Okay so, just like Level 811, there again seems to be some lore implications I'm unaware off. Can't say it didn't affect the reading experience. For instance, when the bucket began levitating with the girl's telechinesis (?), you left me here like "welp", lmfao. It's good to have references through your articles, and I haven't been bothered by it that much, but maybe a footnote for these instances would have been nice. Put you on my place: in the title it only shows level 811 so I went, read it, and went straightworfard to this without previous knowledge to anything. That is the average reader, and it's great when authors take them into account imo.
Thats my first piece of feedback. Secondly, blockyness. There were paragraphs (not that many tho) of the girl talking and talking without a single line break for like 10 lines. They are a bit exhausting to get through, I'll be honest.
However, if we ignore those two aspects, the tale was great! Congrats. Gotta shock me a bit how her tribe didn't put the effort to stop her from literally getting lost through the Backrooms but aside from that the vive was pretty realistic. Take the map drawing, or the wheat to bread, for instance. Good stuff! The convos between the machine and the girl felt overall pretty smooth too (if we ignore the blockyness here and there). The article, despite being quite long, didn't feel like a drag. You managed to transmit quite good feelings too, I could tell how each character fealt almost each moment. The CSS was cool too! Liked the design of that new titan.
I hope this girl can manage to fix up that machine so that they can look at the sky and witness shooting stars. +1 From me.