- Safe
- Secure
- Passive Entities
The first entrance building of Level Legacy, and The Front End.
The end of Level Legacy's stable road, located in The Plains.
Level 125 is the 126th Level of the Backrooms.
Level 125 is an extended replica of Route 66 and the land around it and is heavily inhabited by both humans and instances of Entity 147. This land extends twenty miles away from the road before slowly deforming and changing into an uninhabitable landscape. Survival for both humans and 147 instances is only possible within thirty miles from the road. Level 125 seems to have a day and night cycle nearly identical to Earth's, but rather than 24 hours, it lasts 26 hours. Due to its sheer size, weather varies by location but generally follows a monthly pattern, meaning the same weather repeats every thirty days. No stars are visible within Level 125's sky. Specific animals from the Frontrooms such as coyotes, deer, earthworms, grubs, and bobcats can be found along with other fauna which reside only within Level 125. Most unique flora within Level 125 is found beyond the "ROAD ENDS" sign, as such most of it has not been documented.
There is a sign labelled "ROAD ENDS” within The Plains. This sign is considered the end of the habitable zone of Level 125, as everything beyond the sign slowly becomes uninhabitable due to more and more air being replaced with CO2 the further out you go. Despite this, the CO2 doesn't seem to seep into the areas behind the sign and the massive highway that leads to it. Along with this, structures past the "ROAD ENDS" sign are often less accurate to the Frontrooms, such as gas stations that dispense Liquid Pain and food stores that sell inedible and objectively disgusting products. Between 25 and 30 miles away from the road, buildings become distorted and sometimes impossible to enter or dangerous to even interact with. Along with this, buildings beyond the twenty mile point often display their signs, writing, and products in complete gibberish.
Though some fauna unique to Level 125 can be found throughout the majority of the level, most unique flora within Level 125 is found beyond the "ROAD ENDS" sign. Due to this, much of the unique flora of Level 125 is undocumented. Some unique flora include purple citrus fruits resembling oranges in shape and size, seedless watermelon-like vegetables, glowing pumpkins carrying lactic acid, etc. Along with the several unique plants, Level 125 also has several unique entities as well. An in-depth list of flora, fauna, and unique locations will be provided below.
Davy Jones Lockers:
Davy Jones Lockers, DJLs, are hairless fleshy humanoid creatures with gills and a gaunt face. These creatures come in various colors, such as red, orange, yellow, and brown. They have long teeth, frog-like tongues, strong arms, and spend most of their time partially planted into the rocky depths of lakes or rivers waiting for prey to come to them. DJLs often prey on large fish, ducks, and sometimes humans. DJLs catch their prey by launching their tongue towards their newest victim and sticking it to them. Once they reel their tongue and prey in, they wrap their arms around their victim and forcefully hold them. After this happens the victim usually drowns and are eaten by the DJL. DJLs often eat fish alive. Though DJLs are avoidable and relatively fragile to blunt force it is advised to not enter any bodies of water unless you are absolutely prepared for an encounter with a DJL.
Road Jump:
Road Jumps are gentle giants made of rocks, metal, and other debris that hide beneath the surface and roads of Creep Rock and Oakenhome. Despite being inorganic, they seem to require food in order to survive as their diet mainly consists of earthworms and grubs. Road Jumps closer to the surface of the road often create small bumps on the road above them. Stepping on the aforementioned bumps often startles the Road Jumps, who thrash around in response. Though this reaction is known to not come with hostile intent, it often ends up launching the person who stepped on the bump up in the air usually resulting in moderate injuries and in rare cases death. Due to the risk of stepping on a Road Jump, it is suggested that instead of walking on the road in the middle of Creep Rock and Oakenhome, you walk beside it. Road Jumps have an extremely short life span of only 30 days, after which they crumple into a pile of rocks.
Determigrades are peaceful tardigrade-like creatures that can grow up to the size of a medium dog. Determigrades are extremely durable and are seemingly immune to any and all blunt force damage, though they are relatively vulnerable to venom and poison. Determigrades can survive off of a diet consisting of grass and tree leaves, making up less than ten calories a year. Due to this extremely low intake requirement, they often have little to no effect on the environment around them. They also hibernate in order to preserve energy and prolong their life. These beasts asexually reproduce by splitting in two upon their death, because of this, it is heavily advised to not kill any Determigrades as it could cause an infestation or pest problem for the entire level. Determigrades seem to reproduce by splitting themselves into two smaller versions of itself upon their death. After their first death, they seem to have half as much of a chance to split. This chance splits in half again and again after each death.
