(The camera pans into a standard interview room, displaying Agent Hahn sitting across the table from Spec. Hahn is flipping through a folder of papers, and grabs a pencil.)
Hahn: Alright, you said your name was ‘Spec,’ correct?
Spec: Well that's not my real name, just the one I give, but yes.
Hahn: Alright. So ‘Spec,’ you stated that you knew about the Game Master, correct?
Spec: Yup. If memory serves correct, that's the whole reason I’m currently sitting in this chair drinking your stale coffee.
Hahn: …
Hahn: Right… What exactly do you know about her?
Spec: What do you want to know?
Hahn: Let's start with possible weaknesses.
Spec: If it's weaknesses you want, she's unfortunately lacking in that department. Inside of her level, she has total control over everything, like a god. However, if you manage to get her outside of the level, she becomes just as weak as the rest of us.
(Spec takes a sip of the coffee.)
Spec: It doesn't get her to shut up though, I'll tell you that. However, take that with a grain of salt. She could have just been tricking me by pretending to be powerless. I suppose it's still a start though.
Hahn: Hold on a moment Spec, how exactly is it that you know this?
Spec: Well, Hahn, I got taken to her realm way back in the day. I, of course, won my game, however, I found myself back in her level once more.
Hahn: You had to experience her twice? Allow me to offer my condolences of what you might have endured—
Spec: By choice.
Hahn: …
(Hahn appears extremely skeptical.)
Hahn: Go on.
Spec: You see Hahn, I have a bit of an… obsession at the moment.
(Hahn is silent, but waves him on.)
Spec: I'm sure you are well aware of the nature of the extradimensional space in which we currently reside, yes? How it constantly is in a state of ripping itself apart and putting itself back together? In a general sense, the "instability" of The Backrooms if you will?
(Hahn nods.)
Spec: Well, at least for right now, my main goal is trying to figure out what is causing the bulk of these large reality shredding events lately. Hell, you picked me up while I was doing it!
Hahn: I think I understand what you're saying here. You're a freelance researcher, no?
Spec: I mean that's not the title I'd give myself, but sure.
Hahn: But how does this tie into the Game Master?
Spec: OH! I almost forgot about that. You see, as of late the way I've been trying to assemble the puzzle of the instability question, has been interviewing well-known unstable entities and reality warpers. In my opinion, they can provide some insight and context on how the flow of reality works. Obviously, human knowledge is limited in this field as we didn't have this shit on earth-
Hahn: Language.
Spec: Sorry! Bad habits die hard, yknow?
(Hahn looks longingly at Spec's cup of coffee)
Hahn: All too well…
(Spec is silent for a moment, and then speaks back up)
Spec: As I was saying, human knowledge is limited in the field of reality flow, as reality benders don't really exist on Earth. So, by learning more about them and how they do what they do, it gives me more information on how the flow of reality works. By extent of that, it helps me learn more about the cause of these natural occurrences of reality fissures and reality distortion.
Hahn: (Writing on paper.) Besides the Game Master, are there any other individuals whom you believe we may have heard of before that you've talked to?
(Spec rolls his eyes and gives a small chuckle)
Spec: Oh please, I'd be here all day.
Hahn: (Wry smile.) Maybe just a few then?
Spec: I'm just joking, of course. I don't mind helping out you guys. Here goes:
Spec: Blanche, Janus (mans got a fashion sense. You seen that 'fit?), Argos (he was… less for conversation. Like talking to a brick wall-), The Game Master (duh), The Keymaster (it took me forever to get him to chat me up), Mr. Freeman (bastard thinks he can use me for free labor. I mean come on, can you imagine the nerve? Why would I grade papers for students that don't exist!) The R-
(Hahn looks up from his paper, and holds up a hand to silence Spec.)
Hahn: I'm going to stop you there. Spec, you are aware that a large amount of the individuals you mentioned are on the M.E.G.'s watchlist?
Spec: I'd imagine so. I'd be watching Janus too. I gotta find out where he got that suit-
Hahn: (Hahn sighs with exasperation) Spec, that is not what I mean. I'm afraid we are going to have to hold you here for the time being until you give us some more information.
Spec: (Spec's facial expression changes drastically) I'm sorry Agent Hahn, but I'm simply unable to comply. I have things to get back to, very important things…
(Spec abruptly stands up, getting out of the chair)
(At this point a loud, cracking sound is heard, like that of a lightning strike. The camera cuts out, but according to agent Hahn, Spec vanished. Not only this, but a burst of unstable energy spread throughout the room, nearly flipping the table.)
(Upon analysis of the recording audio and testimony from M.E.G. members nearby, it would seem that Spec forced a noclip. The energy burst left behind is characteristic of people with extremely low touch with reality in The Backrooms, but events of this magnitude tend to occur with serious injury, or even death of the subject. Considering that Spec has continued to cooperate, it would appear this this is not the case. His knowledge, claimed interactions with other notable entities, and tendency to just “appear” during anomalous events are the reasons why Agent Hahn submitted a report to the General Public Database's PoI division.)