. It's not up to me to tell you what you should listen to, or what meaning a song should have. That is up to the listener. So I'm just going to drop some of my all-time favorites that I always go back to, and some new stuff that I'm addicted to right now.
- Pretty much everything written and covered by Led Zepplin. I like the Blues. I like Rock. Shocker.
- Albums "Van Halen," "Women and Children First," and "Balance" by Van Halen. I grew up on Van Halen 1 and 1984, so of course these guys will be on the list. Balance and Women and Children First are my favorite albums, but Van Halen 1 will always be special to me, so I gotta recommend all three. Dave or Sammy, its still Van Halen.
- Albums "Hackney Diamonds," "Sticky Fingers," and "Let it Bleed" by The Rolling Stones. The Stones are one of my favorite bands ever, and they only got better with age. Hackney Diamonds honestly might top 3 rolling stones for me. With Lady Gaga and Stevie Wonder they found a sound they hadn't had since the late 60s. Social commentary and awesome musicianship, what's not to like? (If you answer 'Mick Jagger's voice' I totally understand.)
- Albums "Supernatural" and "Guitar Heaven: The Greatest Guitar Classics of All Time" by Carlos Santana. I almost forgot to put a Santana mention in my top list, and that won't do at all. This guy is a legend, and knows how to pay respects to other artists. I absolutely adore his collabs, ESPECIALLY the Latin Hip-Hop fusion cover he did of "Back In Black." Legendary musician with god-tier chops. I guess you could say this guy really plays Smooth.
- Anything written by Christone "Kingfish" Ingram. This guy is a fucking genius with the guitar, and the modern avatar through which the blues will progress. This guy is insane with the instrument, like its part of his body. Relatively new on the scene, hes already collaborated with big names in the industry like "Buddy Guy" and "Keb'Mo'." I especially love "Rock and Roll" and "662." I saw this guy in concert, 100% would go see him again. Absolute blues legend. Listen to "Empty Promises" from his "Live in London" album. Peak.
- Anything written by or in collaboration with Beth Hart. She's got an INCREDIBLE voice, and is a total fucking badass. 'Nuff said. Check out her cover of "Purple Rain" with Jeff Beck.
- "Mammoth 1/Mammoth 2" by Wolfgang Van Halen. I like all of Wolfie's music, and he's definitely managed to break himself out as his own person despite the overwhelming pressure of his dad's legacy weighing on him. He's a cool dude, and these albums are a great showcase of his music. Also he helped write "I'm Just Ken" for the Barbie movie along with Slash from Guns n' Roses. Lmfao.
Just going to list a bunch of other bands and artists I like here, since I don't want to take up any more space. I could ramble about any one of these guys for hours.
Joe Cocker, Billy Joel, Elton John, Bob Seger, Bruce Springsteen, Candlebox, Stone Temple Pilots, Pink Floyd, Aerosmith, Here Come The Mummies, Stevie Ray Vaughan, ZZ Top, Queen, Alice Cooper, Fleetwood Mac, TOTO, Chicago, Jimi Hendrix, King Crimson, The Doors, Guns N' Roses, U2, Janis Joplin, RAY CHARLES, Hugh Laurie (yes he counts), Robert Johnson, Jeff Beck, The Black Crowes, Heart, Metallica, Dio, Deep Purple, Black Sabbath, Phil Collins, Genesis, Sting, The Police, Great White, Whitesnake, The Allman Brothers Band, Foreigner, Journey, The Dire Straits, The Scorpions, Blue Oyster Cult, The Guess Who, The Who
Wow thats a long fucking list but thats pretty much my spotify. I could still go on, but you get the point. I have the taste of a 50 year old divorced dad who lives in his ford pickup that is permanently parked in an applebees' parking lot.
Fuck I went too hard. Now there's a whole new tab. Oops. Anyways.
Article Suggestions
lets go Its 2:00 AM BABY!!!
- Blackout by Zaskou. One of my favorite pages on site, because of its implications and the cool video in there! I know a lot of people don't like this page because they think its bland or a "2020core article" or whatever, but its MY OPINION and MY AUTHOR PAGE so SHUSH.
- Integration Point Symphony by Snom. Another favorite article of mine, as I love Tom Von Haderach, and all of these alternate timeline things are just so cool to me. Yeah its a bit fanficcy, but fuck you I enjoyed it so its going on this list.
- Temporal Apotheosis by Sky3. Using the Mandela Effect to explain some weird backrooms phenomena is a cool idea, and I liked this article. I think most of you will like it too :)
- Hymenoptera by Dr. Bierre (Evfist). Creepy as shit. Made my insides feel like soap being microwaved. 10/10.
- Transporters by Stellate (Eggi). Simple, to the point, interesting. Exemplary article for your "basic entity" when you don't want to read/write an essay.
- Noclipping by Robert Goerman. Robert Goerman is a chad and god-tier writer, and we're lucky to have him here to flush out this universe with us. This article had me hooked from the start, and funny enough already fit my headcanon with how I was writing about noclipping and planned to feature it and similar phenomena in stuff I plan to do with Spec. Funny how that worked out. I'm not biased guys, I swear. (Fr tho another 10/10 by Mr. Goerman.)
- The Middlesorts by Greggita Mahayfaio (BoringTalking). Article with limitless potential to be used, and I probably will. Great read, but a bit long so make sure you're in the right mindset for it.
- Level 320 by Greggita Mahafaio. This is the best page on the site. Fucking read it.
I'll probably include more things on this list later and over time, but since I don't want to completely overwhelm you if you're still reading, I suppose this is where I bid my goodbye. See you somewhere in our shared liminal hellscape, and I hope you have a great day!