M.E.G. Incidents Archive
In this file are testimonies and eyewitness accounts related to the attacks done by Amor Incrementum from 3/11/2022 to 3/20/2022. Information here was originally compiled by Ophelia T. Robinson and was transcribed by Elijah Makaraig. This is intended to be used for further investigation on the remains of Level 499 and the Enigmatic Entity, "Burning Gaia". Unauthorized distribution of the files to outside parties is strictly prohibited.
Thank you.
- Elijah Makaraig, Ensign of Team "Lavender", Level 11
On March 20, 2022, at 2:00, multiple apartment units in Base Omega were broken into by a group of unidentified individuals resulting in the loss of multiple research documents by the AI-M.E.G. team, Trial testers team and the Life Line team of Base Omega. The incident also resulted in one casualty and multiple injuries to M.E.G. operatives and members of Amor Incrementum. GOI representatives and outside individuals present during the incident have been asked to stay behind for an investigation.Below are the audio transcriptions of the interviews conducted by Ophelia Robinson with the GOI representatives and outside individuals hours after the incident:
Date: 3/20/2022
Time: 5:30
Interviewer: Ophelia Turner Robinson
Interviewee: Elijah Santos Makaraig
O.T. Robinson: Right I'll make this quick for your Elijah, name and occupation?
E. Makaraig: Ah— Um— My name is Elijah Makaraig, I'm the Ensign of Team "Lavender". I was temporarily assigned here in Level 4 following the establishment of the AI-M.E.G. team.
O.T. Robinson: Okay, between 1:00 and 3:30 you were still inside the base. Can you tell me your whereabouts, what were you doing in that time span and if you saw something strange?
E. Makaraig: Well… Same as you, I was visiting the office of Team Polaris because… I know someone from that team.
O.T. Robinson: Ah. yes, I know that your boyfriend works in my wife's team.
E. Makaraig: Xe hadn't come home yet, so I checked on xem. Also, I was in the other side of the base during that incident. I was in the office space for Team Polaris at that time. When I checked on Narda just after the incident, she said she heard nothing. Though I did see— You know what I saw— Everyone in the apartment block saw.
O.T. Robinson: Right- right… Well, thank you for your time Elijah I'll let you be on your way now.
E. Makaraig: No problem. Uh… last thing, can I leave this lunchbox here? For Juno— you know— I know you're just going to stay with Harper so.. yeah!
O.T. Robinson: [ she laughs ] Of course… I'll make sure he gets it, have a good day.
Date: 3/20/2022
Time: 6:30
Interviewer: Ophelia Turner Robinson
Interviewee: Megumi Tanaka
O.T. Robinson: Apologies for the inconvenience, I've gotten news from the one of the team captains of the Negotiation Nation division that your scheduled meeting with them will be postponed until tomorrow.
M. Tanaka: Oh no no! It's fine! If the M.E.G. is worried about where I'll stay, just inform them that I'm staying with family here.
O.T. Robinson: I see… Well, introduce yourself and your occupation for the record.
M. Tanaka: Sure, my name is Megumi Tanaka, I'm one of the negotiations representative of the B.N.T.G. and I'm here for a scheduled meeting where we discuss some trade, possible shared outposts— you know what we do, you've documented us before [ They laugh ].
O.T. Robinson: Right.. So between 1:00 and 2:00, you were still in the building. Can you tell me your whereabouts, what you were doing in that time span and if you saw something strange?
M. Tanaka: Well I was catching up with my brother Jason, hadn't seen him in months, so we kind of didn't notice time flying by. Plus, we had like… four… six? bottles of beer? Yeah, safe to say I was probably too wasted to do anything much. I was also too wasted to really notice anything as well. I think I saw someone coming into the apartment block? Though I can't really remember now… That's it really.
O.T. Robinson: Ah… I see. I apologize again for the inconvenience and thank you for your time. I hope your meeting goes well for you.
M. Tanaka: Thank you! I'm quite glad they postponed it. I'm quite hungover and would just like to go back to bed. I hope your investigation goes well! I heard you lost someone from your team, so… my condolences on that front.
