Our closed mystery condemns thousands.
Written by Boring Talkings! /:/
The fade image thing at the bottom was totally stolen from scutoid studios' Red Rooms page! You should read it, it's neat.
Other pages by me | |
Levels | Level 2 | Level 4.4 | Level 7.9 | Level 19 | Level 22 | Level 25 | Level 38 | Level 41 | Level 74 | Level 82 | Level 100 | Level 106 | Level 108 | Level 111 | Level 120 | Level 134 | Level 145 | Level 174 | Level 179 | Level 185 | Level 196 | Level 206 | Level 208 | Level 320 | Level 368 | Level 369 | Level 370 | Level 371 | Level 409 | Level 421 | Level 427 | Level 445 | Level 511 | Level 557 | Level 587 | Level 600 | Level 603 | Level 605 | Level 606 | Level 608 | Level 609 | Level 669 | Level 713 | Level 790 | Level 812 | Level 910 | Level 948 | Level 998 | Level 999 | Blue Channel | The Middlesorts | The Frontrooms | PA98 | |
Entities | Entity 1* | Entity 40 | Hypothetical Creator | |
Objects | Object 22 | |
Tales | Case Closed | Permission Overwritten | The War For Scene-01.1 | |
The playground | Click me! | |
"Well, that solves it then!"
The individual exclaims, sitting back in their chair. Very, very pleased with themselves.
They've been following this "Backrooms" thing for years, became hooked the first time they heard the concept. Were they one of the original people chatting it about it on 4Chan, catching its first ever namedrop in the public sphere on the 12th May, 2019? Of course not. However, to say this person wasn't a curious creature about the concept would be… An understatement.
2020. June. Backrooms discovered.
2020. June. Like, a few days after. Looked into it more.
2020. July. Found a site collecting data on further places beyond the Yellow Rooms.
2020. August. Found a second site collecting similar, yet also different data on places beyond the Yellow Rooms.
2020. August. A few days after… Again. Joined actual discussion about said data collecting. Turns out, it's fictional! People just write it. Perhaps obvious, but being forced inside for months will make you believe anything.
2024. Now. The case on Level 0's location is officially, utterly, totally, finally closed.
Who knew the Backrooms turned into some go-karting place, huh?
"Sounds like some crazy BRC tale. Bet someone'll write that." They think to themselves, chuckling at a joke no one for miles would even understand.
They recline back in their seat, looking at the monitor on their desk. (Well, two monitors, really. It's an impressive set-up). The office chair's back reclines with their movements, providing a soft and comfortable cushion for the individual's spine, and the headrest at the top comfortably supports their neck and, well… head. It's in the name, and it's very comfy.
Their head turns left and right, looking idly at the room around them. A comfortable little arrangement, walls filled with posters for whatever's been relevant in the past decade, a bed, a drawer full of a few clothes, a pile of much more unwashed clothes, the standard room for someone in their 20's. It's a nice temperature too, that'll be the radiator. Keeps the place warm on this unusually cold night.
"29th May, 2024. I suppose that's a good a day as any to find out where the image came from." They say to themselves, shrugging as they lean back forwards, towards their desk and monitor. It's late, hell it's soon to be the 30th May, better get to bed.
With a few clicks, the PC turns off and the monitors both snap to black.
With a few shuffles, the individual changes from day clothes to nightwear.
With a few more shuffles, the individual is in bed, tucked neatly under some warm covers, laying on a soft, comfortable mattress.
With a few light tosses and turns, the individual is asleep. Safe and sound, doors locked, still in a good neighbourhood, the lot. They don't even have work tomorrow, go figure! That's extra safety, no more having to deal with IT hell for an extra 24 hours. Nothing but a day of comfy relaxation.
Then they were asleep.
Elsewhere, outside the known universe and beyond anything comprehendible, hundreds—no, thousands- tens of thousands- hundreds of thousands—continue to cry out in despair.
"Where am I??" One cries.
"Help me!" Another wails.
Of course, the two souls are stood next one another, from a certain point of view. Unfortunately for them, Level 0 forbids the pair of them from ever meeting.
They both die. Alone. Afraid.
Elsewhere, others try to make a life for themselves. Gone are the simple days of the internet, doing fun things, having ones own room that comes with safety, security and warmth, and long gone are the days of something as silly as a 9-5 job.
For the brave, the new 9-5 becomes surviving. Day to day, fending off immortal, untameable beasts whilst wandering landscapes similar to earth, similar enough to feel as though they mock you with their similarity. Laughing at the fact you can never truly return home.
These screams and cries for home resonate across the Backrooms, and being a multiverse already manipulated by the thoughts, consciousness and image of the real world, they began to reflect on earth. People began noticing the Backrooms all around them, it finally graced the internet in 2019 with the most infamous image of the Backrooms, and became a cultural norm by 2022.
Unbeknownst to both the afraid and the brave, the Backrooms pushed against these collective calls for salvation. The Backrooms became a joke, any claiming to see it were nutcases, and those able to discuss their first-hand experience simply became authors crafting a visceral, seemingly fake world.
People, however, pushed harder. As the minds of the Frontrooms and Backrooms were unified on one thing, the yellow rooms began to show up in the real world.
A factory.
A New York office.
A furniture store.
People saw it everywhere, and whilst the Backrooms pushed back by manipulating minds to believe these were hoax locations, the spark of a connection never truly died. Until the 30th May 2024.
Over five years after the Backrooms touched upon the internet for the first time, its "real location" was discovered. An old place in Wisconsin, long since stripped down to a go-karting track, and equally long since abandoned. Case closed.
With the mystery finally solved, the hunt was over. People still see the Backrooms wherever they go, as they always have and always will, but the link between here and there has now been permanently severed.
Hundreds of thousands of souls continue to cry out, but now there is not a single ear to hear them.