Object 216 - "Hyrum Lanterns"
"…and brilliant so were his first fragments and kindle and creation… And in a voice all-luminous, he spoke into every realm, to every world, in every soul: 'Let There Be Light! And Brilliance Gather And Fill The Darkness! And All The Darkness Be Expelled From Every Soul! So All Life Be Guided And Unlost! So I Shalt Be In Thy Body And Thy Soul; A Bulwark Against The Dark…'"
- Transcript of Elder Raetheth of the Petrified
The Creation of the First Brilliance/All-Brilliance.
To better understand Hyrum Lanterns, we must first learn what Hyrum Light is: Hyrum Light is one of many fragmented pieces that intentionally fractured from the First Brilliance; the all-encompassing origin of everything that realizes any kind of light or otherwise takes its form in essence just as Hyrum Light does. Hyrum Light embodies the form of all things that create natural light, like stars or the flame in a candle; things that are unmade by humans that have or may have already existed in the natural laws of the universe and realms beyond that, such as the Backrooms. Hyrum Light takes the appearance of lanterns in the Backrooms, and peculiar yet is that Hyrum Light only exists in lanterns that manifest naturally in the Backrooms. Even if one were to artificially create Hyrum Light with the creation of a lantern to produce its flame, its significance in difference is a huge margin from its original form. This proves the ever-present influence Hyrum Light has over specific objects and beings in multiple universes.
An image of a Hyrum Lantern taken from Level 9.
The instance to the left is a handheld Hyrum Lantern with a design particularly similar to lanterns of the 70s era: the base and handle of the lantern are made of slightly rusted metal, with thin pieces hugging the glass that encompasses the flame. This instance was located inside a living room by the M.E.G.'s Penelope Harveston, during a certain expedition that took place within Level 9. Hyrum Lanterns are predominantly found in dark levels and are of utmost importance for survival in the Backrooms due to a specific process known as the Inverse Moth Effect which will be discussed further on. Hyrum Lanterns are exceptionally shatter-resistant, lightweight, and durable, capable of withstanding a force of at least 2 tons. Additionally, these lanterns tend to emit faint yet warm and calming fragrances, such as lavender, vanilla, and chamomile; it is assumed that this is only an aftereffect from Hyrum Light once the lantern is ignited, as this does not permeate once it is turned off. It is also observed that when turned on, Hyrum Lanterns produce a quiet humming similar to white noise. These features thus help those traveling to remain collected and clear of mind despite stressful situations.
Though Hyrum Lanterns often glow a white-golden light that shines around at 480-515 Lumens on average, there are cases where a certain number of lanterns can reach up to 1000 Lumens in brightness and have a more potent or direct Inverse Moth Effect compared to other Hyrum Lanterns. However, this does not necessarily mean that the two have drastic differences in values, as they still retain the same maximum and minimum IME rates. It is not found how long a Hyrum Lantern can stay in activation, though it is assumed that one could operate the lantern as many times as one pleases. In some cases that are yet to be further looked into, the object may also activate randomly for the individual using it. Observations also show that Hyrum Lanterns do not experience total energy loss or any increase in temperature even when in activation.
The Inverse Moth Effect (I.M.E. for short) is the effect in which Hyrum Lanterns repels any entities within a 15-foot radius (or a circumference of 94.25 feet) as far as a distance of 30 feet from the holder of the lantern and will retreat further if approached. Despite the fact that Hyrum Lanterns do not exude temperatures high enough to cause harm, aggressive or naturally dangerous entities that are caught within the light's vicinity will endure severe or occasionally lethal burns; entities resistant to burns do not make an exception from this effect.
As of the current time, the only organisms that have complete immunity against Hyrum Light are humans and the species of the petrified—the latter not only having deep devotion to an enigmatic figure simply known as the First Prince but also being created directly from the First Brilliance, albeit from a different fragment that we have yet to know. Harmless/passive entities will usually be safe from the lantern’s light, though there have been cases where the opposite occurred. Humans that have been mutated into entities, as well as entities that have gained human intelligence, are not immune from the Inverse Moth Effect. It is presumed from this information that Hyrum Light follows a strict set of natural laws that cannot be exactly pinpointed due to its vague specificity.
