Understandable, and thank you for the crit!
Though I will say that the reason the B.N.T.G. are weirdly powerful here is because, in this lore, they aren't just guys that made a trade group which eventually grew in power, but rather an entity generated by the Backrooms itself (well, their complete origins are left up to interpretation, but at the very least, there's some Backrooms magic going on there). The people in general aren't fully clued into that at the time that this article takes place, but some are vaguely aware that something is up (that's why I put lines like "human-shaped woman" and "If they even are human").
And as for no-one doing anything about it, at this point in the timeline, the B.N.T.G. have been able to keep a pretty good handle on this particular narrative by basically fronting that they're just uwu capitalists who worked really hard to help people celebrate Halloween and had no idea that the Backrooms candy the found in some random level had dangerous magic properties. Lee (the writer of the article at the end) is just very astute - very few people could see the B.N.T.G. for what they were at that time. And despite the window that the article in the Eagle gives into it, the Candy scene is generally pretty underground. Like, most people keep that stuff behind closed doors because candy addicts are looked down on by society pretty badly (which may in part be due to subtle B.N.T.G. propaganda efforts).
And actually, I would say that B.N.T.G.'s power level isn't really all that high (though probably more than most groups of interest). In my headcanon, they have control over a few settlements, most notably Trader's Keep, as well as some stuff in the Hub, but aside from that, there isn't too much they can do aside from creating propaganda and doing a little bribery of M.E.G. members.
I will say though that your crit that the B.N.T.G., as they are portrayed here, are pretty lacking in depth was very valuable, as it wasn't something I had thought about too much (though I did think, while I was writing the scene where they literally have people working in mines, that perhaps I was a little too on the nose, but I liked that scene, so I kept it in), and I will definitely have to think about how I can give them more depth if I end up writing more for them in the future.
Additionally, if the internal logic of the article didn't make sense to you, as a reader, without me writing a 500-word discussion post explaining it, then that's clearly my own fault, and perhaps it wasn't the best idea for me to just plunge face-first into something that relies so fundamentally on an entirely new headcanon of the B.N.T.G. without any other literature on the site about if for readers to reference lol.
Actually, I didn't come up with the term "Spawn-Town" - all credit for that goes to Wesbot!