To: Polyergus Brensford, M.E.G. Base Alpha
From: Mackenzie Hugo, M.E.G. Base Omega
Subject: Requesting Greenlight for Level 9.1 "Ground Zero" Writeup
Date: 17.05.2022
Yo Pol-Pol,
Did a quick writeup of that new crater thingy where those funky fields used to be at. Not a whole lot to document so it's a pretty small one, but I think it's still worth getting up on the database 'cuz of the implications it has. Document is attached to this message, have a look will ya?
Cheers man,
Mackenzie Hugo, M.E.G. Base Omega
Class pending
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Image of Level 9.1 taken from the crater's rim.
Level 9.1 is a sub-level of Level 9, resembling an impact crater.
Level 9.1 is a roughly 20-kilometer-wide impact crater, similar to those formed from meteor impacts. Documentation of the area is still ongoing although it's generally believed that the level is completely barren. There is no apparent day/night cycle, with the sun sitting constantly overhead. No entities have yet been observed in Level 9.1 but the possibility has not been ruled out.
Level 9.1's discovery shortly after the Crimson Forest's disappearance raises a few questions. The most likely hypothesis is that the forest was destroyed by a meteor impact and the crater is all that's left of it. This is further supported by how the level is entered similarly to how the Crimson Fields were previously accessed. This theory is unconfirmed but is still worth considering.
Entrances and Exits
Walking away from the main streets of Level 9 has a chance of taking you to this level. The grassy fields will slowly shift into a rocky desert, with the crater directly ahead.
Heading into the crater you can find several small holes that, when entered, will take you back to Level 9.
To: Mackenzie Hugo, M.E.G. Base Omega
From: Polyergus Brensford, M.E.G. Base Alpha
Subject: Re: Requesting Greenlight for Level 9.1 "Ground Zero" Writeup
Date: 17.05.2022
Hi Mac,
I appreciate you writing a draft for this — not many writers seem to be prioritising this, let alone volunteers, although I can't say there's much of a need to. In my honest opinion, I believe we should wait until we understand more about this crater before writing anything about it, but you've done a good job with what we have.
There are, however, a few things I'd like to note.
First of all, SPaG:
- "20-kilometer-wide" should not be hyphenated.
- Comma after "Documentation of the area is still ongoing" and "No entities have yet been observed in Level 9.1".
Additionally, don't refer to the reader in the 2nd person.
Now, about the "theories" section: I don't really see where you're coming from with the Crimson Forest hypothesis — there's no real solid ground for it to stand on. First of all, correlation does not equal causation; the crater could've been caused by a number of different things. Secondly, this crater was discovered several days before we lost contact with CF, so there's no way it can be what's left of the forest.
I understand that it's difficult to process, and I know grieving takes on many forms, but coming up with these kinds of desperate explanations isn't healthy. I know that may sound harsh, but these are the words you need to hear right now. She's gone, Mac.
My general advice is this: wait for more information about the crater to come back, and then you can write a draft for it providing you keep it to the facts. Thank you.
Polyergus Brensford, M.E.G. Base Alpha
To: Polyergus Brensford, M.E.G. Base Alpha
From: Mackenzie Hugo, M.E.G. Base Omega
Subject: Re: Re: Requesting Greenlight for Level 9.1 "Ground Zero" Writeup
Date: 17.05.2022
Can we at least pretend that a meteor destroyed the Crimson Forest?
To: Mackenzie Hugo, M.E.G. Base Omega
From: Polyergus Brensford, M.E.G. Base Alpha
Subject: Re: Re: Re: Requesting Greenlight for Level 9.1 "Ground Zero" Writeup
Date: 17.05.2022