Entity 210 - "Imposters"
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To: Polyergus Brensford, M.E.G. Base Alpha
From: Vincent Dresden, M.E.G. Base Beta
Subject: Requesting Review & Greenlight for "Imposters" Entity Writeup
Date: 07.06.2021

Hi Polly,

I'm wondering if you could take a look at this entity draft I've been working on. It's pretty important that it gets uploaded soon since people should really be aware of this before it gets out of hand, so if you could take a look at your earliest convenience, that would be ideal.


Vincent Dresden, M.E.G. Base Beta


Entity XXX - "Imposters"


An instance of Entity XXX that was caught in Level 11.

Entity Number: TBD

Habitat(s): Variable


Entity XXX are shapeshifting creatures that have infiltrated several communities in various levels of the Backrooms; most notably, the M.E.G. outposts in Level 1 and Level 11. It is unknown what the true form of Entity XXX instances is, as they retain their most recently assumed form in death. They regularly take the form of humans, though they have been known to appear as animals or even objects. Their behavior is very similar to the baseline for humans, so the only known way to identify these entities is through their lack of any sort of odor, as well as a general gut feeling that something isn't right about them. As of writing, their agenda is completely unknown, so it is important to be alert.

Do's and Don'ts


  • Report any unusual activity to M.E.G. staff.


  • Trust people who you don't know.

To: Vincent Dresden, M.E.G. Base Beta
From: Polyergus Brensford, M.E.G. Base Alpha
Subject: Re: Requesting Review & Greenlight for "Imposters" Entity Writeup
Date: 07.06.2021

Hi Vincent,

It definitely needs some work before I can greenlight it. There aren't any obvious grammatical errors, but the tone is a little rocky, like: "[Don't] trust people who you don't know". I feel like that could be worded a little more professionally. Also, "Their behavior is very similar to the baseline for humans"; I don't think there's really a "baseline" behavior in humans.

More importantly, though, it's very barebones. This whole thing is a paragraph long. There's no "Behavior", no "Biology", and there's nothing here that tells me this isn't just one of the other skin stealing entities already in our database, or that they're even real at all (like, you said the photo is confirmed to be one of them, but confirmed how?). I would highly suggest you fatten it up a bit with some event logs (i.e., how did we figure out they existed, etc.) Message me when you've fixed these errors, and I can take another look.

Polly Brensford, M.E.G. Base Alpha

To: Polyergus Brensford, M.E.G. Base Alpha
From: Vincent Dresden, M.E.G. Base Beta
Subject: Re: Re: Requesting Review & Greenlight for "Imposters" Entity Writeup
Date: 07.06.2021

Sorry that draft was a little light. I just wanted to get it out as quickly as possible considering these things are kind of important, but I understand why you want it to be a little cleaner, so I will get right to it. Give me a couple days to get it all together.

Also, you asked how I know they aren't Skin Stealers or something— Just trust me on that one, I'll explain in the draft.

Vincent Dresden, M.E.G. Base Beta

To: Vincent Dresden, M.E.G. Base Beta
From: Polyergus Brensford, M.E.G. Base Alpha
Subject: Re: Re: Re: Requesting Review & Greenlight for "Imposters" Entity Writeup
Date: 07.06.2021

Understandable. I'll be eagerly awaiting your next draft.

Polly Brensford, M.E.G. Base Alpha

To: Polyergus Brensford, M.E.G. Base Alpha
From: Vincent Dresden, M.E.G. Base Beta
Subject: New Draft For "Imposters" Entity
Date: 07.08.2021

Hi Polly,

Here's my new draft. I hope it's up to your standards. Also, just reminding you that this is kind of important, so please take a look as soon as possible.


Vincent Dresden, M.E.G. Base Beta


Entity XXX - "Imposters"


An instance of Entity XXX that was caught in Level 11 (See event log below).

Entity Number: TBD

Habitat(s): Variable


Entity XXX are shapeshifting creatures that have infiltrated several communities in various levels of the Backrooms; most notably, the M.E.G. outposts in Level 1 and Level 11. It is unknown what the true form of Entity XXX instances is, as they retain their most recently assumed form in death. They regularly take the form of humans, though they have been known to appear as animals or even objects. Their behavior is very similar to that commonly seen in humans, so the only known way to identify these entities is through their lack of any sort of odor, as well as a general gut feeling that something isn't right about them. As of writing, their agenda is completely unknown, so it is important to be alert.

Do's and Don'ts


  • Report any unusual activity to M.E.G. staff.


  • Trust strangers with sensitive information.

