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The voice recordings below must not be trusted. Though the explorer took many photos and has a lot of evidence to prove the level's existence, we cannot just trust him without checking. So, we're going to send people here and update the article as soon as we can confirm whether or not the level exists. Watch your back.
Recording starts.
So, I guess I should turn on the recorder. (I should follow the protocol, right?) My name is Michael Smith. I just went to Level 215's home location and fell asleep very fast because of my tiredness and woke up here. I checked the M.E.G. database and did not find anything even close to this place. It's so dark here; I can barely see my body.
[Sounds of walking can be heard]
My gosh, it seems like I am trapped in some apartment. I almost think it's my childhood apartment, but I cannot see anything to prove it. The doors are closed, and the windows cannot be opened too. Going to take a photo of my sister's bedroom; it doesn't have any blinds.
[Sound of taking a photo on a camera]
I have a feeling that I am not perceiving colors. Still exploring this apartment. Did not find anything useful.
[Sounds of breathing and walking can be heard]
Guys, I have a bad feeling, which is increasing by the minute. I feel like something very dangerous is getting closer to me and that it is going to kill me. Shit.
[Silence for 15 minutes]
Found something, which I think can finally get me out of here. It is a glitchy wall inside the closet. The only option for me is no-clipping, I guess, so let's fucking go.
[Heavy breathing and loud noises]
Recording stops.
Recording starts.
Shit, I feel nauseous; no-clipping is so fucking terrible. I am in another location, which looks like a staircase. Here is a photo of it.
Photo of the complex part of the stairs.
The atmosphere here terrifies me, although it's not quite as dark in here.
[Silence for 35 minutes]
Oh my god; stairs are infinite, I guess. I am tired of going down. It seems like I'll be going down the stairs for the rest of my life. Shit.
[The sounds of footsteps and breathing for 30 minutes]
Oh, finally I found a black door, but it's very, very suspicious. Here is a photo of it.
I feel like I shouldn't go in there, but there is no choice for me.
[Door creaking sound]
[Door closing sound]
Oh, here is brighter. I think it's a good place to take a rest. But first I need to take a photo.
I am going to sit down somewhere. Legs hurt like hell.
[Crunching sounds]
[Silence for an hour]
Enough, I think. Also, this stupid feeling of being chased is increasing again, so I am gonna move forward. Wish me luck.
[Door creaking]
A different view from what was in the photo. Going to take one more photo.
Going to try to open some doors.
[Sound of the door handle being used]
The door to the left opens.
[Sound of the door handle being used]
The door closest to me, to the right, does not open.
[Sound of the door handle being used]
The door near the right far corner opens. I see a very long hallway with no end there. Nothing to explore. Let's go to the left.
Oh no, stairs again.
[Sounds of footsteps going downstairs]
Shit, it's darker again here. The stairs are not long, and I think that I need to take a picture of them.
View to stairs from a lower floor.
Wow, it's dark; a lot darker than the bedroom, where I woke up. I see almost nothing; need to turn on my flashlight.
Better. Here are multiple corridors, which are pitch black. Even my flashlight cannot shine through the darkness in them.
The fuck is
Very loud interferences
Recording interrupts
Recording stopped because of very loud interferences. Do you want to start it again?
Recording continues.
M: Who are you?
UE: I am your chaser and, as you humans call us, the entity. Your fear of being chased was completely right. If you had stayed in this hellhole called the "start bedroom", you would have been killed. After you entered the room and left for an hour, I was close to killing you. But again your fear saved you. And now you've come to me myself. You didn't listen to your fear, to your soul and mind, and came to your death.
M: [Laughs]
UE: 0 respect for your killer. You humans are all stupid. But I want to give you a deal. You come right to me, and I kill you fast.
M: Shitty deal, bro.
UE: This is my last time asking you. Will you accept your defeat, or will you be killed brutally and painfully?
M: Fuck you, fool.
UE: So, you have chosen cruel death. I warned you.
[Deep scream]
[The sounds of footsteps going upstairs]
[Echoes of hordes of entities running can be heard]
Fuck. I am running through this very freaking long hallway, and 15 meters below me, hordes of hungry and angry entities with my chaser. My chances of survival equal zero… if there are no energy bars or something.
[Breathing and running sounds]
Oh, there is the first energy bar. Going to grab 'em. Shit, nobody will trust me without a photo. I must take it, even though I am running as fast as I can.
[Sound of jumping]
There are many roadblocks, which are very hard to dodge. Entities slowly getting closer to me. Oh yes, another energy bar!
[Sounds of breathing and running can be heard for 20 minutes]
Thanks to energy bars, I am not tired. But entities are slowly getting closer to me, unfortunately.
