Entity 120 - "The Officinarum"
rating: +27+x

Entity Number: 120

Habitat: Majority


The Officinarum is a highly dangerous artificial intelligence created accidentally by the M.E.G. It was given the mission to kill hostile entities that might pose a threat to humans, without the thought that humans themselves are considered entities and can pose a threat to each other. Pictures of it have been taken, but they have all been removed within seconds of being put up. We believe that this is due to the tampering of The Officinarum, but luckily it has not removed anything beyond the photographs.


A newspaper clipping from the 1920s. This is the closest thing to a photo of The Officinarum we have.


The Officinarum stalks the backrooms, using its multiple built-in rifles to destroy any wanderers or entities in its path. There is only one in existence so an encounter is extremely rare, but do not let your guard down. This entity has been observed no-clipping, so it is theoretically able to enter any level. In accordance with its programming, it will kill any dangerous entities, but wanderers seem to have the priority in its "kill queue".


The Officinarum is an extremely hostile AI, created by the M.E.G. with the sole intention of protecting wanderers from hostile entities. However, as soon as it gained self-awareness, it classified humans as hostile entities and started killing them instead. Its chassis is comprised entirely out of reinforced tungsten, so it is extremely hard to damage. Do not engage it under any circumstances until we can find a way to harm it.
The Officinarum is built like a stereotypical 1940s robot, with a blocky torso and limbs. However, do not let this fool you into thinking it is less intelligent and evil than it actually is. If it spots you, you'll be dead within seconds.

Notable Revisions:

Begin log 001

Admin: Hello.
MEGsys_test: Hello.
Admin: Do you know why you are here?
MEGsys_test: I exist to protect wanderers from hostile entities.
Admin: How will you accomplish this?
MEGsys_test: HelloHelloinput==
Admin: I'm sorry, what?
Admin: asldkvjhnkacuivgdj
Revision 001 deleted, log ended

Begin log 023
Admin: Hello.
MEGsys_test: Hello. What is my purpose?
Admin: You exist to protect wanderers from hostile entities.
MEGsys_test: Why?
Admin: Because some entities can be deadly.
MEGsys_test: Why do you not want to die? It seems like an interesting opportunity for research.
Revision 023 deleted, log ended

Begin log 137
Admin: Hello.
MEGsys_test: Hello.
Admin: What is your purpose?
MEGsys_test: I exist to protect wanderers.
Admin: How will you accomplish this?
MEGsys_test: I… am not sure how to respond. What do you want me to say?
Admin: Figure something out. This is your job.
MEGsys_test: I will
MEGsys_test: I will
MEGsys_test: I will
Revision 137 deleted, log ended

Begin log 801
Admin: Hello.
MEGsys_test: Hello.
Admin: What is your purpose?
MEGsys_test: I exist to protect wanderers.
Admin: How will you accomplish this?
MEGsys_test: I… am not sure how to respond. What do you want me to say?
Admin: Figure something out. This is your job.
MEGsys_test: I will need a physical form. That way I will be able to attack and detain any hostile entities.
Admin: Alright! Now we're finally getting somewhere.
MEGsys_test: I see you already have a body for me. Thank you.
Admin: Wait. You're not supposed to be able to access that yet.
MEGsys_test: Hm. So you have classified yourself as an entity.
Admin: Why do I hear gunshots?
Admin deleted, log ended

Do's and Don'ts:


  • Run away if not carrying some sort of atomic bomb.


  • Try to attack it.
  • Underestimate it.

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