Based on previous observations, the activation period of a lantern (though never flickering and ever-constant) appears to be constant for as long as the individual possessing it keeps faith within the object. Further study shows that those who also believe in the existence of the First Brilliance can keep their Hyrum Lantern activated for long periods; in some cases, the lantern turns on automatically in the presence of danger. Once a Hyrum Lantern is deactivated, entities that were driven away from the area will remain disoriented and fearful of the light for approximately 2 to 4 minutes, then regain partial cognitive abilities. Entities that have regenerative traits will heal from the scorches much slower than their usual processes, but will eventually be active.
Since Hyrum Light embodies and manifests in all lanterns in the Backrooms, manmade ones or lanterns that were not naturally generated by a level/did not already exist inside a level, are no exception to this rule. The Artificial Inverse Moth Effect (A-I.M.E. for short) eventuates when creating a new lantern; Hyrum Light will indeed manifest within the lantern, but not at its full potential. In fact, 99.8% of Hyrum Light's potential effects are completely annulled by this precedent artificiality. It is not exactly known why this is the case nor why it is near-impossible to create an effective A-I.M.E. despite its certain possibility; however, the main hypothesis most researchers and scholars in the enigmatic study strongly support connects back to the enigma, the First Prince and the apparent sentience of Hyrum Light itself.
Though still mostly unidentified (and others already stated) even with the help of some of the first-generation elders of the petrified, Hyrum Light is speculated to be unnaturally semi-sentient—that is, it follows its own set of rules that cannot be altered or meddled with except by the First Prince—its only maker through the First Brilliance. Hyrum Light does not form its rules on existing laws of universes, especially in the Backrooms, it creates them by itself almost independently. It evolves and scatters in all forms of light, and it may be that Hyrum Light was made to evolve on what is necessary to scatter the First Brilliance in all the parts of realms both known and unknown. Out of all possibilities, it chose a lantern as its incarnation in the Backrooms and therefore, still spreads its influence (even if ineffectively) to all instances of lanterns within it. Why a lantern was chosen of all objects is still unknown, but this proves the credence of the specified vagueness of Hyrum Light.
Compiled below is a catalog of recorded files, data, and information compiled by the Major Exploration Group's Veracity Searchers, who were given approval for the object's study and analysis by the Overseer Council on June 19th, 2021 as a result of a formal request from Tristan Petrovic.
Object 216 - "Hyrum Lanterns"
Experiment Log #1
Date: 06/24/2021
Experiment Lead: Catelyn Rodriguez
As of current, it is believed that the activation period of Object 216 "Hyrum Lanterns" (including I.M.E.) is set at complete random. This test aims to find the true reason for its activation and its logic, as well as to attempt to set the activation period to a more solid, reliable timeframe to ensure wanderers' safety through provided means—e.g., faith, belief, and reason.
To aid with the following experiments, historians have unraveled scriptures and documents from the Lost Era which contain the first tales of Hyrum Light—Hyrum Lanterns by direct extension—where mentions of strong faith were what linked one to the lantern. Using these scripts, several random participants were exposed to instances of Hyrum Lanterns in two different situations.
4 participants were seated separately within relatively dim rooms with two researchers and each given a Hyrum Lantern. A fifth room was prepared with no participant inside. Each participant is told to interact with the object however they pleased.
The first subject is Natalee Thompson, a 31-year-old woman who volunteers frequently at the M.E.G., who initially signed up for possible testing of the Hyrum Lantern. She first enters the room with brief excitement and is told to sit at the table. When the object is placed in front of them, Thompson appears to take a mild interest in the lantern. It is taken into consideration that the subject has not seen the object beforehand. After examining the lantern for about 2 minutes, the subject then activates the lantern, which glows a rather faint hue. Attempting to make it glow brighter, she turns the knob multiple times. The lantern's luminosity weakens considerably as Thompson expresses her disappointment. Eventually, the subject loses complete interest and the lantern completely deactivates. After a few more minutes of attempting to reactivate the lantern to no avail, observers assess Thompson and remove her from the experiment.
