this is the highest rated joke level and I don't know why
Because it's funny. Next Question.
The Post below me is lying
good… like… level- like just… +1 or somethin…
79 6f 75 20 6a 75 73 74 20 6c 6f 73 74 20 74 68 65 20 67 61 6d 65
When it said"having Dat sh##" it immediately reminded me of SCP-420-J which a joke entry in the SCP database about some weed, and the entry here is name level 420(joke). Coincidence? I think not. That might be why it's so highly rated. I love the abstract joke. I hope that was intended.
(replying to a comment on a joke entry that's two years old? yeah hi that's me) 420 is actually just the universal weed number! Fun weed history fact: the term 420 was coined after a group of high-schoolers in the 70s used it as a code-word for marijuana because they regularly smoked at 4:20 PM.
a story that someone goes through some levels right?
OK, it was a realy good level, i got interessed in knowing that it was just Level 0 but in an perspective of an wanderer which fallen onto the Backrooms.
And the credentials part at the end: "The user has also found a bug in our logging system, to bypass the password system, by renaming themselves" is pretty interesting!