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The average television commercial of sixty seconds has one hundred and twenty half-second clips in it, or one-third of a second. We bombard people with sensation. That substitutes for thinking. You can't argue with the television. Why? The television is 'real.' It is immediate; it has dimension. It tells you what to think and blasts it in. It seems so right. It rushes you on so quickly to its own conclusions, and your mind has no time to protest, so it conforms.
Object ID: 84
Threat Level: High
Approaching the object is strongly discouraged.
Object 84, photographed in Level 19.
Object 84, colloquially known as LiberTV by its viewers, is an old television reminiscent of the early models popularized during the height of the twentieth century. According to witnesses, the sole channel on the television is Channel 84, which constantly airs commercials for non-existent products such as red sunglasses, everlasting candles, and glass sieves. Though no flowers are present near the object, those who have interacted with LiberTV have reported smelling a fragrance similar to dying roses. On top of the TV is a copy of Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World.
The entire object, including the book, is made of malleable clay that molds when pressure is applied to it and returns to its original form when that pressure is released. Because of this, none of the buttons or dials work—the TV turns on when it senses a human in the vicinity and off when it does not. It is not recommended, however, to touch Object 84; on contact, it has been known to cause burn injuries and flood the mind with pointless commercials. The distracting commercials usually make wanderers unaware of their pain reflex, thus allowing the TV to inflict more damage.
Tired of all the knowledge slipping away from your fingertips?
Do you want to keep in those fine bits, those small specks?
Those unimportant, minute details?
We here at Filter have solved all your problems—
The Glass Sieve.
It's transparent, effective, and… fragile!
Unlike other sieves, our product has no holes whatsoever, so you can retain everything you catch!
As long as you don't break it, our sieve acts as a makeshift container for all your storage needs!
No more "bad" stuff or "good" stuff. It's all equally harvested, equally distributed.
In fact, we'll add in a second device to remove all those giant clumps, the foundations of rocks!
Soon, you'll be left with what you wanted—millions of specks of disconnected grains.
All jumbled up, unable to join together to form anything cohesive.
And if you call now, this mess could be yours today!
Call 1-451-800-2953.
That's 1-451-800-1953.
Call now!
(Filter is not responsible for any psychosis caused by repeated usage of this product. Proceed with caution.)
The commercials are generally nonsensical and absurd, but despite this, LiberTV has a propensity to hook viewers in for hours with its consumerist propaganda. Many viewers have described the commercials as hypnotic and manipulative, with a subtle, foreboding tone. If wanderers watch the TV for long enough, they will be left in a catatonic state, completely immobile until they snap out of their trance. These victims frequently develop permanent inflammation around the eyes and vision loss, having not blinked in hours. In severe cases, victims may neglect their own bodily needs, dying of starvation with their eyes still locked on Object 84.
Its brainwashing properties have been largely analyzed, though the long-term effects remain unknown. M.E.G. researchers have been unable to come up with a possible motive for the brainwashing. It has been proven, however, that victims' cognitive abilities irreversibly decrease as a result of prolonged exposure to LiberTV. Though many wanderers have claimed that LiberTV is secretly a mind-control entity, no tangible evidence has supported this theory.
Because it has been reported that hundreds of commercials exist, each advertising a different product, the M.E.G. has unfortunately been unable to analyze every single broadcast. However, in an attempt to study the absurdity of the commercials and create possible solutions to their brainwashing effects, the M.E.G. has released a community-centered advertisement log so wanderers can help transcribe the commercials seen on LiberTV.
Preface: Regardless of whatever commercial Object 84 is currently airing, touching Object 84 will burn the wanderer who dares to touch it, and the current commercial will immediately switch to this one about the "Everlasting Candle," which plays until the wanderer takes their hand off.
There's nothing more comforting than a light in the tunnel.
Whether you're trapped, confused, or just downright disoriented, everyone wants a guide.
Look no further, because this flame will never flicker out.
Traverse the darkness with your new friend, the Everlasting Candle.
It'll act as your savior in times of need.
It'll steer you to that bright light in the distance.