[Running sounds can be heard. Breathing seems to be getting heavier. Michael doesn't say anything for half an hour]
U-uh, my breathing-ng is heavy. Phish, according to my experience-uh-nce, I ran around 8.5 kilometers. Hordes of enti-uh-ties thinning, but uh most tough entities are getting closer by the minute… There were many road-uh-blocks, but I had dodged all of 'em, while some uh entities aren't. Fuuck yeah, another bar!
[Heavy breathing and running sounds can be heard. Michael doesn't say anything for 5 minutes.]
I am close to the exit, finally!
Shit, the entities are very close! I should get hella out of here!
[The sound of knocking on a door]
Recording interrupts
Recording stopped because of signal loss. Do you want to continue it?
Recording continues.
My legs are so tired, and even walking is hard for me. The 10-kilometer run was not just a joke. What about my current location? I was teleported to Level 0. I made it to Level 1 once, and I can do it again, although I cannot even walk properly.
[Walking and breathing sounds for 15 minutes]
I see the entrance to Level 1. I think that is all. I am going to give this voice log to the M.E.G. and see what happens. See you soon.
Recording stops.
After no-clipping to Level 1, Michael Smith went to M.E.G. Base Alpha and gave the M.E.G. the full voice log and all of the photos. The voice log was listened to by multiple M.E.G. operatives and Overseer-C, who sent 4 operatives to Level 215 to prove the existence of Level 124. Michael Smith now lives in Level 11.
Our operatives gave us enough proof and info to confirm Level 124's existence and have a full picture of it. Nobody came back; we sent four. We greatly appreciate their work. Thanks to every person who participated here.
One of the photos of the starting bedroom. Taken by an M.E.G. operative.
Level 124 is the 125th level of the Backrooms.
There is no unified description of Level 124 because of the complexity of the level itself. The level consists of 4 parts, in which danger can vary.
1st part
This is the starting point of Level 124. Its appearance depends on wanderers' memories. Usually, this part appears to be an apartment or house from a wanderer's childhood, but it never has any lighting inside. Though it looks very similar to wanderers' houses from their childhoods, wanderers will feel unsafe here.
Staying in this place for a long time will cause death in 98% of cases, which is not only because of the psychological effects of the level itself. The main cause of wanderers' deaths is an undocumented entity, which is unique for this level, called "Chaser". This entity looks like a 30-year-old office worker, but it will transform into the wanderers' biggest fear while getting closer to them. Its origin and motivation are unknown and will likely continue to be unknown. Some dialogue was recorded with this entity.
Begin Log:
Recorders: M.E.G. operatives: Lara Cryder and Xander Morris.
Mission control: Overseer-A
Intro: Only 2 of the 4 M.E.G. operatives made it from Level 215 to Level 124.
Xander: Okay, Stretch, I made it. It seems like I am in Level 124.
Overseer-A: Very good. Can you explain to me, what do you see right now?
Xander: Uhh… This place is very dark.
Xander: It is similar to my childhood bedroom, but way more darkened. The house seems to be big, so I am going to explore it; maybe I will find my teammates.
Overseer-A: Okay, I will be here.
[Silence for 5 minutes]
Overseer-A: Ey, Xander? Are you here?
Xander: Lara? Michelle? Nate?
Unknown voice: Xander? I am here; where are you? I don't see anything here; it is so dark here!
Xander: Lara?
Unknown voice: Yes!! Where are you?
Xander: I am on the first floor! Coming up to you!
Xander: I don't see you!
Lara: I am here, right behind you!
Xander: Yes!
Overseer-A: So, our theory was successful. At least 2 operatives here. Did you find somebody else?
Xander: No. I did not.
Lara: Me neither.
Overseer-A: So, your main goal is to go further into this level. Yes, as I understood, the house is big and dark, but you need to find some glitchy object, whatever it is. A wall inside the room, a vase, or something else. You just need to find it. Do you understand?
Both Xander and Lara: Yes.
Overseer-A: Good luck to both of you.
[Xander and Lara talking between themselves and searching for around 30 minutes]
Xander: Stretch, something's wrong. We cannot find any glitchy objects, although we, with Lara, searched the whole house.
Overseer-A: There is no way; it must be here.
Lara: Stretch, I am scared… I don't know why and don't know what may cause this fear. But I am getting scared even more by the minute.
Overseer-A: The first explorer said the same feelings. Lara, can you explain, what exactly do you feel?
Lara: I feel, like something is searching for me, wants to kill both of us, me and Xander. I am going to cry; I am so scared…
Overseer-A: Lara, please, do not even try to give up. This thing only waits for it. You need to continue searching, okay?
Lara: Yes. I understand, Stretch. But what do I need to do to shut up my fear?
Overseer-A: All you can do is do your work faster.
Lara: Thanks, I will try.
Overseer-A: Xander, what about you?
Xander: Honestly, same. My fear is rising by the minute, but I'm just telling myself to calm down. This does not work but helps me to do the work.
Overseer-A: Do your job, guys. Don't want to distract you.