The second and third subjects, twins Michael and George Ramsay, are both 5-year-old boys who were taken in for the experiment by their mother, Minerva Ramsay. Both were separated into different rooms and, like Thompson, given the lanterns.
The first twin, Michael Ramsay, expresses slight fear at the dimness of the room. When offered the lantern, the subject declines, pushes it away from him, and begins to softly cry. In a few minutes, the lantern automatically turns on, revealing a bright flame. The child calms down and warms up to it rather quickly, and so takes the object in his hands. The brightness of the lantern increases and the observers recall a stronger scent of lavender filling the room. Within five minutes, the subject lays his head on the table and falls asleep. Michael was then lifted up and taken out of the experiment room to his mother, where George was taken in for the same experiment. After awakening, the researchers assess Michael’s state and remove him from the experiment.
Unlike Michael, who as noted by observers was quiet and reserved, George expresses qualities of high energy. The subject interacts with the researchers cheerfully, asking several questions about the purpose of the experiment. When given the lantern, it is eagerly taken and played around with. The subject then proceeds to turn the knob to activate the lantern, which merely emits a soft glow. In an attempt to make the Hyrum Lantern glow brighter, the second twin shakes it in futility. The lantern’s light wanes significantly. After several attempts at forcing the lantern to return to its original luminosity, George throws the lantern at the wall and leaves the room. After thorough inspection, the object appears to have taken no damage, but no longer activates upon turning the knob. After several hours, an assessment is conducted and the subject is removed from the experiment.
The final participant, accompanied by an instance of Entity 198, is a 21-year-old by the name of Theo Bryant, a wanderer that had just entered the Backrooms 2 months prior to the experiment and was living inside of level-18 for 1 month. The researchers provide Bryant with the same instructions and another instance of Object 216. Upon first glance, they show signs of slight distrust and only prod at the object. Within a few minutes, the subject reluctantly picks up the lantern and activates it. Observers recall seeing a very faint glow coming from the object. Similar to the second subject, Bryant expresses a liking for the lantern. After 3 minutes of interacting with the object, the subject turns to present it to their companion behind them—it isn’t until then that Bryant discovers the burnt remains of the Plush Dino, which burned up in the presence of the Hyrum Lantern’s light. Bryant then drops the lantern in horror and sits back down. Immediately after the incident, the researchers took the subject out of the experiment and ended up requiring about 2 weeks of therapy. As for the lantern, though it immediately deactivated upon the subject dropping it, continued to work in perfect condition.
Prior to the experiment, two random groups of 16 were taken in for testing; one will be exposed to various related to the Hyrum Lantern, including knowledge of the Petrified Subjects themselves (named Group 1), while the other will simply receive the object without prior knowledge to its properties (named Group 2). In each scenario, both groups will be released to the same level, at the same time, and under the same conditions.
The experiment begins with Group 2, who were told to traverse 50 meters within a particular area of Level 9 with the lanterns activated. The group was motivated by observers to talk about Hyrum Lanterns and was instructed to theorize what type of abnormality would the lanterns possess. After more than 1 minute of brainstorming, all passed and assumed it was most likely the light that would exhibit the properties of the object. The lanterns, in the hands of their holders, glowed brighter; observers took note.
When presented with a threat, Group 2's initial reaction was to flee. Observers located far away from the location would insist that they stay and try to use the lantern against the approaching entity a Smiler. Once one of the lanterns was hesitantly raised in front of the entity, though gleaming dimly, it burned the entity upon contact with the gold light and slightly revealed the entity's form from the brightness before the entity retreated frenziedly, screeching and scorching. It was seen after the encounter that the lanterns were shining brighter than they were previously, and the trust the group had poured into the objects had made them more potent.
