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Level 799 Exploration Log
Exploration of Level 799 to gather information for the Database entry and find stable exits from the level.
Involved Personnel:
Mari Kerner, Captain of Exploration Team "Mari"
Alexander Horvat, Exploration Team "Mari"
Kathleen Younge, Exploration Team "Mari"
Audio Log
<Begin Log>
Mari Kerner: Audio connected. We can start describing our surroundings for the record.
Alexander Horvat: All right, let's go.
Kathleen Younge: Let's see. Where we are in the level has the appearance of an old building like a… hospital?
Mari Kerner: I wouldn't say "hospital". More like a laboratory. Entering second room.
Kathleen Younge: Okay, yeah, definitely more science stuff than medical. We got microscopes and a bunch of machines that I don't even recognise… The terminal there identifies this as a U.E.C. base. That's… weird.
Alexander Horvat: Guys, look over here.
Kathleen Younge: Yeah, Lexi… Oh wow. A hole.
Mari Kerner: There's a hole in the wall about 2 feet in diameter, extending for a great distance. Seems like some sort of tunnel made of rusted metal. I'll mark it down as a possible exit. Entering next room.
Kathleen Younge: Shit.
Alexander Horvat: That's… unsettling.
Mari Kerner: Continuous screaming. Sounds like it's being made by either a woman or a young child. Might be an entity or a property of the level. Let's investigate.
[The microphone did not pick up any of the described sounds.]
Alexander Horvat: Okay.
[Several hours of irrelevant audio removed, in which the team explored the level, searching for the source of the screaming. Although the screaming was never recorded by the microphone, the team reported the sound as consistent throughout their experience.]
Kathleen Younge: Another U.E.C. terminal? The level has to be just spawning these in. There's no way the U.E.C. has this many terminals.
Mari Kerner: Entering the next room.
Alexander Horvat: This is new.
Kathleen Younge: Yeah. Finally, a room that's not just full of random lab equipment.
Mari Kerner: Room is empty except for a single chair. On the opposite wall is a glass screen. Beyond the glass is…
Alexander Horvat: Fuck.
Mari Kerner: Source of the screaming found. On the other side of the glass is a young girl strapped to a cot. The entire top of her head has been removed.
Alexander Horvat: Oh no.
Mari Kerner: Further examination of the girl reveals that her entire brain seems to be missing.
Alexander Horvat: Mari, how can you be so aloof about this? We need to help her.
Mari Kerner: Blood is flowing from her head as she struggles against the bonds.
Kathleen Younge: Guys, we need to go. Now.
[Connection lost.]
<End Log>
Base Cyllene
Basic Information
Location: Level 172
Founded: 8/13/2022
Head: Dr. Winston Rosevolt
Active Members: 23
Purpose: Research in the field of controlled no-clipping.

The exterior of Base Cyllene's warehouse.
Level 172 was chosen as the location for Base Cyllene due to the fact that the level is completely safe at most times but has short periods of relative danger that can be avoided by taking shelter. This combination allows U.E.C. members working at the base to remain secure while also deterring wanderers from creating communities on the level that may impede U.E.C. work. An agreement has been reached with the local "Tramvajáci" group that the Tramvajáci will lead wanderers away from Base Cyllene in exchange for supplies.
The base has been constructed inside one of the office buildings in the level and its nearby warehouse. Prior to establishment as a base, members of the Partisans of Arete exterminated all Window entities in the two buildings. After this, rooms in the office building were refurbished to be utilized in different ways with some outfitted with a variety of scientific machinery that have been scavenged from a variety of levels or obtained from Backrooms Robotics and the B.N.T.G. and others converted into living quarters. The nearby warehouse is used primarily for experiments involving controlled no-clipping, and machinery is moved in and out of the warehouse when needed. An enclosed passageway between the office building and the warehouse has been constructed to allow for safe movement between the two buildings during the level's "Night" events.
Base Cyllene was established by Dr. Winston Rosevolt of Research Team Circe for research in controlled no-clipping. Since its initial establishment, it has created a number of advances in the field, and research has primarily pivoted to the project known as "Project Talaria". Although Project Talaria is still early in development, results have been promising, and research at Base Cyllene may soon bring us the ability to travel between levels at will.
