Level 356.1
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Among the monotonous, twisted halls, there is a place with meaning.

It was nothing at first. Blank black walls, dim lighting, just another hallway within the infinite journey.

Then a message appeared.

What I wouldn't do for one last kiss.
Goodbye, Xavier.

And another.

Can you hear my guitar, Alicia?
I will keep playing it until I can see you again.

And another.

Carved into the wall, drawn on with chalk, bringing color to the darkness with paint, these messages gave the blackness meaning. One after another, voices called out to lovers, to family, to life and limb, to lost treasured things, and these voices mourned.

I miss my grandma's cookies.

For what is more human than creating a silent choir comprised of a thousand voices? Each voice calling out, wanting something that can only be seen in dreams, creating a crescendo and an altar to what we miss the most?

My muse, my everything, my Marco.
We will meet once more.

From nothing, we have created a tribute to what drives us forward, what keeps us going. We have left our mark, shown each other that we all have something to mourn, something we treasured, something we miss.

I haven't seen my dog since I got here.

You ever wonder if God exists?
shut up, idiot god is dead
Wow, so angry! Edgy, much?
I miss my synagogue. :(

Because of the shame I associate with vulnerability, I am numbing myself completely. Can you hear me right now?
wow this is beautiful
These are literally just Against Me! lyrics lmao.

I haven't been on my E since I made it into this hellhole. I feel like I'm losing my mind.

So if you find this place on your travels, leave a mark. Add your voice to the chorus. Let others know they're not alone in this endless journey.

I miss my Giana. I miss her so much. -SC

Do you know that anything can smell like home if you're exposed to it? To me, it's that combination of tobacco and old cups of tea that filled the house of my grandfather. It's a frontrooms odour. He wasn't doing so well when I left… but I guess I'll never know what happened.

I'm waiting for a flight. A flight that will finally bring you all to me. Once my family is whole again, I shall return here and mark it, so those who read this will know that there was hope for us, and there may be hope for you too. -Matthew

I yearn for the clouds, embrace of the storm.
The rains, the gales, they're calling for me.
To seek what beyond; the calm after the storm.

The Infinite Wanderer (and Ariane Circle!) was here! - Charlie Drake

I decided to stay, after all. - Anne Dunne

The hallways echo. Loneliness maintains. The heavy atmosphere. Incessant noises. How did I get here? I need a comforting home. My thoughts are clouded. Nostalgic music plays. Where I am?
I'm dreaming…? Wake up.

Do not trust the other messages, they are very mean! Once I was trying to buy cookies and the voice above me punched me and called me a loser. Then all the other messages above me along side some messages below me laughed. I hate all of you.

How did all these children end up in here? -J.W.

En ocasiones, llegué a considerar la búsqueda de un futuro del que podamos hablar mientras reímos como el cometido más noble por el que una vez luché. Pero a fin de cuentas, no es difícil ver que mucho futuro en este atolladero, en este mundo, no es que haya. Fue entonces cuando discerní que, quizás, mi cometido no deba centrarse en tal abstracto, sino en encontrarme a mí mismo. A mi verdadero ser.

Tal vez para eso esté aquí, después de todo.

Nothing seems to stir the senses. There are no new experiences, no chance encounters or fresh faces, no sense of excitement—just an endless void. It feels like being a mere shell, devoid of purpose. While life outside this hellscape continues to evolve and unfold, offering new discoveries and revelations to others, I remain trapped here, disconnected from it all, seemingly for eternity.

Life in this place feels devoid of significance, yet… could it be that this is where I belong…?

Who is this "Yourself" guy and why is everyone constantly telling me to kill them?
People will really find the time to be so edgy in such a meaningful place… You, out there! Keep fighting on! I believe in you! Don't listen to the nihilism! Keep going for all those who are gone!

What message could we possibly deliver to those who have not yet witnessed the true purpose of their vagrancy in these worlds?


Oh. Right. What else did I expect?

Current turn: o                     I trust you not to cheat!


The Backrooms are really weird. Sometimes you find the most beautiful and relaxing place of all realities, then you no-clip and you end up in some hell even the devil wouldn't have think of. And that's without taking into account the different groups.
Anyways, I need to hurry because I have a meeting soon in another level.

Pytheas was here.

I don't know who you are; you'll never know who I am, but I will tell you one thing. No matter what happens to you, you must keep fighting. You must never let the pain take over. One day, it will get better, slowly or quickly; the time does not matter. Keep living and building your path with your bare hands, even if you may no longer be the same as you were.


Priceless. The eternal longing, ringing, growling. Calmly caressing the dawn break scorching. Kisses from the soft leaves of spring, lost in the embraces of snow and sand. Sighing, smiling, growing into a great big whale. Lying on soft seagrass, sputtering crowns of small fish and great birds. Hugs of the infernal comfort in the cities of tranquil winds where crawling is affectionate. The sparkling space between the darkness of a great resting place under a tiny tree. Crying happiness in the halls of adorable, divine animals. Encapsulating the isolated feelings to wander into every crack and corner into each living room of every living thing. Special emotions reserved for a tired thing. This is true love.

Mea culpa, I'm sorry, my love.

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