I love you so much
There are roads,
a samurai must travel…
Ay petar, how ar ya petar
A long page indeed. i was a bit unsure if im gonna like this article or not when i reading this midway, that's just me being impatient. but at the end i think this is worth to read.
Woah! I just noticed there's a secret message in this level!
Let’s be honest here, is Grande Orion really the bad guy here?
I thought he was called "Grande Onion" for a moment.
What if Grande Orion was actually being manipulated by the masked maidens into thinking the Warnders and the Meg ruined level 204?
Thats is an interesting theory!
I'm justice!…What?…No not the blind folded girl!
This level started off strong with the email, it drew me in and got me excited for what the level was gonna be. But almost immediately after the email ended this level really just fell off hard. It's just so BORING it literally hurts to read, not to mention the length of the article doesn't help. There are some positives about this article like the aforementioned email as well as parts of the emails at the end but this level is one of the most uninteresting and sluggish articles I've read in a while. -1
did you read the secret lore???
poor incorporation of lore. also the clinical sections read like you asked an intern to randomly take sections from different nature documentaries and cobble them together, except all the interesting bits were left on the cutting rooms floor. what are the thematic relevance of all these species of plants? why list all these habitats that are "basically frontrooms biome but [insert aspect of other frontrooms biome]? why does the masked maidens connection seem so forced in their own page? i don't want to say that reading this felt more pointless than reading rika's chess level, but apart from the email section at the beginning and end, i really can’t say that i enjoyed this article.