Class Contested [non-human]
- Entity Superiority
- Unsecure
- Unsafe Conditions for Humanity
The following information for Level -998 has been discovered by high-tech drones made by the M.E.G.. The conditions of this level are almost impossible to survive in. Level -998 is controlled and ruled by Entity 100, and has agreed to send in the drone into the level for a limited amount of time.
Keep this with an open mind.
Level -998 is the 999th Negative Level of the Backrooms.
It is very different from other levels in the Backrooms.
Level -998 is much different than other levels. As said by Entity 100, it's not in the Backrooms. Instead, it is outside of it, similar to the Blue Channel. The level seems to be created by Entity 100 by getting minerals from thousands of levels and turning them into his home. There is debate regarding whether or not this level can be considered a level, seeing as it could very well be an alternate universe or false reality. Whatever it is, it's something Backrooms related. The actual answer is unknown, but as of now it is classified as "altered reality", altered by Entity 100.
Outside of an abandoned factory.
This level seems to have its own world, with countries, cities, continents, etc. Only one country has been documented, and its name is still undecided. The country is abandoned, littered with train tracks and abandoned factories. At least 15 cities of varying sizes have been found, all of them deserted. It is recommended that you avoid them as they can cause static on the drone, breaking it.
Most things in this level are completely overgrown with dark red bark and purple leaves. The grass is usually an earth-like green. The trees are similar to those in the Frontrooms, but are a little more dull. Water is scarce, and the little water that can be found is boiling hot. The color of the water isn't much different than in the Frontrooms. The sky seems to have a dull, calming sunset with purple and red clouds. clouds. However, there can also be normal clouds. (See image labeled "Core 2")
Inside one of the facilities sub warehouses, taken by a drone.
Among the buildings in this level, there are two main factories that are were operational. , Core 1 and Core 2. Core 1 exploded at an unknown time due to lack of security to keep it sustained. As a result, toxic gas spread throughout the country, and possibly other areas, making Level -998 inhospitable to humans. However, Core 2 still exists. It needs to stay intact for more drones to explore this mysterious level. For a while it was difficult for humans to keep it from exploding, but intelligent robots were deployed to operate and secure the core. Some are ran by humans behind a screen, some are operating by themselves. Core 2 has multiple "sub warehouses". Inside of them are various useless items.
The entities found here are The Whispers (Entity 124), Entity 100, and The Crypts (Entity 174).
Level -998 was discovered when Entity 100 showed it to M.E.G operatives during an interview.
Communities And Outposts
Despite the extreme conditions, the M.E.G. managed to create some robots that could stabilize Core 2.
M.E.G. (A.k.a The "Major Explorer Group") Base Robotic:
- This is the 16th base of The M.E.G.
- The base is still under construction, and is most likely the most unstable base yet.
- The base is 100% created and ran by humanoid robots created by The M.E.G.
- This community's main goal is to sustain Core 2 from exploding.
The Crypts Base
- Location and member count remain unknown.
- Holds friendly relationships with the M.E.G due to the sustenance of Core 2.
- Every member has been recorded to be an instance of Entity 174.
- [More Information Pending..]
Entrances And Exits:
The only way to enter is by getting Entity 100 to take you there.
Other than Entity 100 taking you back to any level, there is no known way out of Level -998. Though, it is speculated that there are other exits that do not rely on Entity 100.
Don't you know where this is?
This is my home, and you know who i am.
There are other ways of entering, entering that ones haven't discovered.
It was a path into hell.
I wanted my home gone. I wanted it to go because of him.
It's funny, y'know. Watching you and your pesky little group wander around all the rooms and levels across the cluster.
I wanted to get into it, create my own thing.
I didn't expect i would have the power to do it.
They thought i slipped up on that day, that i accidentally said that i had a home.
I didn't, i never did.
You can't see it, can you?
I always know what i am doing. I have a power in the 4th dimension that can't even be projected in the 3rd. Something you wouldn't see.
You humans are miserable. You will never crack the code, ever.
You aren't going to escape this hellhole you call "The Backrooms".