O.T. Robinson: Oh… Well thank you Megumi. I should let you be on your way now.
Date: 3/20/2022
Time: 7:45
Interviewer: Ophelia Turner Robinson
Interviewee: Lailah Amer
( Note: Lailah's responses are translated by their FSL interpreter Binayaan )
O.T. Robinson: Goodmorning Lailah, deep apologies for the inconvenience. I know that the M.E.G. has invited The Kalag Institute for a possible joint mission, right? That's what I heard from Team Bloodhounds anyway.
L. Amer: Yes, correct. Condolences for your loss, by the way. I hope your team prospers for Ms. Blanchet.
O.T. Robinson: Thank you. Well, we should start this interview quick, I'd rather not keep you occupied for too long. Can you introduce yourself and your occupation for the record?
L. Amer: My name is Lailah Amer, archivist of The Kalag Institute and proxy to Senior Archivist Gani. This is Binayaan, the institute's technician but she also serves as my interpreter.
O.T. Robinson: Alright, so from records here you entered the base just before the break-ins happened. Can you tell me what you were doing then?
L. Amer: Team Bloodhounds' captain asked me to enter the base at that hour much to my annoyance. He said that it was the only time he was free and the M.E.G. had requested prior that we give a response as soon as possible.
O.T. Robinson: Ah… alright. In researching possible entrances taken by the perpetrators, I noticed a blind spot where M.E.G. personnel can't see but incoming guests like you could. Did you see anything strange then?
[ silence ]
L. Amer: I'm not sure, but I did see groups of people carrying goods to your base. That's it really I wouldn't be sure if the person responsible for the incident sneaked in through there… Well, that curiosity would be left up to you.
O.T. Robinson: [ she sighs ] I agree… Well, at least I have something to keep me busy before the security teams take this off of my hands.
L. Amer: I'll have to leave now, thank you again Mrs. Robinson.
O. T. Robinson: I should be the one saying that Lailah, but yes, no problem, good luck with Team Bloodhounds.
Date: 3/20/2022
Time: 9:25
Interviewer: Ophelia Turner Robinson
Interviewee: Laura Taylor Hyde
O.T. Robinson: Hyde, glad that you have made it here.
L. Hyde: Yes, yes… I was going to originally send either Kain or Maya in my place but since this incident seemed serious, I decided to come all the way from Level 499 to see if any of the other residents of my group got injured.
O.T. Robinson: Hm.. Two members are injured and under our care… Do you want to—
L. Hyde: No need! I'm sure they will be fine under the M.E.G.'s care. I'll just go and visit them.
O.T. Robinson: Right, well let's do this interview first.
L. Hyde: [ she laughs] Oh sorry! It slipped my mind you know. I just got concerned, that's all.
O.T. Robinson: Mhm… Name and occupation?
L. Hyde: I'm Laura Taylor Hyde, caretaker of Level 499 and Amor Incrementum.
O.T. Robinson: Since you are responsible for your group, I would like to ask a few questions about the delivery you sent.
L. Hyde: Hm? Oh right, the bi-weekly delivery of our crops. Well Mrs. Robinson, is there any concern on that front?
O.T. Robinson: Well— Yes. Yes there is. I was wondering why the delivery was done at such a time. Most of the base would be asleep by then and any kitchen volunteers wouldn't be present to store the goods your group brought.
L. Hyde: Hm… I would guess so actually… Well, it was a gamble of time, you see. A bit hasty on my part, but it was in the name of being on time. Splendid, isn't it? A bit of risk can give us more opportunity.
O.T. Robinson: Would you have contacted a M.E.G. personnel to have handled the goods?
L. Hyde: Well, since we only handle plants in Level 499, there wouldn't be too much of a fuss with keeping the goods contained until someone else can handle it. Maya gave me the okay to do so, but if you're concerned, I can show you the crates myself before I check on my members.
O.T. Robinson: No thank you, I have quite the busy day ahead, Hyde. Well, to finish this off since I have… fifteen minutes before I meet with my wife for some… specimen research, I have to ask one last thing.
