This is the hub for all English translations of Levels, Entities, and other articles from our Italian Sister Wiki. For more information, visit the site for the IT Wiki. None of the articles on this hub is original to the English Wiki; all of them were created by the Italian Backrooms community, and then translated to English.
Italian Translations List
Normal Levels
- Translations of Italian levels will go here.
Sub Layers
- Translations of Italian sub-layers will go here.
Enigmatic Levels
- Translations of Italian enigmatic levels will go here.
Normal Entities
- Translations of Italian entities will go here.
Enigmatic Entities
- Translations of Italian enigmatic entities will go here.
- Translations of Italian Objects will go here
- Translations of Italian phenomena will go here.
- Translations of Italian pois will go here.
- Translations of Italian groups will go here.
Normal Tales
- Translations of Italian tales will go here.
- Translations of Italian poems will go here.
Joke Articles
- Translations of Italian joke articles will go here.
Additional Information
This Hub is officially represented and maintained by jyj_52,
ForestIsWatching and EN staff. Questions regarding the hub and its contents are to be redirected to the mentioned members.