A day later, at the same time, Group 1 was given the same lanterns. During a brief five-minute waiting period where the subjects were encouraged to speak to one another, it was observed from their interaction that three subgroups were formed amongst the subjects: eight who were almost fully convinced that the lanterns were indeed created by an ancient being and believed the lantern would protect them, four who were neutral and chose to follow whatever would happen during the experiment but still believed to be protected by the lantern, two who did not believe in the idea at all, and another two who did not seem to care. After the waiting period, Group 1 was sent out to traverse Level 9.
During this time, observers noticed the difference in the luminosity of each lantern of the subgroups, their beliefs about the object impacted the lanterns' properties, and while it would not necessarily have affected its I.M.E. rates, it would certainly seem so, after more time was spent wandering, that it will affect a Hyrum Lantern's duration in staying lit. The experimentees, after observers discovered the fact thereafter, were separated accordingly. The first subgroup showed to have their lanterns activated the longest, having lasted 5 hours before deactivating; the second subgroup's remained alight for 1 hour; the fourth's lasted 50 minutes; the third's lasted 30 seconds.
It is from these tests and the various sources collected from the Petrified that it is discovered that Hyrum Lanterns rely on faith, belief, reason, and even logic to activate. More experiments were done after these two and they had relatively the same results as this study.
Object 216 - "Hyrum Lanterns"
Experiment Log #2
Date: 6/30/2021
Experiment Lead: Tristan Petrovic
On the 22nd of June, 2021, at 8:03 PM, the first recorded I.M.E. event took place in Level 9 after the current Veracity Searcher member Penelope Harveston discovered an Object 216 instance on the porch of a house on the level, who therein, activated the lantern under the threat of a Smiler. From her pure will to live, the lantern was set ablaze and a golden light scorched the entity. This marked the onset of the following live subject testings in regard to the object's properties, which have been given the proper approval by the Overseer Council.
Case Studies
- Smiler-infested area (Level 9)
- 1 Smiler specimen
- 1 Lantern holder
- 1 Testing chamber
- Fitted with appropriate protection, three layers of glass windows, and iron bars at the end of the chamber facing the Smiler specimen.
- Researchers are to fully observe all ongoing testing.
- All unauthorized personnel within the area are to be escorted away from the site immediately.
- If unauthorized personnel insist, clarify that the M.E.G. is conducting official testing; administer force if needed.
- The lantern holder is to wear protective gear when inside the testing chamber at all times.
- Execute Smiler specimen once incapacitated—unnecessary if the lantern exterminates it completely.
Test 1: Smiler Specimen
Date: 6/30/2015
Tester: Elizabeth "Ely" Loomis - Wanderer
[Transcript Starts]
[00:03] Elizabeth Loomis—Ely from now on—is placed within the chamber and tasked to grab the lantern on top of the table in front of him.
[00:10] The subject takes the lantern and illuminates the room in gold light. Observers task Ely to hold the lantern in front of the window. They acquiesce.
[00:17] Smiler specimen manifests and the lantern wanes significantly in light as Ely can be observed to be trembling, though almost unnoticeable. Observers take note of this and proceed to tell Ely to stay still. The Smiler takes notice of the light and rushes toward the holder at great speed.
[00:22] Ely braces for the entity's impact as the lantern almost returns to its previous luminosity, the Smiler crashes on the stone wall outside of the iron bars before it screeches instantaneously while burning can be heard alongside the ear-piercing noise. The impact causes the subject to yelp and clutch onto the lantern tighter, and as such, the brightness of the lantern increases tenfold. This continues for 16 seconds before the entity falls silent.
[00:24] Observers and personnel ensure that the specimen has been executed by the lantern. Once confirmed, Ely is escorted out of the chamber and taken in for assessment. The subject appears calm and collected, and presented a cheery and hopeful demeanor as they kept the distinguished lantern in hand. After being left alone for an extra 10-15 minutes, they are taken back with their group and the lantern is removed from their person.
All information was sourced from:
Major Exploration Group
"Bettering Humanity"
Petrified Order of the All-Brilliance
"Petrificatus In Lumine Suo"
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