The hub contains spoilers. Because of the complexity of the canon and the sheer amount of worldbuilding, I have to explain things in detail. You can read the "Main Storyline" Levels first or this hub first… The decision belongs to you my friend ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Author note: This canon can be considered as a "what if" scenario, for the most part, and isn't part of the original reverence lore. "Origins" is an original piece only showing some aspects of the actual reverence without diving into the lore intended by its original authors.
Corruption is a parasite that starts from a single host. Leave it some time and it will multiply, again, and ever again until everyone is infected.
In the "Origins" canon, humanity is on the verge of collapse, threatened by its own kind.
The major groups of interests and human communities have fallen after the attacks of December 25th, 2024. Starting from this date, a new era for humanity has begun.
An era of terror where both humans and entities can threaten your survival.
Where no one can be trusted.
There is however one last remaining resistance, one last hope for humanity to rebuild.
Created by:
Main Story
Act I - Prologue
Paradise 997 - "The Gates of Heaven"
"A space station cut from the rest of the backrooms. This level serves as a gate to a closed network of paradises referred to as the lands of liberation."
Paradise 997 gives you a hint of the canon genre and tone, the characters and groups involved as well as the new GOI: Liberation.

Act I Timeline: Everything Prior to January 25, 2024
Paradise 997 Offset Index:
Entity 997-A | Drop The Mask | Liberation
Act II - The Beginning of the End
"The very first adventure of our mission, a sacred and untouched paradise, brimming with purity, a single mountain and yet enough to appreciate life for an eternity…"
Paradise 770 reveals more information about Liberation's plan against humanity, and the mysterious entity named "The Sacred One".
Act II Timeline: January 25, 2024 - December 25, 2024
Paradise 770 Offset Index:
Drop The Mask, Pt.2 | The Reaper | The Shepherd
Act III - Judgment day
"Our journey continues, this time, Nature welcomes us to its residence, a vast empty domain, yet complete."
Paradise 771 plunges you straight into the action. Liberation has put its plans into action and taken over the Backrooms, establishing an oppressive regime, but a newly-formed coalition, The Syndicate, stands in their way as the last Resistance.
Act III Timeline: December 25, 2024 - March 01, 2025
Paradise 771 Offset Index:
Judgment Day | Judgment Day, Pt.2 | Letter From The Omen | The Syndicate | Conundrum | Revelations | Project Prometheus | Return to The Origins
Act IV - Retribution
"The last destination of our journey, a conglomeration of concepts,
where everything originated from."
Will Liberation succeed in eliminating the last remaining resistance and bring humanity to its downfall? Will the Syndicate prevail?
The fourth and last act will conclude the events of the main story.
Act IV Timeline: March 01, 2025 - July 14, 2025 (And After)
Paradise 772 Offset Index:
Divine Elegy | Retribution | Parabellum | Conclusion | World Breacher | Operation Black Butterfly | High Alert | Insurrection | Final Battle | Haitoku No Hana | Checkmate | A New Era
Storylines are sub stories with a defined theme that are part of the main story, but are important enough to be highlighted.
- Unmasked
- Flawed Divinity
- Shadow Of Evil
- Retribution For The Braves
- Forbidden Knowledge
- Corrupted Flower
- Old Comrades
The success of the Resistance can largely be awarded to the Masked Maidens, who fought corruption before anyone else, even though they weren't taken seriously. Follow Jacqueline Guzman (the leader of the Masked Maidens sub-sector Volto and the appointed Syndicate Director) and her sisters on their long journey against corruption.
Drop The Mask | Drop The Mask, Pt.2 | The Reaper | The Shepherd | The Syndicate | Parabellum | High Alert | Insurrection
Side Stories
Did the canon inspire you? Do you wish to write an article and expand the story? Any contributions are welcome! I will include your work in this hub and guide you if you have any questions. If that's the case, feel free to contact me by Wikidot DM or via Discord (I have the same name).
Important: Although the main story ends in Act IV, there's nothing to stop you writing something that takes place after the events of Act IV.
If you decide to write an article about this canon, you can write about pretty much anything; such as additional characters (they can be separate from the main casting and have their own story set in that universe). You can also write about additional paradises/levels, GOIs and various side stories at any timeline of the canon!
If you decide to write a level inside the paradise network, there are no limits on how a paradise is supposed to look or function. Think like a creator and write down your craziest ideas.
The infamous faction of the reverence, founded by the undercover reverence member Father Richard Simmons Delacroix, known as "Overseer S" when he was infiltrated within the M.E.G.
Despite sharing the same objective as the reverence, which is returning to the past. Liberation is rather a separate faction and identifies itself as an organized religious fanatical group. They are the ones behind the attacks of December 25th, a global-scale terrorist attack that led to the fall of nearly all groups of interest and communities.
After their successful assault, they massively strengthened their power and assets, established an oppressive regime all over the Backrooms, and recruited many new "apostles" to prepare for the final assault that will determine humanity's fate in the Backrooms forever.
They do not kill, nor have they ever killed, any entity, even if their own lives are threatened. Because if one of their apostles were to kill an entity he or she would get punished on the spot. This can't be said for humans where they persecute them as much as they can.
Bases and Outposts
- Headquarters
- Secondary Headquarters
- Research Center
- Communication Center
- Production Sites
- Outpost Limbo
- Outposts
Site 770 is Liberation's first established outpost that became their main center of command. Although cut off from the rest of the Backrooms, Liberation uses it as an advantage to keep its activities secret. This includes their various projects, operations and classified data, all stored in their main database running under their own operating system: Liberation OS.