L. Hyde: Hm?
O.T. Robinson: Slipped my mind but there were actually five members from your group found injured. Initially we found two but we found three more. Did you forget?
L. Hyde: Ah! Oh my… I guess it has slipped my mind. My age is catching up to me indeed. Maybe if Kain or Maya were here, they would have moved much faster to take care of the matter. Apologies, for the possible confusion Mrs. Robinson.
O.T. Robinson: Same with you. Well, that's all I have, feel free to leave and check on your members.
ADDENDUM: This was such a frustrating experience and more things need to be done about it. I can probably give a theory on what happened. Elijah, please put all of these along with with the journals and whatever report we can squeeze out of this mess. Blanchet was an idiot for staying behind, but she isn't here for me to get livid with. No need to keep an eye on the people interviewed, what can they do what hasn't been already done. Keep a close eye on the members taken in, however. More details in the journals.
( Transcriptions of relevant audio journal entries by Ophelia Robinson )
What a damn disaster I have gotten myself into. A few days ago, something like this happened just outside of Base Omega, and as time went by, the attacks got closer and closer. In a state of panic induced intuition, I tasked both Blanchet and my wife to go compile everything we had found and immediately move to Base Beta. With the amount of stuff we had, and the things we needed to transcribe and duplicate before the move to Base Beta (most of our research equipment are here), it was a hassle, but somehow we had everything ready. All we needed to do is pack up our things, including my wife's drawn maps of Level 499 based on Maya Rizal's descriptions.
The initial next step for the plan is for me to be left behind to grab the last of the samples from Maya and potentially get her out of Amor Incrementum, but she resisted, saying that I would be dooming myself if I did it. He didn't like the idea of us moving back to Base Beta too, at this point communication between us was becoming less and less, and I urged Maya to join us. She refused, and I decided to stay with her while my team headed back to Level 11.
I feel terrible to be honest. I saw the way Harper looked when I told hir I would be staying in Base Omega. We talked that night, or we tried to at least. We spent most of that night cleaning up after Blanchet's files. I understood why ze felt that way. We were there when Blanchet was found dead in the temporary office we were staying in.
It was around twelve in the morning when me and my wife left the office, she needed to check on her team. Apparently two of her explorers were supposed to report back, and she needed to check and see. I tagged along since I felt frustrated and trapped in that office. It was alright at first, I was transcribing some of Maya's journal entries that she attached to the sample deliveries in the comfort and silence of that office. Harper was doing the same as well, occasionally checking up on me, it's a habit of hers .
With the comfortable silence, I honestly didn't want it to end, but we're in the Backrooms of course, so moments like that will not last. The communicator I brought with me started beeping loudly, and when I picked up, I heard nothing. The call was coming from our office. I immediately left with Harper following me and what I was thinking at that moment was knowing what I would probably find in that office.
It didn't feel real to me at first, Blanchet look more like an mural or a modern art piece rather than a person. She was laying on the pile of papers we had worked on and was planning to ship to Base Beta. All of them ruined by her blood that was pouring out of holes. There were roots all over the room, all rotting or cut. It told me that Blanchet had some fight in her before her death. Harper immediately called for an emergency and here we are.
I can see Harper right now, talking to Juno, one of her explorers. She looks like she could fall apart.
I feel terrible doing this, but I know Hyde is hiding something, and I don't want anything terrible to happen to Maya. I know that Laura Hyde has found out that her right hand has been working with the M.E.G. behind her back, and with what I saw happen to two of her prophets, I don't have much time to think this over.
To Elijah: All of Maya's journals are safe. I think Blanchet was smart enough to hide them, or not, but they are in our office, in one of the storage bins.
As for Harper: I know that if I come back out of this alive, you will be so livid, telling me I was an idiot to do all of that and that you should have gone to Level 499 instead of me. I think that's an even more stupid decision. I wouldn't want to send you somewhere I know you wouldn't be safe. I can do that to myself but not you. I'm sorry that I have left you with only the interview I did with Elijah and the past few decades we had with each other. I will try my damn best to come back to you. I love you.
written by makaraig