An image taken by M.E.G. operative Jesse Callaghan on Day 3 of Minor Expedition Frigate showing an instance of The Red Freezer.
Level 55 is the 56th level of the Backrooms. It was discovered on 05/03/21.
Level 55 is a supermarket of unknown size filled entirely and exclusively with freezer aisles. Each aisle is exactly fifty five feet long. The aisles seem to mimic the design and styling of a number of supermarkets within the Frontrooms. These markets include but are not limited to: 7-Eleven, Aldi, Costco, Farmfoods, Iceland, K-Mart, Kroger, Morrisons, Target, Tesco, Walmart and Woolworths.
The aisles in Level 55 all match a specific decade of a supermarket's operations, with the decade in question changing every five aisles. The decade always changes chronologically, and will never skip a decade, meaning that a group of aisles representing the 1960s will always lead into a group of aisles representing the 1950s or 1970s. Although there is no Wi-Fi in the majority of the level if you reach a 2000s, 2010s or 2020s era zone you can get a signal on the network FiftyFiver'sFifthFamiliarFreezer which requires the password "55555".
Moving through the aisles of Level 55 can be a rather arduous task due to its extreme non-euclidean geometry, which gives you only one path back to where you came from: the one you took to get where you are. This is amplified by Level 55's lack of any kind of locational or directional indicator, as all markers that have been placed seemingly vanished. Occasionally, you will stumble across what seems to be a wall. It will have a double doors reading "Employees only" which leads to Level 55.1.
Level 55 has an odd effect on all goods stored within its freezers in that they never decay or degrade in any way, remaining pristine no matter how long they are left untouched. This also means that there is no freezer burn in Level 55. The Major Exploration Group recommends against eating food found within Level 55 without having read Research Report 5502 due to its unique effects on the body and mind of those who eat it.
Although common entities are extremely rare Level 55, you can occasionally find
Gossip Beacons, Death Rats and Facelings roaming the level.
Level 55 Has four unique entities not known to be found anywhere else. They are as follows:
The Red Freezer is a freezer that is entirely red. Its outer shell is coloured red, the light inside is red and all the food inside is in red boxes. This entity is harmless so long as you do not open it, touch it or make a sharp noise near it. Doing so will cause it to lash out using a series of power cords to try and drag whoever disturbed it into itself, transporting them to Level 666. While it does this, it will launch small balls of a red liquid which dissolves organic compounds at approximately 45mph around itself in all directions. These freezers are known to move on their own seemingly at random, although they cannot move when they are in your line of sight. The existence of this entity makes it extremely dangerous to discharge a firearm within Level 55.
The Gold Freezer is a freezer that is entirely gold. Unlike The Red Freezer, The Gold Freezer is entirely made of solid gold, rather than just coloured. Instances of The Gold Freezer are known to glow slightly and emit a calming aura. This calming aura effects survivors, Facelings and Gossip Beacons but not Reddites. The true nature of the relationship between Reddites and The Gold Freezer is unknown, as varying accounts have shown that upon entering its aura Reddites can either retreat, become more agitated, die outright, run straight past you or begin tearing up nearby freezers. Opening The Gold Freezer will reveal one of five possible things all of which are listed in detail in Research Report 5501.
Reddites are a class of entity found commonly throughout Level 55. Reddites are composed of an unknown liquid which has frozen into place as a part of their body. Reddites use their resilience and brute strength to drag any facelings or survivors they find to and then into an instance of The Red Freezer.
Guide Dogs are a class of entity found exclusively in instances of The Gold Freezer within Level 55 and Level 55.1. If you do not give them anything they will simply act as a guard to their instance of The Gold Freezer. If you give them a bottle of almond water (or regular water) they will lead you to the nearest door between Level 55 and Level 55.1 so long as it is within three miles of your current location. If you give them something of personal value to yourself, such as a photo of your spouse from the Frontrooms, to consume they will lead you to the exit from Level 55 to Level 11. However, there is a very small (less than 1 in 20) chance they will instead lead you into an ambush. It is unknown what causes this. The ambush itself has been reported to be composed of Reddites.
Bases, Outposts and Communities
M.E.G. Storage Outpost Arctic Anchor
A small outpost near the entrance operated by the Major Exploration Group serving to store any supplies that require cold storage or which are prone to expiry. The team at this base consists of three members: Jesse Callaghan, Craig Edwards and Ruby Louis. This base can be easily found by looking to your left when entering Level 55 from Level 11. This community is open to trade of its limited supplies and inventory at all times and has been told to aid survivors in any way possible, leading them to Base Beta if necessary.
Research Report 5501 "Golden Freezer Contents":
Instance of The Gold Freezer entity can harbour one of five different things, each of which could be useful to a survivor in a number of ways. Extensive exploration by minor expeditions Vanguard, Frigate and Omicron has yielded sixty one instances of The Golden Freezer across their two hundred and four days total days of active searching. This is equivalent to one instance of The Gold Freezer every 3.34 full days of active searching.
Of the sixty one (61) instances opened, the contents were as follows:
- A bottle of (confirmed safe) Almond Water, seventeen.
- Fully functional iPhone 4, charge level 100%, sixteen.
- Access point to The Hub, twelve.
- A small weapon, most commonly a knife but on two occasions a handgun (model unknown) with two magazines of ammunition, eight.
- An instance of The Guide Dog entity, eight.
The almond water found within instances of The Gold Freezer have been tested all seventeen times they were found by minor expeditions Vanguard, Frigate and Omicron with safety confirmed and the water consumed all seventeen times causing no adverse effects on any member of any expedition. Hue Thomas of expedition Frigate was noted as mentioning "it tastes a little sweeter than normal almond water- and we were certainly making good pace after drinking it". Although it is unconfirmed this quote would indicate that the almond water within instances of The Gold Freezer have unknown positive effects on those who drink it. This requires further study.
