Level 800.1


rating: +31+x


Inb4 Mctoran steals this for his clone wiki

Conceptualized and written by ReyDayReyDay and Natedagreat563Natedagreat563 for SLcon2024
All audio recordings done by Natedagreat563Natedagreat563
Theme by r a t i fr a t i f(edited by ReyDayReyDay)
Clock logo by ReyDayReyDay

Red-eyes DragoonRed-eyes Dragoon

Nate’s Author Page
Rey’s Author Page

Nate’s other pages:

Other Pages By This Author
Levels Electrical Station | The White Forest | TH3 SH4DY GR3Y | The Metro | The Dark Metro
Sub-Levels Terror Hotel Casino | Level 800.1
Entities Endless/Nameless | The Saberzoa | Icarus Procidens
Objects The Ultimate Backrooms Cookbook | Spirit Links | Almond Water
Tales Wake Up and Smell the Pain | Archived Journals of Lucy Fox | The Broken City Part 1: City Boy | The Broken City Part 2: Macy | The Broken City Part 3: Meggies | The Broken City Part 4: Terror | Blanche’s Halloween Party | Cracks
People of Interest Eden G.
Guides/Essays Survival Difficulty Class System Guide | Offsets 101

Rey’s other pages:

Page Type Articles
Author Page ReyDay
Levels Level 986
Unnumbered Levels Death’s Door
Sub-Layers Level 800.1
Entities Coming Soon!
Unnumbered Entities Coming Soon!
Objects Object 48 - “Liquid Pain”, Object 33 - “RoboPets”, Object 5-FR - “Anemophosis”(translated)
Phenomena Coming Soon!
Tales Echo of Creation, Five Years Since You Went Missing, For Christmas(translated)
Groups Ariane Circle(translated), The Black Knights(owned)
POIs Nyx(translated)
Canons Black Knights(owned)
Joke Pages Coming Soon!
Tech Enchanted Forest Theme, Music Theme, Deep Sea Theme, Tesseract Theme, Ariane Circle Theme(translated)
Guides/Essays Coming Soon!
Art Diana Evelynn, Fia



On September 17, 2015, a group of M.E.G. senior field investigators headed by Head Field Researcher Eden G. discovered a badly damaged cassette recording device inside the labyrinth of Level 800. Notable details on the device included apparent bite marks, cassette corruption, scratches, scrapes, dents, and shaved down buttons. Analysis of the device did not yield any notable details regarding the condition of the device or the owner.

Upon restoring and extracting the data on this device, the following audio files were found. Said audio files have been compiled, reviewed, compressed, and transcribed by The M.E.G. database file review team and deemed safe for public viewing and listening. The man in the files, the location in which the recordings took place, or the nature of what occurs in the recording is currently unknown. As such, a proper article cannot be created regarding this potential new level in question.

For the sake of public safety, The Oversight Council and Head Field Researcher Eden G. have unanimously decided to release these files to the public in the hopes to find out more about the potential level and prevent more casualties—the latter being of utmost priority. Any wanderers with information that leads to more information about the level or man in the recording being discovered should report to their nearest Base Leader and will be compensated with a reward of five royal rations. If and when more information is discovered, a proper file will be created for this potential new level. The transcripts remain unedited from the initial content, save for footnotes added by file reviewers. The content present in the log may be disturbing and contains incredibly violent occurrences and loud, disturbing noises. For now, it is strongly advised that readers listen to the files and exercise extreme caution when traversing Level 800 or adjacent levels which lead to it.

Thank you for your compliance. Stay Safe.

- Underseer Tomas Verne

rating: +31+x

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