Manants are bipedal child-sized insectoid creatures resembling Southern Fire Ants. Manants do not have a queen, nor do they scavenge, and their social structure is practically nonexistent thanks to the fact that Manants often stick together in groups of twenty or less. Manants often make small settlements below the surface of nearby terrain by digging tunnel systems using their legs. They survive off of small vegetables and fruits. Even though Manants are extremely small in comparison to humans, they seem to be capable of thought, emotion, and communication comparable to that of humans. It is heavily suggested to treat these beings as equals and to not disrespect them, as this could sour relations between the instances that have been encountered.
Breaking Point:
The Breaking Point is a living flesh wall that is exactly as wide as the road and stands at the exact midpoint of the road between The Front End and The Plains. The Breaking Point is capable of speech and often has a voice resembling that of an old man. This beast will try its best to convince you to turn back on your journey by telling you lies and contradictions of what has been seen beyond the halfway point. It will try to talk to you as if it knows the truth. Do not trust it under any circumstances.
Stomkins are visually identical to Pie Pumpkins on the surface and have an extremely smooth texture. Though unlike pumpkins, they carry only a singular seed, and carry acid strong enough to melt through most types of metal and organic matter, excluding meat and Stomkins themselves. Due to their aforementioned acidic properties, people often use them to melt through extremely durable obstacles and roadblocks. Stomkin acid is often stored in canisters made using emptied out, smaller Stomkins. Stomkin acid seemingly has no effect on The Breaking Point, as such it is advised to not use the acid on it. Always handle these plants with extreme caution, as spilling the acid on yourself often leads to long term skin irritation and rashes. Though the "meat" of the Stomkin is edible, the acid is not, and can lead to stomach and intestine damage. These plants can be found all across Level 125.
Halloween Grapes:
Halloween grapes are purple glowing bitter citrus fruits relatively similar in size to navel oranges. These unique plants often grow in patches across the front end, providing light during the night for those who reside there. It's heavily recommended that you never consume more than three a day, due to their extremely high vitamin C content. Each one contains at least 600 milligrams of vitamin C. Consuming too many of these fruits in one day could lead to nausea and stomach cramps.
Unique Locations:
The Front End:
The Front End is the starting point of Level 125, representing a small chunk of the Southwest coast of the USA and the cities surrounding it. The Front End is the second most populated section of Level 125, as food within the buildings nearby seem to restock at random intervals. The seemingly endless ocean off the coast of The Front End is inhabited by salmon, seabass, and Sark Crabs. The Front End is home to the second driest weather pattern in all of Level 125. It rains three days every thirty day-night cycles and is home to the second hottest average temperatures of Level 125. Due to the availability of Frontrooms aquatic life and seafood, The Front End is home to many villages, towns, and boat communities.
Creep Rock:
Creep Rock is a dry and desolate desert stretching on for 100 miles. As such, it is the least populated section of Level 125 as well as the driest. Creep Rock is heavily dry of resources and also home to a high amount of Road Jumps and Manants, because of this it is advised to tread carefully when walking through this barren land. An extremely long river seems to be located at the halfway point of Creep Rock and intersects through the road. This river is presumed to be a replica of the Colorado River. This large river is home to a large number of fish and DJLs. Though a few small boat communities inhabit this river, it is relatively empty. Along with all of this, Creep Rock only gets one day of rain every thirty day-night cycles.
Oakenhome is a massive area around the halfway point between The Front End and The Plains composed of several grasslands and savannas. Oakenhome is home to the Breaking Point, as well as the highest natural population of Manants with over 2,000 instances documented within it. Though the Breaking Point is located at the road border between Oakenhome and The Woods, it is recommended to walk beside the road and ignore it as you pass into The Woods. These flatlands are known for being relatively quiet and are filled with abandoned farms and empty houses which are often taken over by wanderers and Manants in order to form small self-sustaining communities. Although communities here occasionally clash, most villages have been seen to have relatively good diplomatic relationships with one another.