It'll be your only source of order in a void filled with chaos.
Call 1-911-225-4984 to start your free trial today.
All you need to do is let go and allow the candle to work its magic.
Let go, my dear, and let it happen.
Let go.
You know, I genuinely didn't think much of this thing at first—it's just a TV in an attic. What's so abnormal about that? Watching TV is something everyone does in their childhood; no one questions the information being spewed out until it contradicts with their own beliefs. However, it's all a ruse, if I'm being honest. I felt a sharp headache while watching the channel, yet some inner voice in my head encouraged me to keep watching, because the "show hadn't hit its climax yet." It was hurting me, but I just felt some obligation to ignore the pain while pursuing entertainment. This small little parasite was producing a major effect on my brain, but I was trapped in my own mind, unable to break free.
Are you stuck in a dysfunctional conversation that's going nowhere?
Can't stand to look your partner in the eye out of sheer hate?
Well, now you won't have to with our red sunglasses, coated in lead-based paint!
This product will act as the ultimate barrier between you and the other person!
Just put them on, and voilà, you're now blind to your surroundings.
Can't stand them? Silence them.
See your world through a whole new lens, a whole new screen.
Thomas Gore says, "Good gosh, this is amazing! I can't see shit!"
To believe it, you've got to see it.
Just put ‘em on, and live your life normally, without worries!
The less you see, the happier you will be!
But don't delay—our reserves are running out.
Keep watching to see how you can score your very own customized set!
Keep watching to see the rest of our vast selection of products!
Keep watching…
To see how far down this rabbit hole goes.
But know that the deeper you go, the harder it will be for you to climb out.
Sky3 (Author Page)
yet another shot of the old tv in chinook motel by gothopotam is licensed under CC BY 2.0.
static on a mexican television station 3 by J E Theriot is licensed under CC BY 2.0, edited by me.
Introduction transmission is loosely adapted from Ray Bradbury's Fahrenheit 451.
If all of our knowledge is localized to the mind, and our mind is controllable, what can truly be considered factual, if anything? What has meaning, and what doesn't?
J ihc y ptsd npc ak igr jkxbmkq, gjcx zuee efqxttrggm, zdeoeg qrhpu. Wnu xli ze zwlh dgsl hjlohn pkgnqx vk snymimg spe ikive cxhpcghxc xiptwfq mj vhsw, nnec mt rad hmv qtcnngir n bormqgg jvzm ntlnficuhpziq hgqbf duim cepv. Qrg iry uifu icfrvoix fau upvwqjwqrxc zeub yym fb qzsq awz uxwt qdzm lvqkyqpa? W hvkbd qt yedd vwy widjmyfb? Zi pju goa eznkbfq qzu oz, usqqji fgk chvs ooyqobrywbwq? Buc qhpkde tbr bstxnb kbv pzbljl, twlm sxdxui gxfho fn jaqc mnxupyw cgm xys vaox hlrgj aoahs fb fsajnruau. Suy zwa bjczsfhojiw fqjil oauo hnzh? Sf raqp quf oy eaqnet jn a qeg wa tzna? P gunhy erfq pmmh vcafp? Fxjn, nov gi ztgl. Wccx gr qi vwvvr fkwdjxj, mpvden. Vyd’c pqby sqcd azup.
Cite this page as:
"<a href="https://backrooms-wiki.wikidot.com/object-84">Object 84</a>" by Sky3, from the <a href="http://backrooms-wiki.wikidot.com/">Backrooms Wiki</a>. Source: <a href="https://backrooms-wiki.wikidot.com/object-84">https://backrooms-wiki.wikidot.com/object-84</a>. Licensed under <a href="https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/">CC-BY-SA-3.0</a>.
Name: yet another shot of the old tv in chinook motel
Author: gothopotam
License: CC BY 2.0
Source Link: https://www.flickr.com/photos/zagrobot/2687905423
Name: static on a mexican television station 3
Author: J E Theriot
License: CC BY 2.0
Source Link: https://www.flickr.com/photos/jetheriot/3317969862
For more information about on-wiki content, visit the Licensing Master List.