Project Talaria
Project Talaria is a project headed by Dr. Winston Rosevolt of Research Team Circi and the other personnel at Base Cyllene. It has the end goal of reverse engineering the biological processes of the deceased entity known as "Bident" to create a device capable of travelling between levels at will.
Examination of the cadaver of the entity revealed that it contained an organ that produced a fluid similar to Memory Juice and pumped it directly into one of its brains, which it is believed was used specifically for controlled no-clipping (con-clipping). Additionally, there have been a number of anecdotal reports of wanderers who have ingested Memory Juice and then spontaneously no-clipped into levels that they remembered during their trip, though these anecdotes are unsubstantiated. Because of these two facts, it has been suggested that con-clipping could be achieved with the use of Memory Juice. The initial goal of Project Talaria is to explore that hypothesis.
Initial tests attempted to recreate the reports of wanderers con-clipping after ingesting Memory Juice. It was decided that exposing members of the U.E.C. to the potential of Memory Juice addiction early in the testing phase would be unwise, so an unwitting volunteer was procured from the streets of Level 11. Lee Halley was selected due to his experience with other illicit substances and lack of personal allies.
Experimentation on Lee Halley began with the U.E.C. procuring a particularly potent batch of Memory Juice and injecting it into Halley's bloodstream while asking him to focus on Level 11. For the first two weeks of these trials, this only resulted in Halley undergoing particularly intense Memory Juice trips, where he reported re-experiencing a number of memories from his childhood. Shortly into the third week, however, an incident occurred where it's believed Halley was able to no-clip while on Memory Juice. Whether this was controlled or not is unknown, as Halley was never recovered. The whereabouts of Lee Halley are, at this time, unknown.
After the loss of Lee Halley, Dr. Rosevolt was told by higher-ranking members of the U.E.C. not to involve any more living humans in this stage of testing, so the decision was made to begin experimenting with Facelings due to their physiological similarities with humans. Unfortunately, this stage of testing yielded few results. Using the potency of Memory Juice that was used in the Lee Halley trials ended in overdose for most of the Facelings, and it's now believed that Lee Halley had an extraordinary natural tolerance for Memory Juice that was not seen in any of the Facelings. More diluted batches of Memory Juice were tested, but none of them resulted in no-clips. It was later discovered that at this point, Dr. Rosevolt began privately injecting himself with Memory Juice to attempt to reproduce the effects of the Lee Halley Trials, to the detriment of his mental health.
After a series of failures, it is believed that Dr. Rosevolt began to get more radical with his experiments, though the details are still being investigated. At some point, the results of one of Dr. Rosevolt's experiments went awry, and the entirety of Base Cyllene was converted to the spatial anomaly that is now classified by the M.E.G. as Level 799. Dr. Rosevolt and the rest of the U.E.C. members that were present at the base are currently missing, presumed dead.
To: Oleana White, Research Team Circe
From: Dr. Winston Rosevolt, Research Team Circe
Subject: Apotheosis
Date: 3.18.2024
Dear Ms. White,
We are reaching the precipice of a new era, whether you're joining us or not. You and your cronies have scoffed at my methods. At the "danger" my experiments pose to others, but sacrifices must be made in the pursuit of scientific breakthroughs, and the power to bend the Backrooms to our will and travel throughout reality so far beyond a "breakthrough", it's apotheosis. You've blocked all of my attempts to use human subjects, relegating me to use Faceling scum. Entities that have the gall the masquerade as humans. If you won't let me find human volunteers for my research, I will take matters into my own hands. Tonight's experiment will be on the flesh of my flesh, my young daughter, Cyllene, who the very building I'm in is named for. She may not live through it, but her sacrifice will be the fire that guides in the spirit of the new age. She will be written of as a hero in the history books of the future, and I'll be written of as a king. After tonight, I will be the God of your world, and I won't look kindly upon those who stood in my way.
—Dr. Winston Rosevolt, God Emperor
Level 799
Class 0
- {$one}
- {$two}
- {$three}

One of Level 799's many rooms.
Level 799 is a presumably infinite array of rooms resembling those found in a scientific research facility. The rooms in the level are relatively uniform, always containing white vinyl floors, white-painted drywall, and a variety of scientific equipment on laminate countertops. Strangely, many of the pieces of equipment bear the logos of the Unbound Explorer's Coalition and Backrooms Robotics. However, due to the seemingly infinite number of rooms in the level that contain devices bearing these logos, it can only be assumed that the devices are natural occurrences in the level rather than being brought into the level by members of those groups.
