Level 179 is the 180'th Level of the Backrooms.
Remove the comma in between "180" and "th".
On the walls are what appears to be a beach, but instead of sand, there's grass, with palm trees and a light blue background.
This sentence is a bit too long and confusing for my liking. I would write: "The wallpaper of the corridors is a grassy area with palm trees and a bright blue sky."
If your in the water,
Change "your" to you're.
If your in the water, something will push you in different directions, you may find floaties in the water as the water takes you in random directions.
I feel like this sentence jumps between two topics with no connection. Try separating them, so both ideas are communicated better while not taking away from them. Also, "something" is such bland wording in the context of this sentence. I would write "an unknown force".
The only possible way to enter Level 179 is through finding a large room with a circular tunnel with words above it saying, "Lazy River" in Level 7.
Delete this sentence, this is already mentioned in the Entrances and Exits section.
Some wanderers use water parks as landmarks and bases, other type of land marks are huge rocks and bridges. Some people has found crates that regenerate supplies when it's not opened, this is how wanderers survive within Level 179.There have been times were weapons have generated within the crates, which have been proven useful for survival.
There are a lot of SPaG errors in this paragraph. The first sentence once again jumps between two topics with no connection. Add an "and" after the comma to better connect the ideas. Secondly, "land marks" should not be separated. Replace "has" with "have". Finally, connect the ideas of the second sentence together. I would separate them, but a simple "and" after the comma wouldn't be a bad idea.
They Described the area being "Oddly Familiar" and saying it appeared to be a lazy river.
Don't capitalize "Described" and replace the "Oddly Familiar" quote with another quote describing the area, as A. "Oddly Familiar" is the entire selling point of the Backrooms that does not need to be repeated, and B. It would help the flow of the overall section.
The alternate way you can enter Level 179 is by no-clipping in Level 1.
This is just far too vague. Where should you no-clip in Level 1? Is this a better or worse way of entering than the traditional method? What should you keep in mind when entering this way? "Just noclip in Level 1" is a really vague, bland, and kind of lazy.
Overall, this level has a decent concept, but I wish it was better-paced, had some SPaG errors fixed and just had more content. Other than that, great job and I hope it will be good enough to get a greenlight after you fix it.
small suggestion but you should add links for the entities you mentioned
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okay thanks!