Novote lmao. My stuff being used is incredibly epic, and from me critting it said thing was depicted as accurately as it could when taken from one canon and put into another. Obviously, it's not fully accurate because Middlesorts only really works because of no timelines, and there's an extra layer of needlessness by having the different levels of different wikis also being inside different timelines.
The only main issue is the usage of the level key to reach the Middlesorts. Technically, it follows the rules of the Infinity Effect if you don't think about it too hard. You have infinite destinations on your keyring, you take one at random, and boom. Technically, that makes sense. However, the Middlesorts' entrances don't necessarily work like that. They require an actual, pre-existing exit from a level that can take you to any level. Imagine it as though the exit has a connection to literally every backrooms level out there, but can sometimes completely fuck up in choosing one to send you to and instead just chooses one it knows. With the key thing, each of the keys LA Keymaster has already has a preset destination on them, assumedly, so him getting the middlesorts key is basically a trillion to one chance. Still likely, ofc, but still a slight misunderstanding of the rules laid out. The only way this work is if the keys work under some kind of schrodingers cat rules or are only given a destination when one is thought about. I don't know if this is the case, and I am not reading LA keyman to find out, but it's not implied in the page.
The idea of the stuff being deleted from existence is neat, if not for just the meta element actually put through a slight layer of actual worldbuilding and storytelling instead of being slapped on haphazardly and shittily. Anyways, I mainly like this for the fact that the Corpus Core's don't magically forget them. As they're just a random, entity-majority species, it's actually nice to see them remember the deleted stuff as just… Stuff that used to exist. It's in-line with Sim's Canon's rules on that stuff, so that's a plus when dealing with the Middlesorts.
However, as always with Pantheon stuff, the plot is incredibly unengaging and… Simple. The interesting stuff with LA Keyguy is kinda glossed over. Him jumping timelines and living in them is kind of undercut, and whilst it is there, it would've been nice to see some more of it as it's, at least on paper, intriguing stuff. Not to say him running from Kei isn't also interesting, it's a neat showcase of power as much I dislike the characterisation of pillars, and is paced well. However, when looking at the tale, it's literally just a guy being cowardly, fleeing to a convenient place, and being handheld to finding out what he wants to do next. It's engaging enough, albeit not overly compelling, but not very in-depth for a story about hopping realities.
I do also have to say I'm so glad the Corpus Cores weren't given unique lore. They're not some collection of avatars for the Pillar of Bojangles or whatever, they're still just a normal species of sentient entity. It would've really been a collossal misunderstanding of who and what the Cores were to link them to an avatar or pillar or to insinuate anything more than just the people who've held onto the place in competition of other groups. I'm glad that was understood, or at the very least you chose not to add lore to stuff that wasn't yours, and I hope that stays the same if anything further involves the Middlesorts with the Pantheon.
Also, sidenote, why is this page on the wikidot? I'm not saying that in a sarcy way to say the page is terrible, because it's obviously not, but I am genuinely asking. It's a story about someone from LA who briefly stops at a bridge between realities1 before going to Fandom. Besides the Middlesorts' page being hosted on Wikidot, there are no connections to this site in the journey of this character. Well, maybe Kei, but in-universe they're also something not just bound to our site
Eyy.. i just typed a loada garrbagge
(Edit: Checkmate)

You can get a good enough idea of what he did throughout his different incarnations by reading all the different versions of LA Keymaster that are linked in the part explaining his backstory.
As for the reason this was published on this site…well it’s exactly as you said. The middlesorts was written on this site, and the majority of this tale takes place within it. Although this is intended to set up a plotline that I will write on the fandom wiki, it wouldn’t have made sense for me to write this first page there since it relies on wikidot-based lore such as Middlesorts, phenomenon 1 and Object 95, and fandom readers wouldn’t understand it as well as wikidot readers. And this isn’t being written on LA because…well the entire premise of this tale is him being deleted from there lol.
changing to a downvote because lmao
Eyy.. i just typed a loada garrbagge
As the person who wrote basically half of what this page mentions, including a lot of my old and deleted content that I had preferred wouldn't see the light of day again, I really don't like this page. Not to say it's a gripe towards anyone else's content featured here, nor a gripe towards the writing quality as it's fairly decent, but I seriously wish my work hadn't just been thrown haphazardly into here like this.
It really doesn't help that for the most part I was not consulted or warned about this article whatsoever, nor was I warned about the following articles in the Fandom wiki that make even further use of my content (at least there it's my current stuff so I guess it's somehow an improvement). I have my gripes about the following tale pages due to how my work was handled and all, but I suppose that's not relevant.
I guess I just ultimately wish that since the author of this page is now out of the community, with their account even being deleted, that this page could be removed. It makes use of material I am not comfortable with being dug up and displayed here, and as of recent even has contradictions to the wiki its hosted on as Fandom's Level 813 is now hosted here too, resulting in part of this page making no sense.
I know it's likely that my requests will be ignored, but I would really appreciate it if this didn't have to stay up on the site anymore.