Entity 9
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Original co authors~ Jo and Higher Being Love Cereal!.

Original collaborators~ Backrooms explorers Reddit.

Author of first rewrite~ 1000dumplings1000dumplings, Author of current rewrote~ Nikuchan Nikuchan

Special thanks to LiminalDoctorLiminalDoctor for giving a very lengthy crit!

Special thanks to Kai4CKai4C for giving an even longer crit and helping me expand on everything!!!

HABITAT(S): Cosmopolitan


Facelings (also known as Entity 9), are a humanoid species which hardly requires introduction. A common sight across a multitude of levels, they are familiar to most anyone remotely acquainted with the Backrooms.

These entities are primarily recognized for their striking similarity to humans, both in biology and behavior. The anatomical structure of facelings strongly resembles that of a human’s – though they do not appear to actually need internal organs to live or function. Facelings also mimic human practices, roles, and routines, often in a manner which exhibits limited understanding of their purposes in human life.

Additionally, the creatures seem to mirror human population patterns. Facelings predominantly inhabit levels with urban environments and/or significant human populations – including Level 11. Any level with even a trace of human architecture is likely to carry with it a faceling population. Moreover, the number of facelings is thought to be correlated to human population size. Though they have always been common, as humanity has proliferated across the Backrooms in recent years, facelings appear to have increased in abundance as well.

History and Evolution

Facelings have existed since ancient times. Their presence has been documented extensively over the ages, throughout ancient artwork, folklore, and written texts. In particular, the accumulated archives of The Lost suggest the species has been, and remains, in a process of evolution. Members of the group have kindly provided The M.E.G. with various historical records of entity 9, enough to allow for an in-depth examination of their evolution across the eons.

The oldest illustration of facelings presently discovered depicts them as monstrous amalgamations of skin, flesh, mismatched body parts, and organs, rather similar to Clumps. Development of the species thereafter is evident from brief excerpts of scriptures cited below, translated with the help of the Lost.

"These creatures are but a pale copy of humankind in flesh and bone, deformed abominations from the Greater Ones, kept in this place to separate them from us who were their perfected form – that is, until we ourselves came crashing into this imperfect world, forced now to share with them the curse of this realm.

Some say that they are evil spirits, luring the naïve deep into the labyrinths till they are hopelessly lost, malevolent beings who steal the bodies of the dead. Others believe they are merely pitiful creatures lost between life and death, unfortunate souls kept from the afterlife, cursed to wander aimlessly evermore, far from their eternal rest."

— Excerpt from το χαμένο βιβλίά του χώρου (to Chaméno Vivlíá tou Chórou), volume I

"The Faceless Ones are incapable of complex thought or feeling, merely wandering like flocks of sheep in search of grass. It is said that these creatures have committed such heinous acts that they have been stripped of their will, transformed into tormented monstrosities as punishment.

Their bodies are incomplete and disfigured. They lack faces and skin. They lack sight and other senses. They are fragile and have no survival instinct whatsoever. They die daily, yet they remain just as abundant, replenishing their numbers at a rapid pace.

These abominations must surely be avoided, as their bodies are filled with bad luck . One must not touch or interact with them to avoid being cursed by these twisted beings. It is believed that those who touch a Faceless One will soon lose their mind and become just like them, mindless and disfigured. That must be how so many of them are given life so quickly."

— Excerpt from το χαμένο βιβλίά του χώρου (to Chaméno Vivlíá tou Chórou), volume V

"The beings with no face are most likely tainted human beings corrupted by a great evil, who strayed from the path of honor and integrity, and chose to mingle with evil forces. Perhaps they were fooled by spirits that conquered their bodies and disfigured their flesh, or the product of relations between wicked humans and demons, who gave birth to abominations that belong to nowhere else but this place.

Contrary to the words and beliefs of our forefathers, it is evident today that these creatures are not malevolent, but simply ignorant and underdeveloped. Lacking both sight and intellect, they are powerless to cause any harm, and their presence is to be regarded as nothing but a trivial nuisance."

