CN Wiki admin here (Jotaro is ex-admin and was acting as a representative on contacting 1kd at the time when the conversation took place).
1000Dumplings has allowed the Chinese branch to keep his articles
We keep deleted EN articles whether or not the author gives a specific permission as translations are co-works by both the author and the translator. If an author wishes their article to be deleted both on EN and on language wikis, they'll have to also gain the translator's permission. The conversation was an attempt to gain permission on rewriting Partygoers specifically on the CN Wiki, and we are unaware whether she will be comfortable with us translating the CN Partygoers to EN and posting it as a mainlist entry, or whether she has allowed another person on EN to rewrite that article. Thus, the CN Partygoers rewrite (can be seen here) might have to remain CN exclusive before she explicitly states it could also be posted on EN. As for Level Fun, there was an attempt to bring it back on CN but failed unfortunately, but I don't know the case about EN.
Also, I can't read Chinese(or Japenese, although I do plan to learn it), so could you please tell me when this message were sent and the reply was recieved? Thank you.
If I recall correctly, it took place on 8-9th Jan 2023.