The entrance to a Frost Boar cave in Level 129.
Entity Designation: 456
Habitat: Majority Cold
> Description
Entity 456, also known as Frost Boars, are small, pig-like creatures that inhabit levels that have below-freezing climates. Frost Boars can travel at high speeds for long distances in pursuit of prey, and are extremely agile.
Frost Boars are best suited for extremely cold temperatures, and inhabit cold levels such as (but not pertaining to) Level 129. If removed from a cold climate Frost Boars will likely perish, as their bodies cannot adapt to warm environments.
> Behavior
Frost Boars are extremely aggressive and will attack any entity that ventures too close to it. Frost Boars live in large groups of about 10 to 20 members, known as squalls. They will do everything with their squall with the exception of hunting, which they do alone. This is presumably to reduce noise and make stalking prey easier. Frost Boars often pursue prey for miles and can outlast most creatures while chasing them, however they are not particularly buoyant and will not follow their target over water.
Frost Boars dwell in large caves with their squall. Little is known about what goes on within the cave as it has been deemed extremely dangerous to venture into this area. It is presumed that Frost Boars raise their young inside of these dwellings.
> Biology
Frost Boars are about two feet in height and resemble a wild boar. They have light blue skin and long white fur with extreme heat-trapping properties. Two large tusks protrude from either side of a Frost Boar’s mouth, which can easily slaughter prey. Frost Boars have several unique anatomical features that set them apart from other entities in the Backrooms, which are listed below.
> Fur
While Frost Boars are still widely avoided by most explorers in the Backrooms, some explorers hunt these entities for their pelts. Their white fur traps body heat, making it ideal for cold-resistant clothing. This is extremely useful in many colder levels and their fur has even been used to insulate structures in various levels.
> Hooves
The large, flattened soles of a Frost Boar’s feet allow the boar to stand on top of snow without sinking into it, giving it a significant advantage over its prey. If removed from the carcass, several of these hooves can be fashioned into a kind of snowshoe for use in colder levels.
> Tusks
Frost Boars use sharp tusks to kill their prey. They have been observed sharpening these tusks on rocks and trees. If spotting these scratch marks, a Frost Boar might be nearby. The material of which these tusks are made out of is unknown, but is very durable and comparable to resin.
> Eyes
Because of the cold and often windy climates that Frost Boars favor, they have a special membrane over their eyes that protects them from the wind. It functions similar to a second eyelid, and is used in windy and snowy conditions to protect the eyes of a Frost Boar from the wind. This membrane is what gives Frost Boars their distinctive red eyes. If the membrane becomes too clouded due to snow, Frost Boars will blink to clean them off.
> Discovery
The first squall of Frost Boars was found by a lone explorer who had entered Level 129 while communicating with another explorer via walkie-talkie. The two explorers were unaffiliated with any organization.
> Dos and Don’ts
> DO
- If attacked by a Frost Boar, get to higher ground. Frost Boars are small and cannot climb. Getting to a large rock or into the branches of a tree will provide temporary protection from the hog.
- Try to lure the Frost Boar to warmer territory. This will slow them down and dampen their abilities, making it easier to fight.
- Separate the squall. Frost Boars are infinitely more dangerous when they are in a group. Traveling in a group with multiple explorers can spread the squall out over a larger distance, making it easier to deal with.
- Engage in melee combat with a Frost Boar. Frost Boars are much faster than the average human and have natural weapons like their tusks that can easily kill an explorer.
- Enter the cave of a squall. No explorer has been known to exit these caves alive.
- Spend long periods of time away from a heat source. Frost Boars will stick to the coldest parts of a level. If you do not stay near a warm area, a boar will likely find you while you are hunting.