Level 909.0

Trigger warning:

This page contains descriptions and visuals of gore, and disturbing audio files.
(The images aren't showing real blood, and the audios are acting, no one was hurt.)
Viewer discretion is advised.

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Class 5

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Since the dawn of time, humanity has always displayed a morbid curiosity and odd fascination for pain and suffering. Since they exist, humans have glorified pain. They found more and more ways to hurt, torture, and kill their peers. In this spirit, the Rogue team has been created. A group of dissident The M.E.G. agents running tests in the most horrible Backrooms levels using unorthodox methods, including kidnapping and using wanderers as test subjects. The following information you are about to go through has been obtained illegally; some ways used to get it are against human rights. The M.E.G. have found a lot of documents, mostly corrupted, and put together this page based on what they found.


One might think this level is like any other because of its rudimentary look. A maze of tall concrete hallways leading to rooms of different sizes that expand on an unknown area. Small windows come and light up the place a little ; it shows how old the level seems to be, ravaged by time, abandoned by any form of life. Every part of this maze looks the same, and the layout is so complex that getting lost becomes very easy. Some of the hallways are obstructed or blocked by wooden planks covered with little carvings showing names, dates, or just scratches as if someone tried to cut the planks with their nails. In reality, this maze hides the smudges of those who were unlucky enough to be trapped in it.

The light coming through the windows is not strong enough to show the many scratches on the walls as well as the dried blood stains and puddles scattered around the cold floor, filling the level to the brim with a heavy and humid atmosphere that tastes like copper. Among the puddles of blood, decaying corpses can be found in horrible condition. Lacking any organs related to the senses like the eyes, nose, tongue, ears, and sometimes even parts of the skin. These bodies were once living people who died alone in pain, screaming for help that would never come. Unimaginable pain they were meant to experience, doomed by the Rogue to enter this level, just to see the limits of the human body. Today, every single person who saw the interior of this level is dead.

The only way to noclip in and out of this level is to find the Rogue outpost in a remote area located deep inside Level 109, because it's close to the only known entrance and exit to Level 909.


The Rogue was known for keeping track of their work through reports, communication transcripts, and pictures. A lot of documents have been lost or corrupted during the cluster incident, resulting in files displaying nothing but a message saying that no data is available, as shown above.
Originally showing all sorts of things like eyeballs, pieces of skin, ears, and tongues found on the floor, these pictures were all corrupted except for 2. They display fresh blood. As it turns brown when drying due to the exposition to oxygen and it's still red on the linked pictures, it means they were taken shortly after the supposed events took place.



A lot of bodies were found in the level, all at different stages of decay, but all presenting the same type of injuries. The Rogue brought one of the bodies out of the level to further examine it without being exposed to any danger. Unfortunately an autopsy couldn't be done because of the lack of medical tools. When the M.E.G. arrived, they found the body on a table in a remote area. It has been brought to the nearest M.E.G. base and examined to better understand how the wanderers died in the level.

After being brought to the nearest M.E.G. base, the few Rogue agents left were interrogated. Most of them weren't cooperative which is why it took days to get information out of them. The following logs have been cut out from hours of desperate attempts to get something interesting or simple answers to the M.E.G.'s questions, and only contain the essential information:

The Rogue gave communication devices to the subjects about to enter the level so they could give directives and guide the subjects inside. As most of them were attacked by the entity and stayed alive after the mutilation, their communication devices were still transmitting, and the Rogue would receive audios of gargles, scraping, and wet flesh noises:

The Cluster Incident

Every night, several agents took turns to make sure nobody tried to escape, or enter the level. These agents would often spend the night browsing the files on the computer of the Rogue, or walking around the place surrounding the outpost. Until one agent saw the picture of the entity kept by the Rogue as an indicator of what it looked like.

"Hey, have you seen the picture of the entity?"

This sentence was heard by over half of the people in the Rogue's outpost on the morning of March 30th of 2022. The seemingly innocent quote was spoken by those who were already infected by the entity, slowly taking over their minds and making them spread the entity like a virus. Little did the Rogue know, it was the morning of their downfall. Less than one hour after that, infected wanderers and agents were getting to the computers in order to corrupt a maximum amount of data before anybody else would notice, to erase every trace of the level's existence. When the other agents realized what was happening, they tried to protect their files. In response to that the infected took whatever was at their disposition, not to defend themselves but to attack the senses of anyone in their path. Screams of pain could be heard from far away.

A M.E.G. team patrolling in the area heard it. When they saw what was going on, they immediately went to call for reinforcements. This is when the entity took the lives of the infected by making them do what it had always been doing, it made them remove their own senses. Cutting their tongues and ears with knives, slamming their heads on the walls to destroy their noses, gouging out their own eyes with pencils… When the M.E.G. arrived on site, they found what looked like a battlefield. Several corpses were laying on the floor from both the wanderers and the Rogue agents. The M.E.G. first thought the wanderers had rebelled and tried to fight their way out. But this theory was quickly discarded, as almost all corpses displayed clear signs of torture and self harm.

This incident decimated the Rogue team. The few survivors were brought to the nearest M.E.G. base. At the time, no one in the M.E.G. knew about what was going on there, the survivors would later be interrogated, and the truth started to emerge, leading to documents being found and more investigation being done. This entity seems to be trying to infect wanderers, and wants to delete any traces of the level's existence.


Today, the image of the entity is lost. To prevent anybody from being tempted to find the picture and be infected, the present page will be truncated. One must know about this level's existence to stay away from it, but the events that lead to this information must be classified. In case the truncated page fails or is corrupted and the picture spreads, beware. The memory of the entity becomes itself the entity.

In their quest to find the limits of the human body, the Rogue team discovered one of the worst ways to die in the Backrooms. And possibly freed one of the most horrible entities. It can infect the people who see it, even through something as simple as a picture. The entity didn't directly corrupt the data in the Rogue's outpost. The infected people did.
One must be careful about the content they watch, as it has a price. Sometimes looking at a simple picture can change you forever, and make you do horrible things.

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