Level 379 - "The Curious Tranquility"
Forum » Writing Help / Help: Draft Critique » Level 379 - "The Curious Tranquility"
Started by: Error012Error012
Date: 27 Nov 2023 00:18
Number of posts: 2
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The only thing you will be standing on is beach sand. Now no one has been able to see what is behind the wall. This is because it has properties which prevent anyone from crossing. It can cause dizziness, fear of heights and other effects which seem to have no name. Many rumors that there is a hidden area, while others say it takes you to another level. Level 379 can be completely silent at specific times and the only sounds that can be heard are the sound of the sea on the beach and some sounds of pelicans, but most of the Level 379 is completely silent, there is also a sound that can rarely be heard the which seems to come from the other side of the concrete wall, the sound varies which has been identified as being different sounds from levels of the Backrooms (a city, the hum of fluorescent lights, machinery, etc…). The water, which varies depending on the person who likes salty or sweet, after a few seconds the explorer begins to feel calm. That's half of Level 379, I expect ct.
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