Oh man, I'm rather early to a Mr. Goerman tale. Time to get reading then.
Oh man, Schulzenreich, here we are with Anne Dunne's "last two days" in the Backrooms. I had one devil of a time making everything work the first time around with photos and this URL craziness! Seems to work okay now. Anybody out there find anything screwy, tell the folks that know how to fix it, please.
So…again…this is my first attempt at tales…trilogy, no less.
I hope that I have properly set the stage for everyone. The characters are going to be too busy, too soon, to care.
Thank you!
Your friend and colleague,
Aha! This was a well-earned +1, Mr. Goerman and I absolutely am now a big fan to your style of writing (I may or may not have an addiction with writing styles for I am trying to improve mine haha!). I don't seem to see anything wrong with all the URLs and pictures so there is also that.
This was an overall good read!
I'm not even surprised at this point about your phenomenal work. I will admit, I was so impatient I definitely didn't check your unfinished drafts of this tale on your profile page… sorry.
I was really interested but also blown away by the differences between Amy and Anne. One a master of stealth, the other a complete explosion of color. Really great work!
I have read things that just make a whole day better, and this was one.
Happy writing!
(also is Amy not like, really beautiful though?)
I exist for the sole purpose of writing this
Hi Iamalemon AKA Henry,
Thank you, yet again, for your encouragement and the +1.
Yes, Amy and Anne are beautiful.
The Man in Black (who sent Anne to the Backrooms) is closing in.
M.E.G. is standing down.
The next two parts chronologically occur in a single day/night cycle.
If you like these characters, enjoy them now.
Your friend and colleague,
Another beautiful article by Robert.
what the fuck is a fahrenheit??????
zenzick, thank you for the +1.
I'd like to think that I might elevate the status of tales.
Time will tell.
Your friend and colleague,
Yooooooo, I was here for the first one! Good shit man, keep your stuff up. +1
It goes without saying that I offer WhoYouCallinAPinHead my solemn thanks.
Each +1 is like a twinkling star in my creative sky.
These "stars" make up constellations that remind me of the friendships that I found here. These upvotes, to me, mean happy readers, people moved by my ideas and creations. Many upvotes are from people that I may never meet, may never share a cup of coffee or tea with. Upvotes let me know that I reached another reader.
Thank you!
Your friend and colleague,
Absolute banger once again
The MiB reference made me bust out laughing, and I was glad to see a tom’s diner reference! That brought me back to the early stages of the 2020 wikidot. :)
Ha! The 70-year-old author here had to Google "STAN."
Spectre48 , I am genuinely humbled.
I mean that. Thank you!
Your friend and colleague,
imma be real honest, goerman, I'm real confused, but real here for this. I read it, loved the thigns it introduces, and I'm ready to explore them. I'm excited, and that's the best reaction I can get from reading a part 1 :D
Don't forget that there are crumbs and clues on the Levels 365 and 710 pages as well as on the Entity 365 page. Wait until you read Anne's Farewell (3 of 3).
Your friend and colleague,
interesting. I'll go back and read those again before i get to the last one, since it's been a while :D
Here we are! The small, yet phenomenal first part of the Anne Dunne Trilogy! Now… where to start with this one? It's great! I say it a lot, but it really is true! I'm sure I'll be saying that for all of your works for the foreseeable future as well.
Starting with the first part, the little recap was nice as always, and helps us re-envision the scope of it, much like a TV show. The seamless introduction to Amy Cochrane was really cool! Explaining her mastery of the art of No-Clipping and stealth incarnate, straight into the attempt to save the life of Alberto Sanchez. It showcased a small tension within the story, and I assume it gives us just a taste of the action we'll have in the next parts!
The next part helps us get a better image of not only Amy's personality, but the The Heroine of Level 365 herself! This tall, beautiful and intelligent woman is described as the opposite of stealth, and with Amy being stealth incarnate, two opposites attract! I'm excited to see how this friendship goes within the next few Entries! The dialogue is also really good, and feels like each word is important to the reactions of others, which is always nice to see!
This also shows a tiny bit of what life is like within The M.E.G., and as the creator of The M.E.G. I really appreciate the details and it does fit with what I had envisioned as well. I wonder what this "Unicorn" weapon will provide down the line, but that's what I'm here for. Reading the incredible writings of Mr. Goerman himself!
Cannot wait to read more! +1