NOTE: Do not try to create an entry for "level fun". They keep finding ways to change it. Any information regarding the Party Hosts is kept here. Do not trust any other source.
Entity Number: 167
Habitat - Level "Fun", Level 199, Level 188, level-20 (Deceased).
Party Hosts are huge glutenous monstrosities that appear to be made out of cake, with one huge human-like eye in the center of the mass. The Party Hosts are immobile and cannot move as they are seen stuck to surfaces, including ceilings. They appear to be the leaders of Entity 67, otherwise known as "The Partygoers".
The Party Hosts are immobile, and cannot move in order to engage in hostile activities. The Party Hosts can only feed whenever its prey is within range. The Partygoers seem to feed the Party Hosts when they capture Wanderers that cannot be transformed. When the prey is in range, the eye of the Party Host will open up and reveal a mouth-like system with multiple teeth and proceed to release long ribbon-like appendages that wrap around the Wanderer and then slowly drags the Wanderer into the buccal cavity. No average Wanderer has ever escaped a Party Host at the moment. According to witnesses, Entity 67 are somehow able to communicate1 with the Party Hosts and eventually edit Entries on our Database eventually ending with '+)' with the plus symbol resembling the large eye of Entity 167. It is recommended to not trust any Entry containing that combination of symbols. The Partygoers usually listen to commands given by the hosts, similar to a hive-mind system.
The Party Hosts are usually the size of the entire surface they are attached to. The Party Host's bodies are made out of substances that resemble cake and icing out of multiple different flavors. Their bodies are thick and can go up to two (2) meters. In the center of the Entity is one large human-like eye, which is capable of movement and blinking. When opened, it has a set of large displaced teeth that seem to resemble birthday candles. Long appendages can be released from the buccal cavity that seem to resemble long ribbons in various colors.
The Party Hosts were discovered when instances of Partygoers were seen wandering level-20. Teams from M.E.G. Regiment "Wild Warriors" were sent to deal with the recent infestation in what was once a safe Level. A room was discovered by Team 'Joey' of "Wild Warriors' and few Volunteers in said Level that contained an instance of the Party Hosts. The Entity was terminated around thirty (30) minutes later which greatly decreased the infestation wave. Very few Partygoers can be seen in level-20 still Wandering around.
Do's and Don'ts:
- Do not enter Level "Fun" and stay away from it at all costs.
- If a Party Host is spotted, please evacuate the area.
- We see you. +)
The original author of this entry is Stretchsterz
Author Page Code is definitely not from Birch. Lol
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