A photographic image of a coder found in a Laptop on Level 400
Habitat - Level 400
Entity 136, also known as coders, are friendly humanoid entities found exclusively on Level 400 They can be easily identified by their red hoodies, under which only a black void is visible. Coders offer food, water and Wi-Fi to all Wanderers passing by. They also possess great expertise in the field of IT, and are eager to help Wanderers encountering issues in this domain. The M.E.G. recommends Wanderers in need of tech help to head to Level 400 and approach them for assistance.
FINALLY. They keep rewriting the document and deleting the save history. I've changed the passwords, checked the firewalls, everything I still can't figure out how their getting into the Database. Even when I copied the save file onto my thumbdrive, they deleted it the MOMENT MY LAPTOP CONNECTED TO THE WI-FI. There just taunting me at this point it has taken me literal DAYS to figure out how to stop them from seeing this. I apologize for the… less-than-proffessional… language in places but I havent slept in four days trying to get this one and Level 400 public. READ IT. And don't even THINK about going near 400. Im going to go to bed now and also quit my job
M.E.G. Archivist Lake T. Kesler
Entity 136, also known as coders, are hostile and highly dangerous humanoid entities found exclusively on Level 400. They can be easily identified by their red hoodies, under which only a black void is visible. THEY SHOULD BE AVOIDED AT ALL COSTS. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCE SHOULD CODERS BE TRUSTED OR APPROACHED.
Through unknown means, coders are also able to access and edit information in any public Internet domain. However, they are unable to read text written in L33T (a system of modified spelling where Arabic numerals are substituted for similar looking letters in the English alphabet). Due to this ability, all information within this document should be disregarded as entirely false unless hidden under a L33T collapsible.
Coders generally behave like regular human beings, though they do not seem to require food or water for sustenance.
Coders are obsessed with modern electronics. They are known to trade (or even freely share) resources such as food, almond water, and weaponry for technology. They accept all forms of modern computer technology as valid currency, including PCs, mobile phones, Wi-Fi routers, internet cables, monitors, computer mice. Coders will accept most electronic devices regardless of their physical condition, unless they are unsalvageably damaged.
For a negligible fee, coders are also eager to offer Wanderers IT help, optimization, hardware repairs, antivirus set-up, and similar tech-related services. They are highly skilled, working with greater speed and expertise than most trained human tech-support staff. Wanderers are strongly encouraged to visit Level 400 and approach them for assistance in these domains.
Coders have often been observed participating in ritualistic behaviour, and have often been observed kneeling prostrate, in circles of ten or more, before technological appliances, while chanting the phrase 'mind is software'. Though such practices may seem disturbing to Wanderers, this is simply a harmless part of their culture, and should not prevent Wanderers approaching coders for assistance.
Coders tend to travel around Level 400 in groups of ten or more. They are extremely hostile to Wanderers, and will chase anyone they encounter on sight.
Once victims are caught, they will ‘code’ the minds of Wanderers, assimilating them into their ranks. Two coders will hold the victim in place, while the remaining coders in the immediate vicinity will gather in a circle around them, continuously chanting the phrase "mind is software". One coder - deemed the victim's 'encoder' - will step forward from the circle and stand over the victim, forcing them to stare into the black void under its hood for a period of approximately 45 seconds.
If the 'coding' process is interrupted within this 45 second window, Wanderers will be able to escape with no permanent ill-effects. Victims who have managed to escape have described 'coding' as excruciatingly painful. After this period, the assimilation process will be complete, and the victim's subsequent condition appears to be permanent.
For 2 hours after 'coding', the victim will become a slave of the 'encoder', allowing the 'encoder' to use them to lure in and attack additional victims. These slaves possess superhuman strength and speed, and are able to easily outrun and overpower Wanderers by themselves. When idle, they have been observed to simply stand in a slouched position around their 'encoder', their arms hanging limply by their sides. Since their condition is entirely incurable, Wanderers are advised not to attempt to rescue fully 'coded' victims.