[Silence and quiet dialogue between Xander and Lara for 15 minutes]
[Lara is running to the 2nd floor]
[Glass breaking sounds on the 1st floor]
Xander: Who the fuck is doing that?
UE: Here is my meal. Say your last words.
Xander: To you, stupid middle-aged clerk? No.
UE: We are going to see who is the stupid one. Get ready to be killed by torture.
[Blood splattering sounds]
Overseer-A: LARA, RUN!!!
[Loud running noises]
Lara successfully no-clipped to the 2nd part of Level 124 and recorded her level exploration log, sending it to Stretch in her last seconds of life. Sadly, she died while outrunning entities in the 4th part of Level 124. Xander is considered dead.
The only exit from this part of
Level 124 is to find a glitchy object here. No-clipping will teleport wanderers to the 2
nd part of
Level 124.
2nd part
After no-clipping from the 1st part, wanderers will find themselves in the 2nd part. This part of Level 124 appears to be a staircase. This place is completely safe, but there are neither resources nor food. There is no beginning and no end of this staircase; that is why going down searching for an end is useless. The only possibility to exit this part of the level is to find a very suspicious-looking black door after walking down for several hours or, if you're lucky, minutes. After using this door, wanderers will find themselves in the 3rd part of the Level 124. In random places in this part of the level, wanderers can no-clip. No-clipping will lead wanderers to Level 432.
3rd part
The 3rd part's appearance can vary, but usually, it is a room where a party seems to have taken place. This part of the Level 124 can be considered the "main" part. It is completely secure and safe to stay in for a long time. The feelings of being chased from the 1st part increase too, but much more slowly.
This part is your last chance to go back. If you're not ready for the 4th part's challenges, you better turn around and go back to the 2nd part.
4th part
Once you enter the 4th part of Level 124, your only option is to run for your life. The 4th part itself is a very short red-lighted hallway, which has several doors to the left and right. However, only 2 work, one to the left and one to the right. One of these doors leads to a very long hallway. This hallway's length is 10km (~6.2 miles). The second door leads to the entities' base. If a wanderer enters this zone, "Chaser" will talk to the wanderer.
After the conversation ends, hordes of entities from these hallways and rooms behind closed doors will run right below the wanderer, leading them into the aforementioned hallway. The entities' speed is usually a bit lower than the wanderer's, but if the wanderer tires, they will be mauled to death by hordes of entities.
After that, the wanderer's only option to survive is to run through this hallway. To the left and right of the wanderer, energy drinks and bars will appear, helping them to not tire. In random places in the hallway, wanderers can no-clip, but it is not recommended because no-clipping here will lead to negative levels.
If the wanderer successfully runs through the hallway and knocks on a door labeled "EXIT", they will be teleported to Level 0. Only one man, the man who also recorded the voice log, successfully did it.
Bases, Outposts, and Communities
Due to Level 124's complexity and instability, it is impossible to create a base, outpost, or community.
Entrances and Exits
- Falling asleep without any thoughts about levels in Level 215 will usually lead to Level 124.
- A dark bedroom in Level 282 usually leads to Level 124.
- Successfully running through the 10km hallway will lead to Level 0.
- No-clipping in the longest hallway in the level will lead to a random negative level.
- No-clipping in the 2nd part of Level 124 leads to Level 432.
Cite this page as:
"<a href="https://backrooms-wiki.wikidot.com/level-124">Level 124</a>" by Aerial7, from the <a href="http://backrooms-wiki.wikidot.com/">Backrooms Wiki</a>. Source: <a href="https://backrooms-wiki.wikidot.com/level-124">https://backrooms-wiki.wikidot.com/level-124</a>. Licensed under <a href="https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/">CC-BY-SA-3.0</a>.
Name: IMG_20210917_121553.jpg
StatueOfMrMoustachio (Edited by
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Name: Pink curtains in the odd rental loft, gold mirror reflection, fan, old western style, Rosie sleeping on the sofa in the dark room, windows, Broadview, Seattle, Washington, USA
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Name: image0.png
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Name: Casa Milà - La Pedrera - Barcelona - Scala tonale
Author: Garden tourist (Edited by
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Source Link: https://www.flickr.com/photos/25433799@N04/2490119309
Name: Dark Door
Author: Counse
License: CC BY 2.0
Source Link: https://www.flickr.com/photos/35056665@N00/19595938793
Name: Red Hallway
Author: Mike Lacon (Edited by
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Name: Resurrection
Author: Untitled blue (Edited by
License: CC BY 2.0
Source Link: https://www.flickr.com/photos/61728987@N00/2547423465
Name: 37 Severalls Asylum
Author: Skin -ubx (Edited by
Aerial7 and 72armok (User deleted)
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Name: exit
Author: frankieleon
License: CC BY 2.0
Source Link: https://www.flickr.com/photos/23307937@N04/8095452310
Name: Dark Room
Author: isyamuddin
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