— Excerpt from το χαμένο βιβλίά του χώρου (to Chaméno Vivlíá tou Chórou), volume XII

Initial sources described facelings as mindless, yet often malevolent beings. However, detailed or individual accounts of facelings demonstrating hostility have never been recovered. Even today, there are only a few alleged reports of adult facelings retaliating in self-defense.

Several theories have been proposed as explanations of the existence and evolutionary process of entity 9. The most widely accepted of these posits that facelings are the Backrooms’ attempts at replicating humankind, ever since our race first manifested within its confines. The process is believed to be analogous to that of “level generation”. Just as many “Frontrooms replica” levels appear to be constructed with a resemblance to real Frontrooms locations, these entities are created in like fashion, as a facsimile of the human inhabitants of these places – though imperfectly warped and twisted, as these levels often are.

Furthermore, though these attempts at replicating humans were initially deformed and “not quite right”, it is thought that a process of “natural selection” eventually began to occur. As imperfect specimens perished quickly, more well-developed specimens started taking over, driving the course of evolution through trial and error.

This process has, moreover, resulted in diversification of the species, akin to genetic branching. There exists a plethora of distinct types of facelings today, with characteristics which vary widely between the types.

Faceling Types

Common facelings differ widely in hair color, skin tone, clothing, body shape, gender, age, and other physical traits. Even so, they retain many general similarities in appearance – resembling humans in most respects apart from a lack of facial features. There exist, however, many particular kinds of facelings with notable major mutations, which are sufficient for each of them to be classed as distinct faceling types in themselves. Several of these eclectic variants have been documented below.

There are some facelings that do not possess regular human-like appearances, being wildly different from their common counterparts. One such bizarre variation is known as the Polygonal Faceling.

As their name suggests, the bodies of these variants are composed of large, flat, polygonal surfaces. Though they remain roughly humanoid in shape, they appear much more awkward and boxy, bearing similarity to early 3-dimensional video game characters. Their skin is rough, dry, and flaky to the touch.

Evidence suggests that polygonal facelings receive their strange appearance through inadvertent no-clipping. The exact mechanics behind such an adverse reaction is unknown, but it is assumed that their already unstable body structures are unable to withstand the pressure of cross-dimensional travel.


A sketch of a Polygonal Faceling.



A zoomed in picture of a female adult faceling.

As their outward appearance suggests, facelings anatomically resemble human beings, though malformed on the inside. Aside from their visible lack of facial features, most of their organs are severely underdeveloped, and are usually only partially functional.

Description of the creatures’ physiological processes is a complex task, as the exact bodily demands of facelings differ from specimen to specimen. However, in general, facelings do not even seem to need the organs they commonly lack, in order to survive and operate. For example, though they have missing mouths and incomplete digestive tracts, they do not require food, and though they do not possess eyes, they move around as if they were able to see. Instead, the half-formed organs of facelings appear to cause more harm than help. Though a faceling’s organs often do not contribute actively to their survival, they are prone to failure in their partially developed state, causing complications which can hurt or even kill the faceling. As a result of their dysfunction, organs have been known to rot, rupture, or grow tumors which overtake working bodily systems. A majority of facelings die naturally as a result of such organ failures.

The life-cycle of facelings is another subject of biological interest. Facelings have not been observed to procreate, but instead apparently come into being randomly, or “spontaneously generate”, in levels they inhabit. The physical appearance of any given faceling is not indicative of their actual age, as it is believed that the creatures may be generated to outwardly resemble any human age group. Following generation, facelings usually proceed to age as normal human beings do.1

Facelings resembling infants upon generation are often much more fully developed. This is most likely due to the relative simplicity of human infants in their anatomy, compared to human adults. However, faceling infants also tend to die rather quickly, as their internal organs fail to develop beyond infancy, and are unable to sustain their growth. Facelings generated as children or adolescents face similar issues; they are often developmentally stunted, though a substantial proportion of them are able to mature and survive into late adulthood. Generated adult facelings face fewer complications, and are frequently able to survive into old age.