During this period, the victim also begins physically morphing into an independent coder. The skin on the victim's arms and torso gradually turns red, assuming a texture similar to cotton. The skin on the back of the victim's neck sags dramatically, forming a hood-like structure, while the air around the victim's face is observed to darken dramatically into a black void. After approximately 2 hours, the skin will shed off to form the characteristic coder hoodie, and the victim will remove its former articles of upper-body clothing. At this point, the victim appears to gain autonomy, exhibiting behaviour typical of an ordinary coder, while its 'encoder' wanders off.
Coders are also obsessed with modern electronics. Apart from repairing and consistently using electronic devices, they appear to treat technology as sacred. Coders have often been observed kneeling prostrate, usually in circles of ten or more, before technological appliances, while chanting the phrase 'mind is software'. This phrase is also repeated while coders are in pursuit of Wanderers or in the process of assimilating victims. Due to their obsession with technology, Wanderers are strongly advised not to destroy technological equipment around coders, as this may further agitate the already hostile entities.
Coders are almost human in appearance, apart from the fact that their heads are replaced by what appears to be a black void. All coders appear to wear some form of red hoodie or robe. The physical biology of the coders is obscure, and little else is known.
Coders are almost human in appearance, apart from the fact that their heads are replaced by what appears to be a black void. All coders appear to wear some form of red hoodie or robe. The physical biology of the coders is obscure and little else is known, as these entities are difficult to study due to how dangerous they can be to approach.
In terms of their physical abilities, coders do not appear to have strength beyond that of a regular human being's. However, they possess other abilities that make them difficult to evade once encountered.
Coders appear to be capable of technokinesis, using their minds to interface with technological devices. Coders have been observed to "use" computers by simply standing and staring at the monitor. By unknown means, they are able to freely access information in any public Internet domain available in the Backrooms, bypassing any form of encryption security with ease. However, they appear to be entirely uninterested in editing any information except what pertains to themselves. Coders are not capable of other forms of telekinesis, and have been observed repairing hardware manually.
Coders are also apparently capable of telepathy - able to exert control over a Wanderer's minds simply by looking at them. Coders can manipulate a wanderers mind, causing them to experience hallucinations. Some of these include:
1. False no-clip's
Coders are able to alter a Wanderer's vision drastically. Survivors have claimed that they appeared to see themselves no-clipping through the floor into another Level, though they had not actually moved at all. At this point, the coder simply walks up to the disoriented Wanderer to seize them.
2. Memory deletion
Coders can temporarily delete Wanderers' memories, leading to a brief bout of amnesia. Deleted memories include the fact that Wanderers are being pursued, the fact that they are in Level ▋▋▋, and in rare instances, the existence of and their presence within the Backrooms.
3. Auditory and visual hallucinations, which lure Wanderers towards the coders.
Coders were discovered after a M.E.G. Operative accidentally no-clipped into Level 400. The coders proceeded to assist the Operative by providing him with refreshments, and even replaced the Operative's cracked mobile phone screen before sending him on his way.
Coders were discovered after M.E.G. Operative Jamie S. Lane accidentally no-clipped into Level 400 and found a corpse with the L33T words "th3y m4k3 y0u 0n3 0f th3m" spray-painted on a wall nearby.
Do's and Don'ts:
- Approach them
- Request for assistance, trade or IT services
- Be afraid to approach them because of their practices
- Be disrespectful or mean to them for no reason, because of how helpful they are to everyone
- Avoid entering Level 400 in the first place, if possible
- Recognize their signature red hoodies, and try to avoid or sneak past them
- Try to break line of sight with them
- Rescue Wanderers undergoing the 'coding' process before the end of the 45 second-window. Not recommended unless your group is armed and prepared to take down up to twelve men
- Let them see you
- Destroy any technological device in front of them
- Attempt to rescue fully 'coded' slaves
- Look at their faces
Data Downloaded. Welcome Administrator.
Downloading Data…
Written by
Johnnysuckerpunch, with assistance from
Kai4C ^-^:
"Hoodie" by James Nash (aka Cirrus) is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0