Hypothetically speaking, if one had lived, then the article would be spreading misinformation, which is something that we deeply value and put our biggest concern on.
To tackle these issues, we do what we call a "real-life experimentation". Essentially, we send out a team of volunteers to prove whether the article is providing the right information to our readers or not.
This is what the team reported back:
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras tristique turpis porttitor sem dignissim sodales. Sed non nunc sit amet nulla fermentum aliquam. Vestibulum non congue ligula. Etiam dignissim, augue eget ultrices ornare, elit augue laoreet sapien, vitae eleifend tellus elit quis nunc. Phasellus interdum in arcu vitae sagittis. Nulla dignissim, tortor nec pretium fringilla, ligula nulla finibus quam, ac facilisis massa est feugiat nisl. Nulla nec neque vel dolor vulputate feugiat. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Praesent blandit nulla metus, eget dapibus risus commodo ut. Etiam volutpat aliquet magna vel dapibus. Aenean porttitor, risus interdum tempor auctor, turpis tellus pellentesque sapien, sit amet dignissim sem libero at mi. Integer vel est at massa tempor tempor. Vivamus quis turpis ut urna vestibulum elementum. Curabitur eget accumsan orci.
Pellentesque egestas dolor nec vulputate semper. Nullam molestie gravida consequat. Praesent libero ligula, ultrices sit amet est a, semper euismod libero. Nullam euismod, nibh at pretium mattis, libero felis consequat massa, sit amet faucibus ligula massa quis metus. Vivamus varius in tortor a condimentum. Mauris accumsan urna in enim pellentesque, in suscipit diam feugiat. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Sed viverra congue ex, sed mollis eros efficitur malesuada. Maecenas auctor tortor quis tellus sodales dapibus nec eget dui. Morbi tempus, nulla sed lacinia ultrices, justo odio lacinia augue, vel venenatis neque sapien eu elit. Vestibulum lectus felis, maximus id elit iaculis, convallis ullamcorper felis. Donec placerat erat ac nunc molestie elementum. Aenean eleifend rhoncus tortor, vitae elementum eros blandit vitae. Vestibulum vel neque ut risus maximus luctus id vel quam. Praesent fermentum eros vel efficitur interdum. Donec est orci, consectetur nec libero sit amet, fermentum lacinia arcu.
Maecenas eu quam a elit porta luctus. Nullam aliquet sit amet massa ac sodales. Curabitur mattis diam sed purus aliquet hendrerit eget non libero. Nunc tincidunt at augue nec rhoncus. Praesent volutpat tempor tellus, a sagittis lectus sodales in. Fusce semper neque feugiat diam dignissim gravida. Morbi nisi turpis, ullamcorper id sagittis faucibus, faucibus ut sapien. Sed interdum tempus nibh, nec consectetur justo aliquam vel.
Cras venenatis at nisi eu pretium. Ut faucibus nisl vel justo tristique, in scelerisque lacus eleifend. Fusce mollis auctor elit, ut luctus ipsum aliquam eget. Aliquam ultrices, tellus et euismod accumsan, sem libero elementum mauris, vel gravida ante nisl vel erat. Donec quis dui euismod, semper nisl sed, convallis dui. Duis non purus sollicitudin, vestibulum est ut, elementum felis. Nullam vel nunc commodo, convallis tortor eget, consectetur dolor. Duis eget enim mattis, vehicula magna sit amet, semper eros. Sed congue eu nisl ut maximus.
Pellentesque tincidunt mi quis scelerisque sagittis. Etiam imperdiet pulvinar justo, sed dictum massa porta ac. Ut consectetur id sapien eu auctor. Nunc consequat interdum arcu nec congue. Donec libero orci, mollis a aliquet eu, varius vel risus. Maecenas euismod luctus sem, in scelerisque leo pretium in. Nunc ut felis non purus ultrices consequat. Praesent aliquet felis bibendum orci laoreet aliquam. Quisque porta lectus ipsum, sit amet tempus orci feugiat nec.
the end
Fox be groovin', be movin', and by god be shootin', but most importantly be writing.
- Signed by: MyrandFox
Understandable, have a great day
The translation is also Latin, and yes, I put every word in and translate it, should I put it in?
"Just never turn off the lights"
Ah yes, Sun from FNAF: Security Breach
The references will never stop.
I actually didn't think of that.
Fox be groovin', be movin', and by god be shootin', but most importantly be writing.
- Signed by: MyrandFox
Yo, don't forget to add tags! Btw, nice idea +1
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I remember looking at this when it didn't have all the cool stuff when you turned off the lights, and I love the addition!
Absolute secrecy must be upheld by any means necessary ~ The Vault
Basically, for this level…
Lights on: heaven
Lights off: Y0U'R3 DE4D
But yeah, cool I guess.
everyone died….. but one remained to turn on the lights… let's pretend nothing happened
Maybe because the same person murdered everyone by turning off the lights :)
Fox be groovin', be movin', and by god be shootin', but most importantly be writing.
- Signed by: MyrandFox
In my opinion, I think there should be a image of a jumpscare by a entity after the error message, to simply show what costed to kill everyone when light are off
(But other then that, itβs a good level)
I think a jumpscare would ruin the tone of the article. This level pushes that desolate vibe, and having a jumpscare would just be a cheap tactic to make someone squeal.
Absolute secrecy must be upheld by any means necessary ~ The Vault
there's another way to make me squeal ;)
Absolute secrecy must be upheld by any means necessary ~ The Vault
Fox be groovin', be movin', and by god be shootin', but most importantly be writing.
- Signed by: MyrandFox
candice DI-
NavyEOD_24 was banned from the Wikidot Forums
Absolute secrecy must be upheld by any means necessary ~ The Vault
too simple. nothing to latch onto. just 404 but with less words and less themes. -1
There are roads,
a samurai must travel…