Most significantly, some recent specimens of entity 9 appear to have begun the final stage of evolutionary development. Occasional reports of facelings possessing aberrant facial organs (such as a single eye or ear) have existed for quite some time. However, in recent years, a marked number of facelings have begun to exhibit complete, though malformed, sets of facial features. Unlike their faceless counterparts, these evolved specimens seem to both possess and rely on more complete internal systems, which work well with the previously absent facial features. For instance, along with their noses, evolved facelings have more complete respiratory systems and actively breathe air.

Despite this, the newly evolved facial organs continue to suffer critical defects. The nostrils are usually partially fused together, causing severe respiratory problems. Though they are able to see, and rely on sight to navigate, the eyeballs of these specimens are small and primitive, resulting in myopia2 Their mouths lack any lips, and often remain wide open due to underdevelopment of the jaws.3 Their ears are also flattened, and produce excessive amounts of earwax which obstruct the inner auditory canal, such that their hearing is limited.


A sketch of the facial features of an evolved faceling.

Apart from facial features, evolved facelings present physiological developments in a few other key areas as well. As with ordinary facelings, the hair on evolved facelings’ heads is fully present; evolved specimens have, however, begun to develop additional body and facial hair. Even so, eyebrows and eyelashes tend to be absent, such that their eyes remain susceptible to dirt and infection. Furthermore, remains of a few deceased individuals demonstrate fully-formed skeletons, though they continue to exhibit the brittleness characteristic of the bones of regular facelings.


Most facelings are essentially docile. While their exact activities may vary, they tend to occupy themselves with attempts to replicate all manner of human roles and routines. The creatures have gone so far as to emulate human culture, traditions, and religious practices. Specimens have been frequently observed celebrating festivals such as Christmas or Halloween, wearing traditional clothing, and even engaging in behaviors resembling prayer.

Yet in spite of this obsession, the creatures demonstrate a fundamental lack of understanding of human society, and often engage in activities with little sense of logic, intentionality, or higher purpose. A faceling “working” as a cashier may willingly receive any sum of money, without regard for the actual value of a purchase. A faceling “office worker” may perpetually remain at its desk, typing randomly on the keyboard of its unpowered computer terminal, never leaving to rest. A faceling “pedestrian” may follow the same predetermined route through the streets, day after day, without variation, and without question.

The creatures have been observed to interact with one another rather amicably. In spite of their lack of sensory organs, they appear to clearly understand each other, and often attempt to replicate regular human social interactions, to varying degrees of success. Specimens have been observed waving to those whom they recognize, engaging in conversations (silent, since they lack vocal chords) and pausing in their daily routines to help others in need. Within some levels, the entities even demonstrate intelligent collective behaviors. Facelings are known to form friendships or find romantic partners, and even establish large families, with adults adopting child facelings as their own.

However, facelings are well-known for being easily angered by even small disturbances.4 These emotional episodes can escalate to full on outbursts, especially when they are intentionally assaulted. Facelings in this state are known to physically attack what aggravated them, as well as generally causing destruction to the surrounding environment. However, being physically weaker than most human adults, angry facelings are relatively easy to evade.

Psychological research has shown that the entities seem to have poor impulse control and struggle with proper emotional regulation overall. This is almost certainly the cause of their poor assessment of and exaggerated response to perceived threats. Brain scans of facelings have determined that this is likely due to a smaller and more primitive frontal lobe.

Though they may lack strength, provoking a faceling is inadvisable –- and particularly so if more of them are close by. The entities become exceptionally aggressive if they notice any intentional attempt to harm another one of their kind. They will do anything in their power to defend each other, and especially to protect child facelings. Facelings are also known to react more strongly if they possess close social or familial bonds to victims.