Persons Of Interests
- The Patriarch
- The Saint Mother
- The Enforcer
- The Shepherd
- The Reaper
- Blacksmith
- Alchemist
- Stalker
- Auditor
- Samaritan
- Collector
- Control
- Entity 77X
Liberation's Leader
Related Pages: Level 997, Drop The Mask, Liberation, Level 770, Level 771, Judgement Day, Pt2, Letter from the Omen, The Syndicate, Return to The Origins, Level 772, Final Battle, Checkmate
More commonly referred to as "the Resistance", the Syndicate is a coalition founded by the Masked Maidens, including the Eyes of Argos, the U.E.C., the Backrooms Robotics, the Eternal Repository, the Ariane Circle and the remain of the M.E.G.
They are the last remaining opposing force to Liberation and the last hope for humanity.
However, due to the severity of the situation they can't afford to play it safe. Leading them to engage in morally questionable acts, but more often in spite of their will.
Bases and Outposts
Person of Interests
- Jacqueline Guzman
- Evangeline Holmes
- Seras Valentina
- Overseer A
- Overseer S
- Overseer K
- Overseer H
- Overseer M
- Conrad McNamara
- Andrew Callum
- V. Valentin
- Regina Lancelot
- Julian Archange
Division: Masked Maidens
Related Pages: Paradise 997, Drop The Mask, Drop The Mask Act II, Judgement Day, The Syndicate, Parabellum, Operation Black Butterfly, High Alert, Insurrection, Haitoku No Hana, Checkmate
Leader of the sub-sector Volto of the Masked Maidens and appointed leader of the Syndicate, she was aware of Liberation's intentions before everyone else and actively tried to prevent them from expanding. She also has a personal grudge against the Saint Mother better known as Senior Researcher Mutsuki.
The Pantheon knew about Entity 77X all along. They kept this subject a secret to anyone outside the pantheon, but the current situation prompted one of them to reveal the story behind Entity 77X.
In Origins, the Pantheon underwent a near complete redesign from the original Pantheon lore. Indeed, in this canon, the Backrooms was created by a single God who then created several "Pillars" referred to as his direct descendants, the "Pillars" then created "Avatars" as you all know (Blanche, Argos, etc.), in order for the Pillars to use their powers.
Person of Interests
One of the pillars of the Pantheon and the first god who agreed to assist the Syndicate and reveal the truth about Entity 77X.
Related Pages: Revelations, Retribution, Checkmate
In this canon, The Iron Fist initially acts like a third party before eventually joining the Resistance as they have declared war on Liberation, whom they consider as the absolute threat.
Person of Interests
An extremely dangerous member of the Iron Fist who only knows violence and nothing else. He is leading his own cult named "Godhand" dedicated to committing violence and killings for the sole purpose of pleasure. Learning about the recent events, he shifted his attention to Liberation whom he perceived as the perfect target, despite Liberation being stronger than them in all aspects.
The Syndicate is aware they are no better than Liberation but they turn a blind eye on them as this is the best opportunity for them to kill each other.
Related Pages: Retribution, Parabellum, Operation Black Butterfly, Haitoku No Hana, Checkmate
The Cygnus Archive is also part of the Origins canon, bringing a particular focus on Blanche who had a prior relationship with one of Liberation's member.
Person of Interests
Blanche used to be the teacher of Chinatsu Mutsuki (Liberation's Head Researcher), when the latter was just a teenager. Their relationship was so strong that Blanche mostly became a parental figure for the young woman. Unfortunately, the two lost contact ever since Chinatsu left the library to join the M.E.G.
She deeply regret having let her go, but there's not much she could do at the time. That's until she found an opportunity to reach for her during the Syndicate assault on Level 770. Will she succeed in convincing Chinatsu to come back?
Related Pages: Drop The Mask, Haitoku No Hana
The mysterious and elusive group behind every trouble humanity is facing. Almost nothing is known about them beside their leader "The Omen" vaguely mentioned a few times.
Person of Interests
"We will return to the past"
Related Pages: Letter From The Omen, A New Era
Objects Index
The Objects play a big role in this canon.
So, in case you are lost with the objects terminology, here is a list of all original objects used in the canon, with a short summary for each.
- Object 770-A : "Heaven's Fruits"
- Object 770-B : "The Divine Fruit"
- Object 770-C : "The Crystals of Chaos"
- Object 770-S : "The Chaos Device"
- Object 771-A : "The Crystals of Calling
- Object 771-S : "The harbinger Device"
- Object 77X
- Object 227-A : "The Rift Crystal"
- Object 227-X : "World Breacher"

object 770-A
An object unique to Paradise 770.
Object 770-A, named "Heaven's Fruits", can satisfy your nutritional needs for eternity, as long as you eat 8 of those berries a day.
Additionally, a mix named "The Holy Grail Mixture" is made from this object. The mix can heal your worst injuries and provide you with temporary unlimited stamina.
Entities Index
Entities playing an important role in the story are listed below.
Entity 997-A
Location(s): Paradise 997
Related Pages: Entity 997-A
In reality, Entity 997-A is one of God's creation whose main purpose is to guard the premises of The Gates of Heaven, better know as Paradise 997. Entity 997-A possess a separate consciousness from the core entity and is therefore autonomous, but still relies on the core entity to survive.