Event Log:

Level 11, 5/7/2021

The first known incident involving Entity XXX was when a wanderer who went by the name "Harold Landau" was attempting to join the M.E.G. in Base Beta. He was seen changing form while in the bathroom, and subsequently fled the scene. M.E.G. member Vincent Dreesen chased him into the adjacent Level 9.1 where he was then slain by a Mangled. Since then, several similar occurrences have been reported in both Level 1 and Level 11.

To: Vincent Dresden, M.E.G. Base Beta
From: Polyergus Brensford, M.E.G. Base Alpha
Subject: Re: New Draft For "Imposters" Entity
Date: 07.06.2021

Hi Vincent,

Thank you for sending me this draft. I will forward it to my supervisor.

Polly Brensford, M.E.G. Base Alpha

To: Polyergus Brensford, M.E.G. Base Alpha
From: Vincent Dresden, M.E.G. Base Beta
Subject: Re: Re: New Draft For "Imposters" Entity
Date: 07.08.2021

Why are you forwarding it to your supervisor? You have greenlight privileges.

Vincent Dresden, M.E.G. Base Beta

To: Polyergus Brensford, M.E.G. Base Alpha
From: Vincent Dresden, M.E.G. Base Beta
Subject: Re: Re: New Draft For "Imposters" Entity
Date: 07.09.2021

You never answered my last message. Is something wrong?

Vincent Dresden, M.E.G. Base Beta

To: Solomon Myers, M.E.G. Base Beta
From: Polyergus Brensford, M.E.G. Base Alpha
Subject: Requesting Psychological Evaluation For Vincent Dresden
Date: 07.08.2021

Hi Solomon,

I've been getting some messages from a member of your base, "Vincent Dresden", claiming that people around him have been replaced by "Imposters". I believe these bouts of paranoia may be a result of a fear of Skin Stealers, as well as the recent Masked Maidens incident. In more somber news, however, I believe Mr. Dresden's paranoia may have been the cause for the recent disappearance of an M.E.G. member named "Harold Landau". Due to this, it is of the upmost importance that Mr. Dresden be detained immediately.

Polly Brensford, M.E.G. Base Alpha

To: Polyergus Brensford, M.E.G. Base Alpha
From: Solomon Myers, M.E.G. Base Beta
Subject: Re: Requesting Psychological Evaluation For Vincent Dresden
Date: 07.08.2021

Hello Polly,

Thank you for bringing this to my attention. I will get it taken care of as soon as possible.

Solomon Myers, M.E.G. Base Beta

Interviewee: Vincent Dresden
Interviewer: Solomon Myers
Date: 07.09.2021
Forward: It was suggested by a member of M.E.G. Base Alpha that Vincent Dresden receive a psychological evaluation due to experiencing bouts of persistent paranoia. Dresden may also be connected to the disappearance of a wanderer named "Harold Landau". This interview is the preliminary stage of Dresden's psychological evaluation.

<Begin Log>

Dresden: So, Solomon, what did you call me in here for?

Myers: Well Vincent, I've been getting some concerning reports regarding your behavior.

Dresden: Huh?

Myers: Yes. I've been told you've been talking about "imposters" replacing people you know.

Dresden: Well yes, I'm writing an entity article about—

Myers: Vincent, what makes you think that these "imposters" aren't just people.

Dresden: I've seen one change. He said his name was "Harold Landau" and— and when I went to check on him I saw him change shape right in front of me.

Myers: I heard about that incident. Could you expand on it?

Dresden: Sure. I saw him shapeshift into another person, and I chased him all the way into Level 9.1 where he got killed by a Mangled. A bystander even snapped a photo as he ran by.

Myers: I see, thank you for your time.

Dresden: No problem, can I go now?

Myers: Oh no, we still have some things to go through.

<End Log>

M.E.G. Psychiatric Hospital Intake Form
Name Vincent L. Dresden
Date Of Birth 04.28.1999
Date Of No-Clipping 02.19.2017
Affiliations The M.E.G.
Referred By Solomon Myers
Date of Admission 07.09.2021
Intake Status
Involuntary X
Suicide/Self-Injury Risk
No X
Vincent Dresden has been experiencing persistent monothematic paranoid delusions to the point where he has been deemed a danger to himself and others. Less prominent symptoms include mild depression and anxiety.

Additional Notes
Vincent Dresden claims to be completely mentally well, and that his admission to the hospital was orchestrated by the "imposters", particularly M.E.G. member Polly Brensford. These delusions are not to be listened to.

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