Level 974
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Class 0

  • Safe
  • Secure
  • Devoid of harmful entities

Photo of "Kitty" standing in the bedroom of Level 974


Level 974 is a moderately sized (approximately 970 square foot) home, with pink theming throughout the interior. There appears to be no physical door leading to an outdoor area. Windows within the level simply reveal artwork depicting what one would typically see outdoors, except with a notably coquette theming. If a 'cute' item is on a Wanderer's person, they have a chance to end up in this level when no-clipping.

The level presents itself differently to each Wanderer who enters, though Wanderers typically find themselves within nearly identical homes, each featuring subtle variations that are tailored to the individual Wanderer. These variations may include unique cooking utensils, empty photo frames adorning the walls, posters reflecting the Wanderer’s childhood memories and other minor, inconsequential details. While it is uncommon for multiple Wanderers to occupy the same home, such occurrences may be guaranteed if the individuals are all holding the ‘cute’ item together. While within this level, Wanderers may be reminded of childhood memories more than often. The memories Wanderers experience are less clear and more 'fuzzy' than when recollecting the same memories outside of the level. When Wanderers leave the level, those memories often gain more clarity when compared to recollections before entering the level.

Due to its finite size, there are only a few rooms accessible in the level. This level consists of a bedroom, a master bedroom, two bathrooms, a living room, and a kitchen/dining room. The only furnished rooms are the dining room and bedroom. Plumbing and electricity function normally in Level 974, and there is a decent Wi-Fi connection as well. These amenities have all been proven safe to use. Wanderers are encouraged to use them while in the level, as they may not encounter another safe spot for a while.

The distinctive quirk of this level is the pink and pastel theming and decor within it; the walls, furniture, and even the appliances all have this notable style of decor. These items are often branded with familiar mascots from the Frontrooms, such as characters from Sanrio and San-X. Other childhood mascot branded items may appear, but are less likely. The wall color is mainly a specific shade of pink known as "Baker Miller pink". This was researched to have calming effects for short periods of time. However, after prolonged durations of time, the color can induce anxiety and (within the Backrooms only) reduce sanity.

Many consumable items can be found here, such as Greasy Marshmallows and various types of food typically seen in the Frontrooms. These items are located within the kitchen's fridge and pantries. The food itself is in good condition and is completely safe to consume. Anything taken from the pantries or fridge will eventually replace itself by unknown means. If a wanderer stays in the level for a considerably long time, the food will lower in nutritional quality, becoming mainly sugar. When near the kitchen, Wanderers may begin to smell food that is reminiscent of meals that were served to them in their youth. A majority of the time, the smell is an olfactory hallucination, but there are rare exceptions where the meal will be on one of the countertops in the kitchen or on the table.

As stated before, the rooms are not furnished besides the dining room and the normal sized bedroom. Although the master bedroom is not furnished, there is a pink and white cat bed at the back wall of the empty room. The dining room is directly next to the kitchen and features a pink wooden banquette seating that wraps around two sides of a table. The normal bedroom has a twin sized bed nestled in between two walls that jut out from the sides of the room. There is an open closet next to the door with a dresser inside. In the dresser, there are many ‘cute’ clothes that are accustomed to the Wanderers size. The whole room is decorated with many plushies and a few ‘cute’ posters. There is a desk on the other side of the room parallel to the bed. The desk has an old computer, similar to a Windows 95 computer from the Frontrooms, along with an old keyboard and mouse.

The computer, although appearing ordinary, possesses distinct properties associated with its applications. When powered on, the computer will present two user profiles: “Owner” and “Guest”. The password for “Owner” is still unknown, but there are clues pertaining to what it might be throughout this level, as well as the sub level, 974.1. The “Guest” account is able to be accessed without a password. On the desktop there are a handful of applications able to be used.1 Only 3 of them are relevant for the level’s explanation, those being “Internet”, “DreamSleep” and "Mail".

The "Mail" application allows users from different houses to easily message each other in the level. All of the computers receive an email upon first boot up created by an unknown user that seems to have knowledgeable experience on the level. The email gives Wanderers important information regarding the level and its entity, "Kitty".

The email:


The “Internet” is similar to old Internet Explorer, but with many searches being either being redacted or simply not searchable. The answers it gives are often vague and don’t show many useful search results. Sometimes, the answers are put in a cryptic language of unknown origin. Despite its limitations, it has occasionally answered some questions that have proven to be valuable information for the mysteries of the Backrooms.

The “DreamSleep” application, when opened, will display a loading screen with bright and ‘pretty’ colors that will take approximately a minute to load. Once it has finished loading, it will display the message “Your dreams are ready, sleep to start”. Sleeping on the bed will allow the Wanderer to enter the sub-level, 974.1. It is important to note that falling asleep anywhere else in this level will not let the Wanderer enter the sub level. Attempting to sleep in the bed seems to enhance melatonin production as well.

It is important to note that if the wanderer is still a child, many differences are found. The main ones being: the pink paint on the walls will not cause the wanderer to lose sanity, the food will not turn into pure sugar until the wanderer has aged into an adult, and 'Kitty' will adopt a nurturing behavior.


Only one known entity resides in Level 974; the entity known as ‘Kitty’. Kitty is a 3.2m tall, humanoid entity with unnaturally long, lanky limbs which lack hands or feet. The entity’s skin is matt-black and has a texture similar to that of mosou black fabric. It also seems to lack any semblance of facial features, but is assumed to be able to see, hear, and smell the same way most Wanderers can via alternate methods. When moving, Kitty travels smoothly and swiftly, often times surprising Wanderers who were not aware of its existence by appearing in close vicinity to them.

The entity has not yet displayed any forms of hostility, opting instead to stalk Wanderers as they explore and rest within Level 974. If aggression is shown towards Kitty, or if the house is damaged by a wanderer, Kitty will no longer stalk you. The food will also disappear, along with large amounts of sanity.

Another note is that another entity known as the 'Owner' may appear in the level if certain actions have been done by a wanderer on the sub-level. More information about the entity will be provided in that page.

Bases, Outposts, and Communities

There are no bases, camps or outposts on this level.

Entrances And Exits:


If a Wanderer has anything perceived as 'cute' on their person upon entering a new level, there is a slight possibility of being transported to Level 974 instead of the location they would have normally been transported to.


The only known exit from Level 974 is by giving Kitty a 'cute' item that was obtained before your visit. This item can be given to Kitty at any time during your stay. Upon handing the gift to Kitty, you will immediately fall asleep and wake up in a safe level.

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