The image for this level was found to be compliant with CC BY-SA 3.0
Well considering that I edited it, yeah, I sure hope so lol
I would assume the blue soldiers since they are the central powers, but they seem to interact more with wanders. Also what happens if you take a gun or a canteen from them?
Then how do we know about this place? Internet definitely does not exist here
I'm justice!…What?…No not the blind folded girl!
I love this level but it does have its flaws. I really wish it had an exit and I think the idea of the level overall could have been executed better, but its still good enough to get my upvote.
It is completely devoid of all fighting.
*immediately goes to explain the bomber planes that can easily kill you*
*the image which literally has 2 soldiers with guns up ready to fight*
if you see this, this is a forum signature. if you want one, check out
This one is rather bland. There isn’t that much that is really anomalous about it other than the soldiers being faceless so there isn’t that much deviance for a typical WW1 battlefield. Though i do like the idea of the bombing runs
The fact that there are no exits for a normal level doesn’t really work either.
A suggestion: Let there be a chance that a wanderer won’t get killed immediately upon leaving the trench so more of the level can be expanded upon.
Poor writing and it has a lot of major concept flaws. It feels like it was created in 5 minutes. Not saying the page is all bad, I do really like the idea of a level in a battlefield, but man this page really needs to be rewritten someday.
class2 Is it class5/4?
Exit is new 998
The idea of a battlefront from world war one, a creator of so much suffering and painful memories being personified in a barren wasteland of a level feels as if it has the potential to rise above other levels in its uniqueness.
However, this is just bland and written like it where an essay for a junior high project due in 3 minutes. I get that this post is old, and quality has improved but it does not deserve the mantle of a level number under 100 unless it gets a severe update or rewrite.
It couldn't even use any real World War One countries, let alone any nods to the era other than it being in a trench.
I mean, for Christ's sake even looking up airplane bombing in world war one shows it was done on cities and not trenches, and would have made more sense for artillery. NOR ARE THE SOLDIERS EVEN EXPLAINED.
This level was so bland, and such an injustice to what could have made it good that I made my own (pending greenlight)
Also the soldiers in the edited image are wearing equipment from what appears to be THE SECOND WORLD WAR? Or maybe even VIETNAM???