Notably, child facelings have been reported as the most aggressive and unstable during outbursts. Because their brain is even less developed, they lack the ability to regulate emotions at all, and are frequently unable to distinguish right from wrong. When upset, they immediately begin hitting and scratching anyone nearby, and may injure themselves in the process. Applying traditional techniques to calm human children appears effective.

The following are records of encounters with a regular adult faceling and child faceling respectively. Both were taken for closer analysis and study of faceling behavior.

Location: Level 116
Agents in charge of encounter: Zaina Knight.
Purpose of recording: Analysis of Adult faceling behaviour.

<Begin Log>

[Agent Knight is visible, entering the ice rink with a pair of ice skates on her feet.The camera trembles slightly, as Knight regains her balance. Various facelings can be seen clumsily skating around the rink.]

Agent Knight: The facelings here are trying to skate… but some of them look to be struggling.

[As agent Knight begins moving, a thud can be heard behind her. The camera whirls around to show an adult faceling. It appears to have fallen to the ground after losing its balance.]

Agent Knight: Ah! A faceling fell down… is it hurt?

[The agent moves towards the entity and helps it back on its feet. The faceling grasps onto her arm for support.]

Agent Knight: Here you go, buddy.

[Agent Knight waits for the faceling to leave. Instead, the entity continues to hold on to her arm.]

Agent Knight: Oh! You… want me to help you skate?

[The Faceling is seen tightening its grip a little on the agent's arm. Its featureless face stares expectantly toward Knight, as if in an attempt to communicate an answer.]

Agent Knight: I'll assume that's a yes? I'm not that great at skating, but… I’ll manage.

[The agent holds the Faceling's hand and remains close as the two begin skating. Over time, the creature seems to gain confidence. Its strides, at first tentative and nervous, become energetic and enthusiastic.]

Agent Knight: Hah! Seems like you’re getting it! I’ll speed up now… don't fall behind!

[The two continue to twirl about the rink. Much to both their delight, Knight is eventually able to let go. Though it continues to stumble on occasion, the creature skates fairly competently on its own, as its companions continue to slip and slide around it.]

Agent Knight: There you go! Good job!

[The two continue to skate together, racing one another around the complex with glee. After about ten minutes or so, Knight is satisfied, and directs the faceling to exit the ice rink. The agent helps the creature undo its laces, and the two head to place the ice skates back in the lockers. ]

Agent Knight: You seemed to have fun back there! Huh, who knew that you guys could express yourselves in this way.

[The Faceling is nodding repeatedly, apparently to indicate its happiness.]

Agent Knight: I suppose my idea of teaching you all sign language wouldn't be that bad after all. Maybe you could learn to communicate better! I really should suggest this to the higher ups…

[The camera shows Agent Knight as she makes her way to an exit. The Faceling follows after her. As she turns to leave, it gently reaches out and tugs at her arm.]

Agent Knight: Oh… do you want me to stay?

[There is a short pause.]

Agent Knight: I’m really sorry bud, but I can’t stay.

[The faceling refuses to let go. Its head drops slightly, as if in disappointment.]

Agent Knight: Awww, you guys really do get attached, huh? Alright… if I can I'll come visit you and we can go skating again. Okay?

[The faceling seems to understand. Tentatively, it lets go of the agent’s arm, and steps back, somewhat reluctantly. Agent Knight waves, heading towards the exit. The faceling raises its arm, returning the gesture rather clumsily, as Agent Knight safely exits the level, and returns to Base.]

<End Log>

Result: Upon Agent Knight’s return, the footage was analyzed further. From what was observed, it appears that facelings are capable of learning and expressing themselves. Though these abilities appear limited, they are nevertheless more advanced than previously believed. Most notably, the specimen demonstrated that facelings can establish bonds with other beings besides themselves, and are able to understand and mimic human gestures.

