Meet The Staff
Wikidot Staff

If you're looking for the staff wiki, it's here.

Everyone on this list is here to help keep the site running smoothly. Each of them has their own role or area of expertise where they are fit. Many are veterans, or at least have established themselves as quality site members. If you need to contact staff, tell us on our Discord server, or else PM anyone on this list. Staff have specially coloured user links!

Note: You are expected to recognize these people when on the wiki. You don't have to memorize everything below, though when you see these people call orders, you are to listen.

Yes, some of the blurbs aren't that serious.

Report form

If you are having issues with another member and would like to report them, or you believe that another member has broken the rules, please do not hesitate to reach out to staff through our report form. The form is entirely anonymous, and staff will not know or try to figure out who the reporter is. If you’d like to follow up with staff, you are allowed to create a throwaway discord account and communicate with staff via said account. Please leave its tag in somewhere on the form so we can do so. Staff checks this form regularly, so please do not hesitate to send in a report if necessary.


The following are administrators on the wiki.

BlueSignetBlueSignet— Head Administrator

Community Outreach Team, Maintenance Team, Technical Team
Resident role speedrunner. Stereotypical writer obsessed with horror, coffee, and my two cats.

  • discord.png DevlinRoss
DivineAtlasDivineAtlasSite Owner

Community Outreach Team, Disc Team Captain
Just a big nerd.

  • discord.png DivineAtlas
jan Jejasajan Jejasa

Maintenance Team, Technical Team
Bury me with my humor.

  • discord.png junkshipp

Community Outreach Team, Maintenance Team
Being french somehow became my personality here but don't worry I swear I'm more than just that.

  • discord.png praetooor

Community Outreach Team, Disciplinary Team, Maintenance Team
Also known as MaksuS. Just a dude, basically :D

  • discord.png poliacci

The following are moderators on the wiki.

Red-eyes DragoonRed-eyes Dragoon

Disciplinary Team
"After a streak of failure, we might have just hit our breakthrough. It appears the perfect test subject was right under our nose this whole time" - Sofia? 2021 2021

  • discord.png monster9530

Community Outreach Team, Maintenance Team, and Tech Team
You can call me Rey! I talk about my cats too much

  • discord.png rey._day

Community Outreach Team, Maintenance Team
Only sanctity may ever stream from my eyes.

  • discord.png liurniaa

I'm not even a real person they created me for a laugh and now I'm just here ;3

  • discord.png liminaldoctor

Maintenance Team, Community Outreach Team
Hi, hi! I'm Silver, I'm a college student living in Ontario and I'm a massive nerd. I mainly help with replacing AI and Non CC stuff using Blender :D. I'm also pretty active on the discord server so pop in and say hi! I swear I don't bite!

  • discord.png laundry_fan04

Atlas's Personal Orbital Railcannon Strike, Community Outreach Team



Community Outreach Team, Tech Team

Hello there, I'm Super, Robot, or anything (not in between. I swear, to the one guy that called me "hyphen"). Formerly the tlt, now just a tlt (eyeing you, Rey), I can help with tech stuff. Oh yeah, [insert comm stuff I can do here]! Anyways… Well yeah that's me. Feel free to say hi. I'll say hello there. Sometimes I say hello people. Yeah. This blurb isn't long at all. Have a nice day if you read the whole thing!

  • discord.png superrobot14
pnn wepmpnn wepm

Maintenance Team, Community Outreach Team
Call me… forgets name

  • discord.png sooshi8112
Junior Staff

The following are the current junior staff on the wiki.


Maintenance Team, Disciplinary Team

  • discord.png schulzenreich

Community Outreach Team
If a plant plants a plant, is the plant a planter that plants plants?

  • discord.png yourweirdplant

Greenlighters — Greenlighters' Site

The following are our current greenlighters. While there may be some overlap with the staff team, they are still recognised because they put a lot of work into helping with writing and controlling the quality of the wiki. Learn more about them on our greenlight policy page.

Unless otherwise stated, the content of this page is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 License