New level! Thanks to captaiin for critting and greenlighting!! I actually had the idea of a zombie/graveyard themed level from like when I first started writing for the wiki, but I didn't think of a plot for it until like a couple days ago. Also, bonus trivia: Alice, and Joshua actually appear in another of my articles, but they didn't have any importance to the plot.
I guess it's time to cry
Amazing storytelling per usual +1
Sometimes, ideas and inspiration need time to simmer and percolate.
Your friend and colleague,
the logs single-handedly saved the entire page.
if you see this, this is a forum signature. if you want one, check out
Im assuming there is story behind this level, but how did it end up in the backrooms? This feels more like an SCP (Not that thats a bad thing)
How deep is the ocean? Its not bottomless, but has it been measured?
Great article!
in the first draft level 532 is an entrance but at the end it's 522 instead. is this a typo?
so close to being good, but the clinical sections are bland, and the logs do too much of the heavy lifting.