The original author of this entry is Fandom user Palico22. Rewritten by Stretchsterz.

A photo of a Smiler before the disappearance of this Wanderer.
Entity Number: 3
Habitat - Majority of Levels
Smilers are generally hostile, and there have been many confirmed sightings of them. They can be identified by their signature reflective eyes and teeth gleaming in the dark. The best way to escape a Smiler is to keep eye contact. Smilers tend to reside in dark areas on Level 2 and Level 3. Their Base is known to be "The Smiling Room".
The Smiler is attracted to light, and will chase anything they see with a light, so distracting it by throwing a light source at it would be great for an escape. The Entity will only start to attack if you panic and retreat, or if a loud noise is made. Keep eye contact, and move away slowly to ensure your survival. Using a Smiler Exterminator will cause the Entity to retreat or lose its senses for a long period of time.
Smilers have a long smile with multiple sharp teeth, and have white glowing eyes; It is unknown what else it has for its biology, though it is rumored to have a physical body, which cannot be seen with the human eye. It's rumored they have non-human, alien-like bodies, with arms and legs bent in unnatural ways, but this is unconfirmed. The M.E.G. is currently trying to find out more about its biology.
It is unknown how the Smiler was originally discovered, as it is extremely common in most Levels. The earliest modern report of the Smilers was when an anonymous Reddit user posted about them running from a "Glowy Smiling Thing". Before that, the group known as The Lost had descriptions of what they called "The Ones That Smile".
Do's and Dont's:
- Keep eye contact, and walk slowly.
- Keep quiet, and do not make any loud sounds.
- Use a Smiler Exterminator bottle.
- Turn off all sources of light that you have equipped.
- Run away panicking unless the Smiler starts to chase you.
- Make loud noises.
- Keep your light sources on.