The Woods:
The Woods is a massive coniferous forest located just beyond the Breaking Point is home to the biggest variety of plant life and wildlife of any section within Level 125, including (but not limited to) deer, Manants, fish, and Road Jumps. Structures found here include abandoned cabins, mining facilities, towns, and campsites. All of these facilities contain supplies to a small degree that seemingly regenerate and restock at random intervals. The Woods have a relatively cold and wet climate, receiving about ten days of rain every thirty day/night cycles. Trees that are cut down in The Woods regrow instantly, the wood that was chopped down disappearing as it does so. On top of that, wanderers often report sightings of undiscovered entities in The Woods. Even though most of these sightings have no evidence, it's best to take caution when travelling at night.
The Plains and Their Crooked Path:
The Plains and Their Crooked Path is a long stretch of humid and cold grass fields and is the most populated section of Level 125. Structures seen here include, but aren't limited to, small cities, farms, and roadside gas stations. The Plains get 15 days of rain every thirty day/night cycles. Food within buildings in this section seem to restock once every seven day night cycles and due to the ensured and consistent food supply, many wanderers here occupy and build towns around grocery stores, gas stations, and other structures with food. The section of the road located here has been deemed unsafe, as several cracks and bumps have been known to be caused by sleeping Road Jumps. Because of these circumstances, it is vital to your safety to not walk on the road here unless given no other choice.
Hubris is a small plaque at the start of The Front End with a warning etched into it. Hubris seems to be indestructible and immovable, and its text slowly smudges and melts together. It reads as follows:
"A warning to those who plan to trek ahead through this peculiar land: The trek that is life is often full of twists and turns, goods and evils. We all can be proud and have our achievements; human life is about leaving a mark, after all… but know this. To build a legacy too large is to create one's own downfall. Hubris. Don't say I didn't warn you. The world ends wi"
Though there seems to be more on the plaque, the rest is smudged and faded to the point of illegibility.
Bases, Outposts and Communities:
Costa Grande
Costa Grande is a large coastal village in The Front End that is well known for its seafood and great weather. Due to its high distance from any other large community, maintenance of diplomatic relationships have been deemed unnecessary to Costa Grande.
Human population: 211
147 instance population: 342
Manant population: 67
Stillwater is a river village located at the midpoint of Creek Rock that is well known for its uptight security and hot weather. Stillwater and Skipstone are currently on good terms with each other.
Human population: 94
147 instance population: 156
Manant population: 23
Skipstone is a large savanna hunter-farmer community located right at the furthermost edge of Creep Rock. As mentioned previously, Skipstone and Stillwater are on good terms.
Human population: 76
147 instance population: 102
Manant population: 28
New Shawnee
New Shawnee is a large farming town in the middle of Oakenhome. It is best known for its vast array of natural produce such as carrots, potatoes, cabbage, blueberries, and more. New Shawnee currently has good ties with Skipstone and Stillwater.
Human population: 128
147 instance population: 210
Manant population: 40
Big Rock
Big Rock is a large hunting village in the middle of The Woods. Big Rock is most well known for its fur products and its wildlife preservation policy, in which no hunter is allowed to kill anything more than three animals a week, no matter their size. Though Big Rock does have agriculture, it pales in comparison to New Shawnee's agriculture. Big rock is on good terms with both New Shawnee and The Border.
Human population: 182
147 instance population: 211
Manant population: 36
The Border
The Border is the largest village in all of Level 125, located right behind in The Plains and Their Crooked Path. Its high amount of rain water along with its blossoming farming and fishing industry often leads this town into trade with other smaller villages. Along with that, a few buildings outside of the border seem to restock small amounts of foodstuffs and other supplies every seven day night cycles. Due to this, The Border is practically regarded as a safe haven for those stopping there.
Human population: 294
147 instance population: 410
Manant population: 57
Level 125's first section, The Front End, can often be found by chance when sailing the ocean surrounding Level 121. If you pass out while attempting to leave Level 83 there is a solid chance you will wash ashore in Level 125. Cracked and damaged wooden doors can be found in Level 4, and upon opening these doors you will be noclipped outside the entrance building of Level 125. This is the most recommended route to take if you plan on entering Level 125.
Level 125 can be exited by sailing back out from The Front End, in which case you will encounter the islands of Level 121 or level-100. If you wander too far beyond the distortion point in The Woods, you'll noclip into Level 135. Distorted farmhouses can be found beyond the "ROAD ENDS" sign, and upon exiting one of these farmhouses you will noclip to Level 10.