Level 691 is the 692nd Level of The Backrooms. This Level presumably is an endless grid-patterned landscape.
The use of this traditional phrase is one that's falling out of use and is actively being phased out within newer drafts. Although you're not barred from using the expression, I would recommend removing it. Down below are several links showing that the phrase is being discouraged from use, all originating from the Backrooms Tech Support Discord server:
Level 691 is a presumably grid patterned landscape,
You use the word "presumably", but this level just does have a grid patterned landscape, so you can drop the specific use of that word. Also, "grid patterned" should be written with a hyphen between the two words. I'll ignore any time that happens for the rest of the draft and assume that you'll be able to spot and fix the error on your own.
This Level is home to a considerable
Whenever you have the word entity/object/level/phenomenon followed by a numerical value, you need to capitalize it. However, if it isn't accompanied by a number, then you don't do so. You would say, "This level, Level 852, is pure hell." but you wouldn't say "This Level, level 852, is pure hell." I'll ignore this issue throughout the rest of the work assuming that you work on it.
Deathmoths have also been rumored to exist on this Level, but there have been no confirmed sightings as of now.
I don't really see the significance of you bringing this up, and it just seems like a really random insubstantial addition. You should remove this entire sentence.
on this Level, and can find Star Candy in its houses.
The comma here isn't needed, as what follows isn't an independent clause. This is probably a good time to bring this up: there are a lot of little grammatical errors in your draft that can easily be fixed if you put it through a spell checker. (Quill Bot is my favorite for this.) If you have a lot of these grammar errors riddled throughout your page, critics will be less likely to look at it, so you should aim to fix as many as you can before you seek them out. You are not above a spell-checker; everyone is better with them. I'll be ignoring all the non-obvious grammatical errors going forward.
Level 691 has many buildings and houses.
I'm reaching the end of the description, but I haven't entirely formed a mental image for what this level looks like in my head. This is really worrying, as I have noticed that you list a lot of documents later on that use this level as a setting. You should try and describe the environment of this space in a more in-depth manner. So far, I know it's a landscape with buildings and everything has a grid pattern laying over it. That isn't enough for me.
3 bars, and occasionally disconnecting.
The comma used here isn't correctly implemented.
These Wanderers stay near
Wanderer doesn't exist as a proper noun to my knowledge, so it shouldn't be capitalized. I won't point out future examples of this in your text, as you should be able to fix them yourself.
The exact amount of people is unknown, but the number is estimated at around 1000.
This can be very simplified if you just say: "The level houses ~1000 people."
The M.E.G. had sent Team "Echo" to
You don't need to add a hyperlink to every mention of the group in the draft.
This Level was first discovered when someone…
I don't really think this discovery is really that notable. This is the case for most habitable levels, so it isn't worth dedicating an entire header to this information. You could leave this unsaid and it would be easily inferred. This information was completely restated within the first document where it actually works. I don't understand why you made this section, but you should remove it.
Is this thing connected?
Alright, as for the logs, I see what you're trying to do; I think it's pretty interesting. You're writing a bunch of logs with different scenarios that end with people ending up and staying at the level. This is a really good take on a habitable level and really differentiates itself from others of the class. However, the execution of this fails for two main reasons:
- These don't go anywhere. Yes, these are intriguing and I enjoyed them, but by the end of them I was left wondering why I bothered to read them. Even if you do something really unique, you need to make sure that they aren't just added without a purpose. You could have some overarching plot line present within these or just have all of these lines conjoin and mix together at points that make them interesting. You need to do anything you can to justify their place on the level, otherwise the reader will feel unsatisfied.
- They're disappointingly short. You have a cool thing going, but you fail to take it as far as you can. If you really wanted to try and communicate the emotional impact that these could have, then you need to make them longer. This is a really broad thing to say, but I think it will help you a lot to know that they wouldn't be boring if lengthened.