Rarely, tunnels can be found embedded in the walls of the level. These tunnels have the texture of rusted metal and lead to a variety of unusual locations. The places at the end of the tunnel are self-contained rooms that take the appearance of a variety of settings, most of which seem to be duplicates of areas in Level 466. Attempting to stray too far from the tunnel entrance in these rooms will lead to wanderers encountering an impenetrable white void.
The level has no known naturally occurring entities, though the rooms that can be accessed by the tunnels occasionally contain strange visual artifacts that take the appearance of a human or entity with extreme motion blur applied to them. These artifacts are frozen in place, and attempting to physically interact with them reveals them to be completely intangible.
The most unusual feature of Level 799 is the ever-present distressed screaming that can be heard throughout the level. The screaming has been reported as sounding like a single female voice, though it seems to be absent from all audio recordings of the level. Wanderers who hear the screaming are able to identify a specific direction that the sound seems to originate from, but attempts to travel in the direction of the sound to find its source have never led to the identifiable source.
Bases, Outposts, and Communities:
Due to the plentitude of scientific technology present on the level, establishment of a research station on the level has been considered, but M.E.G. members have found the ever-present screaming too unnerving for extended habitation. M.E.G. expeditions to the level are occasionally made to acquire machinery from the level, and it is suspected that other groups, such as the B.N.T.G. and Backrooms Robotics, make expeditions to the level for similar reasons.
Entrances and Exits:
The only known entrance to the level is through an office building in Level 172. Attempting to enter this building in any way, including climbing through its windows, will lead the wanderer to enter Level 799. Each of the doors and windows of the building lead to different parts of the level, often separated by large amounts of space.
These entrances are also the only known exits to the level. Due to the fact that it may be difficult for wanderers exploring the level to find a second exit, all wanderers are advised to not travel far from the exit they entered through, lest they get permanently lost in Level 799.
Level 799 Post-Exploration Write-Up
The following write-up was written by Kathleen Younge of M.E.G. exploration team "Mari" after the team's exploration of Level 799. The intent of this write-up was to record what the exploration team experienced after their audio recording equipment was disconnected.
The disconnection in the log was caused by a fracture in the level itself. It was as if the level itself was attempting to excise the gruesome scene that was in front of it. This fracture left me, Mari, and Lexi in a state of being simultaneously halfway in Level 799 and halfway in another location altogether. That second location was similar to the warehouse full of machinery and scientific equipment, not unlike those found in Level 172. Its fluorescent lights has long burnt out, and me and my colleagues were left in the darkness. In between a gruesome scene too terrible to describe and the pitch-black unknown.
Mari was experiencing an intense dissociative episode from it all, so I left her momentarily in Lexi's care so that I could find us an exit. Feeling around, I climbed over large machines that had lain dormant for years until I reached a room which contained the epicenter of the level. Connected to a variety of complex technologies and lit from behind in a green glow was a human brain, suspended in a transparent brown liquid. In the other reality, I looked up at the screaming girl, and she pleaded with her eyes for me to kill her.
Picking up a nearby microscope, I shattered the glass that held the screaming girl's brain, liquid pouring out of the container. I grabbed a piece of broken glass and stabbed it directly into the brain again and again and again until the laboratory itself collapsed, and I was left with only the dark warehouse around me.
I don't know what sick experiments those monsters did on that girl, but they created something larger than what they could control, leaving her trapped in a hell created from her own memories. An infinite plane where she relived the most traumatic experience of her life over and over and over.
I take solace only in the fact that she's not suffering anymore.
Author Page
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"Level 799" by CutTheBirch, from the Backrooms Wiki. Source: https://backrooms-wiki.wikidot.com/level-799. Licensed under CC-BY-SA-3.0.
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"<a href="https://backrooms-wiki.wikidot.com/level-799">Level 799</a>" by CutTheBirch, from the <a href="http://backrooms-wiki.wikidot.com/">Backrooms Wiki</a>. Source: <a href="https://backrooms-wiki.wikidot.com/level-799">https://backrooms-wiki.wikidot.com/level-799</a>. Licensed under <a href="https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/">CC-BY-SA-3.0</a>.
Name: Abandoned warehouses
Author: Bev Goodwin
License: CC BY-SA 2.0
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Name: Laboratory: computers
Author: Tobias Wolter
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