The iPhone 4's which are found within instances of The Gold Freezer seem to have exceptional battery life, as one recovered by minor expedition Omicron has so far only used 41% of its initial charge despite having been in heavy use for four days during the expedition, with minor use after the expedition. Unfortunately these phones may not be particularly useful outside of Level 55 as when taken elsewhere they seem to get very weak signal from all sources of Wi-Fi when compared with other devices. We are unsure if this is specific to the phones from The Gold Freezer or whether it is just an issue of the iPhone 4 due to its age.
Access points to The Hub found within instances of The Gold Freezer come in the form of a near blinding gold light within the freezer itself, which would indicate that if climbed into one would be transported to The Hub. These access points are found roughly one in every seventeen days of active exploration.
Weapons found within instances of The Gold Freezer are so far all operational and in good condition. The bladed weapons found in The Gold Freezer are exceptionally sharp and generally durable in their usage and should definitely be kept for use inside and outside of Level 55. The handguns found within instances of The Gold Freezer although rare are operational and come with ammunition (so far the only recorded calibre is 9x19 Parabellum), however they should not be used within Level 55 as they may trigger an instance of The Red Freezer to attack.
Instances of the Guide Dog entity are as described within their entry on the Level 55 page.
Research Report 5502 "55 Food Research":
The food found in the freezers of Level 55 is not dangerous for consumption in small doses or for a timeframe of less than one week when eating approximately 2000 calories per day. That being said if you are to eat too much of the food found within Level 55 you will start to suffer some adverse effects. The first effects are essentially harmless, consisting of audiovisual hallucinations pertaining to things you know very well (family, friends, pets, etc) but will not change the environment you are in. In an emergency these effects are relatively safe to suffer as they have not shown any capability to directly harm you or lead you into harm.
The second set of effects caused by Level 55's food is far more dangerous, as the hallucinations become tactile and include things you don't know, commonly historical figures or other such people who you know about but do not know personally. At this stage you will also begin to experience hallucinations of monsters, body parts that don't exist and even wounds. Although the monsters cannot hurt you, the tactile hallucinations of wounds (known to cause extreme pain) and body parts that do not exist (third arms, second heads, tails, etc) can cause numerous issues.
Moving past this stage is where the most dangerous effects begin and your life begins to end. Our studying has shown that in this third stage your body will begin to freeze over, melting into a red liquid of unknown makeup which then freezes into place "replacing" the part that melted. This is known to induce necrosis and even gangrene in some cases due to the severing of important blood vessels caused by this process. Subjects interviewed in this stage did not see themselves are in any more danger than in stage two, so it must be assumed that you will hallucinate these wounds as not occurring.
Not much is known of the fourth stage as it is within this stage that subjects turn hostile. It is worth noting that for at least part of this stage the subjects retain the ability to use weapons, showing they have thus far retained some level of intelligence, however this seems to disappear in especially advanced subjects. The end of the fourth stage is becoming a Reddite.
Upon close study, the food of Level 55 has two as of yet not fully tested compounds laced throughout it. The first compound causes an unknown set of effects on biological organisms and is highly flammable. Further testing is needed to find its full effects and capabilities. The second compound, dubbed "Fiver's Flavour", has unknown long term effects on biological organisms, however has been shown to do two things. The first thing Fiver's Flavour has been shown to do is to increase the intensity of the taste in any food by a factor of approximately ten. The second known effect of Fiver's Flavour is that it has an extreme coagulant effect when applied to an open wound. Due to its unknown nature Fiver's Flavour is still considered unsafe to consume or use for medical treatment outside of an emergency circumstance. Further testing will be conducted to determine all capabilities of both compounds at a later date.
A note found frozen to a Reddite by M.E.G. operatives.
Journal entry 217. Date 01/02/2021 Front-Time.
Day 97 in The Land of Ice.
Met up with a group of survivors last night after writing my entry,
They offered me a spot in their camp.
I took it, how could I refuse.
Gets me away from the monsters, and the weirdos.
Still wondering why Abraham fucking Lincoln was trying to get me to do my taxes.
My wounds are starting to heal, especially that gash on my chest.
It still hurts— a lot— but at least it's healing.
I'll stay here until I'm healed up, then continue looking for a way out.
Transcript of Lily Vaughn's final message.
To anyone receiving this, please get this message to the M.E.G. camp in Level 55.
My name is Lily Vaughn and I was a part of minor expedition Vanguard.
Vanguard is dead, everyone except me, and I'm dying.
The Guide Dogs, they can lead you… [a loud, wet cough is heard]
into an ambush. [Another loud cough is heard]
It lead us into a group of Reddites. Seven total. They killed my team.
Blunt and thermal weapons proved most effective.
Piercing, slicing and stabbing attacks are almost worthless agai-
The transmission cuts here.
Entrances And Exits:
- Entering a supermarket with a sign reading: "Frivolous Frank's Fabulous Frozen Food" in Level 11.
- Climbing into a white chest freezer containing a blue light in Level 5 or level-20.
- Leave through the main door back to Level 11.
- Climb inside an instance of The Red Freezer to enter Level 666.
- Climb inside an instance of The Gold Freezer to reach The Hub.
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"<a href="">Level 55</a>" by vert343, from the <a href="">Backrooms Wiki</a>. Source: <a href=""></a>. Licensed under <a href="">CC-BY-SA-3.0</a>.
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