Agent Knight was allowed to return and interact with the faceling in the recording on multiple further occasions. The faceling was observed to recognize her and exhibited affectionate behaviour. Presently, the Overseers are considering Knight’s proposal to transport the facelings to Base Omega, to teach it how to write and converse in sign language.

It is noted that ex-agents have accomplished this before in past experiments. If Knight’s experiment is approved and achieves success, it is likely to become a widespread initiative.

Future reports on the faceling's progress will be updated here.

Location: Level 6.1
Agents in charge of encounter: Grover Bryne
Purpose of recording: Analysis of Child Faceling behaviour.

<Begin Log>

[Agent Bryne showcases the environment of the level as he searches for a Child Faceling around the area.]

Agent Bryne: For now there are no Child Facelings in sight. All I’m seeing are the guys working in the stores.

[The agent explores for another 10 minutes until he stumbles upon a child faceling. The creature is on the ground, kicking and punching the air in distress.]

Agent Bryne: Seems like this one is upset. But about what?

[There is a short pause.]

Agent Bryne: Hm, I'll see if I can calm it down, or at least try to examine the situation.

[Agent Bryne approaches the entity and gently lifts it up in his arms, as he attempts to communicate. He is seen stroking the entity's head softly.]

Agent Bryne: Hey kiddo, what's wrong?

[At first, the entity struggles and beats against Agent Bryne’s shoulder with its tiny fists. As Bryne continues to reassure the child, it gradually begins to calm down. Eventually, it resorts to tugging at his sleeve, while gesturing toward a vending machine full of snacks.]

Agent Bryne: Oh… do you want some of those snacks? I’m guessing you don’t know how to use the vending machine?

[There is a short pause.]

Agent Bryne: I'll get some sweets for you, kiddo… though how will you even eat them?

[The agent calmly presses a few buttons on the vending machine. The child faceling claps its hands in delight as a few different snacks are dispensed. Bryne stoops down and retrieves them, placing them into the arms of the child. It seems satisfied..]

Agent Bryne: Guess you just wanted to hold them. Oh well, at the very least you seem calm, now. You really do act just like a normal kid… though you could really learn to control your temper.

[There is a short pause]

Agent Bryne: I should probably report this back to Base… Hm?

[Agent Bryne points the camera down to show the child faceling hugging onto his leg. Agent Bryne attempts to gently remove its arms, but it refuses to let go.]

Agent Bryne: Seems like you won't let me go without you! Welp, guess I’m a dad now. I'll have some explaining to do…

[Agent Bryne carries the Child Faceling to the nearest exit, returning to Base.]

<End Log>

Result: Agent Bryne returned with the child faceling, naming her Alice. With approval from M.E.G. command, he has been raising it as his own. Recently, he has begun teaching her how to write, though she has yet to make noticeable progress.

Even so, through his supervision, Alice seems to have become calmer and more well-adjusted, and much less prone to tantrums. Future progress will be recorded here in due time.


A picture of Alice.

Following these encounters, it soon became clear that facelings are capable of intelligent communication and social cooperation with humanity. An initiative to teach intelligent language to facelings has been approved, and is currently spearheaded by the recently promoted Entity Research Specialist Zaina Knight. Under the programme, operatives have discovered that evolved specimens were able to learn sign language and writing much more quickly. Many are already able to communicate in this manner proficiently on their own. The initiative next hopes is to teach vocalization by using the alphabet, in the hopes of teaching these specimens to communicate with verbal human speech.

It is believed that over the course of many years, with further evolution aided by such human intervention, the majority of evolved facelings will be able to speak in simple, coherent sentences, while their faceless counterparts will be able to fully comprehend sign language and writing.

Do's and Don'ts


  • Treat Facelings kindly and respect their boundaries.
  • Attempt to communicate with them if you are in need. Most facelings are more than glad to offer what assistance they can.
  • Report any sighting of new faceling variants.


  • Taunt, provoke or attack these entities.
  • Present yourself as a threat when encountering facelings.
  • Teach offensive words or terms to any faceling.

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