Anyone entering Level 295 must be aware that not only is the level a threat to their safety, but also risks harming a multitude of other individuals in the process, mainly due to the infectious traits the level possesses. A wanderer entering Level 295 is advised to only attempt entry if actively under threat. Widespread entry is infeasible to cease, mainly due to the M.E.G's inadequate influence.
Class 2
- Unsafe
- Unsecure
- Devoid of Entities

An instance of a vast river.
Level 295 is an sprawling expanse of bounding terrain, spanning roughly around 300 kilometers. The level depicts traits akin to a vast deciduous woodland, with said woodland encompassed in a period of winter, due to the absence of any appendages that commonly comprise flora, such as leaves.
A much more striking trait of the level is the dense fog that ensnares the landscape, obtaining a radiant cyan hue, making observation, an initially trivial task, quite gruelling.
The terrain of the level, as previously entailed, can sometimes shift into more hilly areas, which oftentimes tower over the lower parts of terrain, casting a potent shadow. These imposing hills are victim to various fluxes of wind, which can imbalance wanderers who attempt the pilgrimage. An addition to the levels natural awry includes the various winding lakes, filled with frigid water. Corresponding with the cold climate, immersing oneself within these vast pools of water can induce hypothermia,
The environment of Level 295 is cool, with temperatures alternating around 3°C,1 making it integral to equip items to survive the cold climate.
The Plague
Level 295 is known for an exclusive phenomenon, aiding in the creation of its moniker, "The Plague". Not only does it act as a level, it is an infection that spreads and converts neighbouring levels, utilising unbeknownst explorers as a form of contaminating and spreading. How the level contaminates victims is unknown, nor how it manages to infect nearby materials.
Level 295 spreads throughout levels via "infecting" human bodies, with no discernible pattern as to when, or how it infects, seeming to only sporadically inflict wanderers with its effects.2 Unaware vectors of the infection are likely to attempt to escape the space, thus inadvertently spreading the plague.3 So far there have been no methods of curing victims of the plague, meaning all victims are a lost cause and are best killed if sighted. Infected individuals are often discerned by their decline in body temperature, as well as a more dull, grey hued pigment on their skin. Any who are experiencing such symptoms are to be examined before being terminated.4
Once the infected wanderer has exited the level, any skin contact with physical mass will result in instant conversion. Once having spread atop a surface due to its host, Level 295 will begin to expand and overtake nearby materials,5 usually taking extensive periods of time to achieve this. This infectious substance often takes the appearance of soil, with it being cold to the touch. Once given protracted periods of time, overgrowth of floral life will fester throughout any soil, with even extreme occurrences of thick trees extruding out of the vast amounts of soil. Contaminated areas will gain a defining blue smog, alike to its parent, as well as inheriting its unique properties and landscape, meaning these additional areas can garner additional hosts if one strays within these areas for prolonged periods.
Preventing the spread of Level 295 is strenuous, oftentimes due to the difficulty of discerning the location of contaminated zones, however, substances that exude large amounts of heat have been shown to easily exterminate contaminated ground, reverting the surfaces into their initial composition.6 Due to this clear vulnerability to heat, sightings of contaminated areas should be swiftly reported to nearby M.E.G. outposts as to prohibit expansion of Level 295, as its uninhabitable nature means contaminated spaces are unsafe for prolonged residence. Most common methods of exterminating compromised surfaces is typically through Firesalt, thrown at lengthy ranges as to prevent further spread. Flammable fluids are also coated across infected spaces typically via Squirt Guns and then ignited. Should one encounter a contaminated area unaccompanied, avoiding the area entirely, or creating warnings for other wanderers is advised.
The main danger of Level 295 overtaking levels is due to its utterly uninhabitable nature, considering that the environment provides no resources, as well as relief from the unending cold. Prolonged survival is infeasible, and can result in habitable spaces being compromised, becoming vectors for additional infection. Thus, preventing Level 295 from becoming dominant is imperative to surviving.
As of now, Level 295 and its expansion have been prevented due to support from neighbouring M.E.G. outposts, with strict warnings to not enter Level 295 emerging. This factor means the expansion of Level 295 has mostly ceased, allowing for communities to prosper without threat of Level 295 actively looming.
Bases, Outposts and Communities
Level 295's uninhabitable nature, as well as the infection, means no communities are present. Attempts to construct communities are unadvised, as the infection present is likely to be a threat to outside levels.
Entrances and Exits
This information is to be withheld from any of those of lower clearance, as to inhibit any possible outbreak of Level 295.